Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves.

Indeed. His business model is to stiff everyone he owes money to, especially working people. That speaks for itself, and should disqualify him in the eyes of everyone.

His personal life? Infidelity and divorce. That's expected of a conservative, so not as big of a deal.

Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

When what you do is malicious, then being a "doer" is a _bad_ thing. We don't heap accolades on cartel drug lords for being "doers".
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.
Uh huh....what about the fact that Trump sounds so ignorant and uninformed on so many issues vital to national security. It's as if he's trying to appeal to the least intelligent people possible. I guess that's because they're the easiest to manipulate and exploit.
All that still haven't explained why you believe anything Trump says about anything. What's your blind faith based on? It can't be based on experience or his character, he has no consistent position on any issue, he evidently doesn't actually believe in or stand for anything. So what's your belief based on? Superficial perception of his business acumen?
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump only serves one get Hilary elected.
Donald Trump isn't simply ignorant, he's morally abhorrent, void of any ethics or principles. He's a sleazy salesman, a reality TV show star.......and not a real candidate for President. He's just about the only man in America who could make people want to vote for Hilary.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.
Uh huh....what about the fact that Trump sounds so ignorant and uninformed on so many issues vital to national security. It's as if he's trying to appeal to the least intelligent people possible. I guess that's because they're the easiest to manipulate and exploit.
All that still haven't explained why you believe anything Trump says about anything. What's your blind faith based on? It can't be based on experience or his character, he has no consistent position on any issue, he evidently doesn't actually believe in or stand for anything. So what's your belief based on? Superficial perception of his business acumen?
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump only serves one get Hilary elected.
I answered the question. His entire life history from his businesses to his relationships to his family. He gets things done and is a proven success in his professional life. Trump is a smart, solid and honest man no matter what the media has brainwashed you into believing. To this day nobody has come forth and said he's a maniacal tyrant or any other negative description the opposition wants to pin on him. If he was half the things he's being accused of somebody somewhere would have come forth.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.

So kinda like the people who paid for trump university?
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.
Uh huh....what about the fact that Trump sounds so ignorant and uninformed on so many issues vital to national security. It's as if he's trying to appeal to the least intelligent people possible. I guess that's because they're the easiest to manipulate and exploit.
All that still haven't explained why you believe anything Trump says about anything. What's your blind faith based on? It can't be based on experience or his character, he has no consistent position on any issue, he evidently doesn't actually believe in or stand for anything. So what's your belief based on? Superficial perception of his business acumen?
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump only serves one get Hilary elected.
I answered the question. His entire life history from his businesses to his relationships to his family. He gets things done and is a proven success in his professional life. Trump is a smart, solid and honest man no matter what the media has brainwashed you into believing. To this day nobody has come forth and said he's a maniacal tyrant or any other negative description the opposition wants to pin on him. If he was half the things he's being accused of somebody somewhere would have come forth.

Success like his first marriage? His second marriage? Trump steaks? Trump university? His bankruptcies? The list goes on and on.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?
I think his life and relationships (business, family, wife etc) speak for themselves. Trump is a doer. All I can do is trust that he will bring the same thing to the WH when he's elected.

I, and I think a lot of his supporters, will be holding his feet to the fire. He has a mandate with his supporters and he's keenly aware of that.
Uh huh....what about the fact that Trump sounds so ignorant and uninformed on so many issues vital to national security. It's as if he's trying to appeal to the least intelligent people possible. I guess that's because they're the easiest to manipulate and exploit.
All that still haven't explained why you believe anything Trump says about anything. What's your blind faith based on? It can't be based on experience or his character, he has no consistent position on any issue, he evidently doesn't actually believe in or stand for anything. So what's your belief based on? Superficial perception of his business acumen?
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump only serves one get Hilary elected.
I answered the question. His entire life history from his businesses to his relationships to his family. He gets things done and is a proven success in his professional life. Trump is a smart, solid and honest man no matter what the media has brainwashed you into believing. To this day nobody has come forth and said he's a maniacal tyrant or any other negative description the opposition wants to pin on him. If he was half the things he's being accused of somebody somewhere would have come forth.
I don't need the corporate news media to interpret for me. I can see for myself that Trump is a compulsive liar with no sense of morality. Just as I can see that Hilary Clinton is a tool of corporate interests with no intentions of ever changing anything. They are both obviously complete frauds........and they're working together. When do you suppose they made plans to completely hijack what's left of our constitutional democracy? When was the moment they decided to collude? Maybe at the wedding? Or how about during one of Bill and Donald's many golf games? Possibly on one of Chelsea and Ivanka's frequent shopping trips together.
Donald Trump doesn't believe in anything, he doesn't stand for anything, he doesn't know anything important or valuable to this nation. He has no personal attributes that would indicate a man with any moral character or sense of ethics. Trump is a self indulgent child, he is unworthy to hold any public office, let alone the Presidency.
Trump is crass, crude, and undignified; none of which has anything to do with being politically incorrect.
"Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence"

No, it’s Trump exhibiting contempt and disregard for fundamental conservative economic dogma.

In this regard he’s clearly at odds with the GOP, and it’s understandable why many republicans refuse to support him.

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