Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.

I didn't ask that. I asked if they were letting anyone dump steel in their country.

And do you really think that we have Free Markets with Freaking China?

Hey? How we making out with video sales in China? Really raking in the cash? Do you even know what I am talking about?

Well a tariff is just another tax on the consumer. You are pro taxes and pro the government manipulating costs? When did big government become so great?

Why didn't you answer any of my questions?

Are you afraid of them? Unable to answer them without undermining your position?

But I will be bigger than you and answer your even though you refuse to show me the same civility.

My hope is that the tariffs will, in short order, lead to increased US production and jobs and wages, NOT tariffs being paid.
Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.

I didn't ask that. I asked if they were letting anyone dump steel in their country.

And do you really think that we have Free Markets with Freaking China?

Hey? How we making out with video sales in China? Really raking in the cash? Do you even know what I am talking about?

Well a tariff is just another tax on the consumer. You are pro taxes and pro the government manipulating costs? When did big government become so great?

Why didn't you answer any of my questions?

Are you afraid of them? Unable to answer them without undermining your position?

But I will be bigger than you and answer your even though you refuse to show me the same civility.

My hope is that the tariffs will, in short order, lead to increased US production and jobs and wages, NOT tariffs being paid.

Your example of tariffs doing that actually cost manufacturing more jobs than the entire steel industry employs. Where does this hope come from? Certainly not economists or history.

They don't pay tariffs, US consumers do. How does that punish China?

IF we cannot come to any better terms, the tariffs discourage consumers from buying Chinese crap. Chinese exports fall dramatically, vastly reducing their income.

I'm a little surprised you couldn't figure out that one your...

Oh, I see. You were just pretending so you could get that little "gotcha" in.
Economic ignorance is rampant in America.

The OP is evidence of this.

What Trump is proposing is what backwards Third World shitholes pursue.

We running at a annualized trade deficit of over 700 BILLION.

Being the world's bitch is not a Trade Policy to serve the interests of American Citizens.

They don't pay tariffs, US consumers do. How does that punish China?

IF we cannot come to any better terms, the tariffs discourage consumers from buying Chinese crap. Chinese exports fall dramatically, vastly reducing their income.

I'm a little surprised you couldn't figure out that one your...

Oh, I see. You were just pretending so you could get that little "gotcha" in.

Yes that worked real well with steel.

Do you actually have a good example?

How much more do you want US consumers to pay?
Trump is an economic ignoramous who wants to use government power to reallocate wealth within the economy.

His supporters who believe him are no better than the welfare recipients who take government funds from the productive class of society. There is no difference between what Trump is proposing than what some liberal who wants to redistribute wealth proposes.

Chamber of Commerce rips Trump's trade speech in real time
Economic ignorance is rampant in America.

The OP is evidence of this.

What Trump is proposing is what backwards Third World shitholes pursue.

We running at a annualized trade deficit of over 700 BILLION.

Being the world's bitch is not a Trade Policy to serve the interests of American Citizens.

Just say that you want the government to write you a check every month.

Because there's no difference between that and economic nationalism.

How does it feel to be part of the 47% who are "takers?"
I saw Trump saying that millions of manufacturing jobs are going to come back to America.

That's such bullshit.

But the uneducated rubes believe him.
Just watched the speech. Good speech
Aside from it being bullshit, it was a step up from racist ranting. He can read from the teleprompter.

It may well be that Hillary is so corrupt and cowardly that she can't fact check him.
Just watched the speech. Good speech
Aside from it being bullshit, it was a step up from racist ranting. He can read from the teleprompter.

It may well be that Hillary is so corrupt and cowardly that she can't fact check him.
You've gradually descended into irrelevance as you've aged. Not a pretty sight and I've only known you a few years. Must be heartbreaking to those closest to you.
he's counting on the ignorance of his audience...

problem for him, he's got that crowd already captured!

But it's a growing demographic.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
If you have a video link I will watch it but the way he stutters & stumbles around there is no way I'm reading it.

I feel the exact opposite. A video, of just about ANYONE, wastes my time with glittering generalities, and dramatic pauses, and rhetorical devices.

A transcript I can skim through to find the actual information is seconds what would take minutes to watch.

They don't pay tariffs, US consumers do. How does that punish China?

IF we cannot come to any better terms, the tariffs discourage consumers from buying Chinese crap. Chinese exports fall dramatically, vastly reducing their income.

I'm a little surprised you couldn't figure out that one your...

Oh, I see. You were just pretending so you could get that little "gotcha" in.

Yes that worked real well with steel.

Do you actually have a good example?

How much more do you want US consumers to pay?

according to the article I linked and cut and pasted from, it did work out well.

How much was the increase in price to the US consumer? I don't know. As the dumping seemed to be from a temporary oversupply, the long term cost might not have been significant.
Trump is an economic ignoramous who wants to use government power to reallocate wealth within the economy.

His supporters who believe him are no better than the welfare recipients who take government funds from the productive class of society. There is no difference between what Trump is proposing than what some liberal who wants to redistribute wealth proposes.

Chamber of Commerce rips Trump's trade speech in real time

Trade policy has always been a government responsibility.

We HAVE been redistributing wealth within our society, with government policy, from the "productive class" to the management class.

Time to give the little guys their turn.

We have also been transferring, with government policy wealth from Americans to non-Americans, at home and abroad.

That is poor government policy.
I saw Trump saying that millions of manufacturing jobs are going to come back to America.

That's such bullshit.

But the uneducated rubes believe him.

I've talked to you about this before. Germany has TWICE the rate of manufacturing jobs in their workforce than we do.

It is not because they have slave wages.

It is not because they don't have environmental regulations.

It is not because they work harder than Americans.

It is not because they work smarter than Americans.

If they can do it, so can we.

The EU started out as a TRADE BLOCK.

That is the opposite of our Free Trade Ideology.

iN 2015 we had a 75 billion dollar trade deficit with Germany, on just 170 billion in trade.

We have been the world's bitch on trade, to their benefit and our detriment.
Economic ignorance is rampant in America.

The OP is evidence of this.

What Trump is proposing is what backwards Third World shitholes pursue.

We running at a annualized trade deficit of over 700 BILLION.

Being the world's bitch is not a Trade Policy to serve the interests of American Citizens.

Just say that you want the government to write you a check every month.

Because there's no difference between that and economic nationalism.

How does it feel to be part of the 47% who are "takers?"

For decades, no, for generations the Left has been pushing Big Government and we on the RIght have come to define ourselves as being ANTI-GOVERNMENT.

And you are allowing yourself to be stampeded to support ONE GOVERNMENT POLICY OVER another because you don't realize that the status quo is a function of government policy as much as the new government policy would be.

Our current government policy has ACTUALLY AND REALLY, favored the "rich" at the expense of the Middle Class and Working Class.

I know that when you read that you have a knee jerk response to reject it, because of the Class Warfare Rhetoric of the Left for the last 100 years.

BUT just because the LEFT lies about that type of thing ALL THE TIME, does not mean that it never happens.

The current policy has HARMED more Americans than it has HELPED.

It has been a bad policy for Americans, and America.

It is time to change a government policy that has not been working.
I'm a tool.? You cheap piece of dog crap, you can't even differentiate between the gop's dogshit and Donald's. LOL
So you lie, smear then when you get caught you insult. Yep, you're a lib boy.

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