Trump special counsel Jack Smith subpoenas Georgia secretary of state

You fucking loons actually think people want to kill you, to funny. First of not a single soul finds you important enough or dangerous enough to even think about let alone kill.
And second most feel for you knowing you should be in a looney bin. Now run along time for your morning meds.

I know, Mao just wanted to make a better world, Hitler was a VEGAN, Stalin was just trying to bring people together, Pol Pot was a visionary.

We are giving you guys a bad rap, as if the mass murder and genocide you ALWAYS engage in is a bad thing.....
OK, SlowLeak, show the forum some of those "lies" you allege were made by that poor avatar who shills for me.

Saddle up, Skippy.
Show the forum whatcha got.
Give us your best shot.


Awww, have I caused the sloth to drop his moronic "Beavis and Butthead" routine?

Did the Challacotherium say that Donald Trump ordered Raffensperger to find votes?

Why yes, he sure did.

Did Donald Trump order Raffensperger to find votes?

Why no, he sure didn't.

Was the Challacotherium corrected on his mistake?

Why yes, he sure was.

Did the Challacotherium decide to continue to post this falsehood, knowing full well it was false?

Why yes, he sure did.

Does this mean the Challacotherium is a fucking liar?

Why yes, it sure does.

Do you follow along how that works? I don't want to over-tax sloth brains....

Ah, I regret if I wasn't clearer for you poster Li'l Bripat.
My query wasn't about election claims.
Nor was it about 'free and fair'.

It was about you being able to back up your assertion that I lied.
You made the claim. You made the allegation.
And when asked to show that you know what your are talking about....well......
....well, you had play hide-the-salami by talking about something else.

Don't do that Li'l Bripat. It makes your avatar appear to be easily distracted, frivolous, non-serious. No gravitas.
It's a bad look for you. As if over-using the f-bomb hadn't already demonstrated all of that.

Be better. Try harder. Don't settle for the persona you have demonstrated to date. It ain't a good look.

Challacotherium, you DO grasp that when you knowingly post things that are not true- things you are repeatedly corrected on - that is called a "lie?"

Even if you tell the lie to smear Orange Man Bad - it still makes you a fucking liar. Even if the lie is said to promote power for your party, your Reich - it still makes you a fucking liar.

I understand this is difficult for you of the fascist democrat persuasion - since you lack any sort of ethical or moral foundation - only the party matters.

Uber Alles democrat and all the Nazi shit you live by..
I know, Mao just wanted to make a better world, Hitler was a VEGAN, Stalin was just trying to bring people together, Pol Pot was a visionary.

We are giving you guys a bad rap, as if the mass murder and genocide you ALWAYS engage in is a bad thing.....

All those assholes you just mentioned are very much like The Fat Orange Shit Giblet that you MAGAGATARDS worship. Strange isn't it?
All those assholes you just mentioned are very much like The Fat Orange Shit Giblet that you MAGAGATARDS worship. Strange isn't it?

Does your Reich have a final solution to the "White People Problem" in mind?

Sure looks like it.

Hey, you advocate genocide, but we shouldn't think you mean it.

I mean - just because of your history of engaging in genocide EVERY FUCKING TIME, we shouldn't believe you when you outright say you seek genocide...

We should just look at the flowers..

Does your Reich have a final solution to the "White People Problem" in mind?

Sure looks like it.

Hey, you advocate genocide, but we shouldn't think you mean it.

I mean - just because of your history of engaging in genocide EVERY FUCKING TIME, we shouldn't believe you when you outright say you seek genocide...

We should just look at the flowers..

Like I said you MAGAGATARDS think everyone is out to kill you. Here is a hint for you. Not a single person believes you are important enough or strategic enough to even think of let alone do away with.
Like I said you MAGAGATARDS think everyone is out to kill you. Here is a hint for you. Not a single person believes you are important enough or strategic enough to even think of let alone do away with.

Thats because you run around TELLING us you're going to kill us all and wipe our existence from the pages of history.

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