Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

Economists and history agree, tariffs are bad. Only one pushing tariffs is a known conman. How dumb is the right?
The US has been taking it in the shorts. Our goods are taxed heavily when they come in to another country, that's not free trade. You econ experts have no solutions other than sit behind your keyboards and spew insults so we can continue to hemorrhage jobs and make the few richer. Doesn't sound like a good plan to me.
The US has been taking it in the shorts. Our goods are taxed heavily when they come in to another country, that's not free trade. You econ experts have no solutions other than sit behind your keyboards and spew insults so we can continue to hemorrhage jobs and make the few richer. Doesn't sound like a good plan to me.
Tariffs which have proven to make things worse are the answer for you?
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.
All this is very interesting, but I want to know when the Mexicans are going to attack us with their planes. I think that we should order some anti-aircraft guns from Russia as soon as possible!
We running at a annualized trade deficit of over 700 BILLION.

Being the world's bitch is not a Trade Policy to serve the interests of American Citizens.

Just say that you want the government to write you a check every month.

Because there's no difference between that and economic nationalism.

How does it feel to be part of the 47% who are "takers?"

For decades, no, for generations the Left has been pushing Big Government and we on the RIght have come to define ourselves as being ANTI-GOVERNMENT.

And you are allowing yourself to be stampeded to support ONE GOVERNMENT POLICY OVER another because you don't realize that the status quo is a function of government policy as much as the new government policy would be.

Our current government policy has ACTUALLY AND REALLY, favored the "rich" at the expense of the Middle Class and Working Class.

I know that when you read that you have a knee jerk response to reject it, because of the Class Warfare Rhetoric of the Left for the last 100 years.

BUT just because the LEFT lies about that type of thing ALL THE TIME, does not mean that it never happens.

The current policy has HARMED more Americans than it has HELPED.

It has been a bad policy for Americans, and America.

It is time to change a government policy that has not been working.

And now you are big government. You want the government to determine the costs of goods.

Government HAS been determining the cost of goods, by allowing "level" competition between American workers, and chinese slaves in factories with zero safety or pollution control expenses.

Not to mention what other more subtle cheats our enemies have been doing and our government has been complicit in.

Yes we have been buying really cheap goods that make us richer.

Well selling them has made a very few of us very, very, very rich.
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.

Yes and that is guaranteed to make those items more expensive for US consumers. Like a new sales tax. Any positive benefits seem hard to find.
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.

Yes and that is guaranteed to make those items more expensive for US consumers. Like a new sales tax. Any positive benefits seem hard to find.
So what. Better stuff be more expensive for Americans with jobs than cheap for Americans who don't.
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.

Yes and that is guaranteed to make those items more expensive for US consumers. Like a new sales tax. Any positive benefits seem hard to find.
So what. Better stuff be more expensive for Americans with jobs than cheap for Americans who don't.

You can't guarantee it will turn into jobs. Give an example of that ever working. Economists say it will be very bad for the economy. The only guarantee is that we will all be paying more. You trust big government to control prices?
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
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We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.

Yes and that is guaranteed to make those items more expensive for US consumers. Like a new sales tax. Any positive benefits seem hard to find.
So what. Better stuff be more expensive for Americans with jobs than cheap for Americans who don't.

You can't guarantee it will turn into jobs. Give an example of that ever working. Economists say it will be very bad for the economy. The only guarantee is that we will all be paying more. You trust big government to control prices?
I don't have any other answers to "my" list of problems.
How to insure every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
By living wage I mean he can afford an apartment with a kitchen and not a cage home like in Hong Kong, A coffin hotel like in Japan, or a Bamboo hut like in Cambodia, or a bunk house which will be most likely the American way of doing things. Every American who wants a job and is willing to work.

The future I see is of the U.S. lifestyle being dragged down by third world economies with their low cost labor. A global economy will be the end of the U.S.

Take my job for example, Uber. I predict that Uber drivers will be living in their cars or in bunkhouses in the near future unable to support a family. I solved my financial problem. I just have to stop paying rent. Buy a new set of clothes 1 or 2 times a week (t-shirt & shorts is cheaper than doing laundry) and shower when I change. My family will simply have to fend for themselves.

I'm trying to stop that future from happening.
Economists savage Trump's economic agenda

And on trade, Trump has argued for imposing big tariffs on goods imported from Mexico, China and elsewhere. The problem with this, many economists say, is the tariffs would ultimately be paid by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices and would not lead to any significant increase in U.S. manufacturing.

“It’s a common mistake that people who don’t really understand economics make that this would somehow be a tariff on exporters,” said Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan at Flint and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “It would be actually be a tax on American consumers. And more than half of U.S. imports come in as raw materials. And those cheap imports benefit American companies that hire American workers to finish the production process. Trump is really harkening back to the outdated mercantilist positions of hundreds of years ago.”

Read more: Economists savage Trump's economic agenda
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
We can tariff finished goods without tariffing raw materials.

Yes and that is guaranteed to make those items more expensive for US consumers. Like a new sales tax. Any positive benefits seem hard to find.
So what. Better stuff be more expensive for Americans with jobs than cheap for Americans who don't.

You can't guarantee it will turn into jobs. Give an example of that ever working. Economists say it will be very bad for the economy. The only guarantee is that we will all be paying more. You trust big government to control prices?
I don't have any other answers to "my" list of problems.
How to insure every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
By living wage I mean he can afford an apartment with a kitchen and not a cage home like in Hong Kong, A coffin hotel like in Japan, or a Bamboo hut like in Cambodia, or a bunk house which will be most likely the American way of doing things. Every American who wants a job and is willing to work.

The future I see is of the U.S. lifestyle being dragged down by third world economies with their low cost labor. A global economy will be the end of the U.S.

Take my job for example, Uber. I predict that Uber drivers will be living in their cars or in bunkhouses in the near future unable to support a family. I solved my financial problem. I just have to stop paying rent. Buy a new set of clothes 1 or 2 times a week (t-shirt & shorts is cheaper than doing laundry) and shower when I change. My family will simply have to fend for themselves.

I'm trying to stop that future from happening.

History and economists say tariffs will not have the effect you hope for. Why do you believe the known conman?
If you want to increase wages you are much better off with a min wage increase.
If you want to increase wages you are much better off with a min wage increase.
That, and medicare fixed by upping the cap on taxes, and healthcare and education financed by taxes on the people who benefit from globalization. We cannot export some jobs, such as service and even processing agricultural products. Every job is worthwile and deserves compensation.

A weaker dollar would help bring back mftering because American products would be cheaper, but the gOP house walked away from a long term budget deal. Not that Obama is great shakes, but let's be just a bit realistic about what Donny can do. And a trade war with China and tariffs are not on the horizon.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
On what exactly do you base your belief in Trump's credibility?

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