Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

US Steel Tariffs Against China Are Working: Americans Losing Jobs, Becoming Poorer As A Result

Some manufacturers are pushing back. In a letter to the Department of Commercerequesting an exemption, Steelcase Inc. Chief Executive James Keane said a tariff on a special kind of Japanese steel could cost one of his subsidiaries $4 million to $5 million a year.

The subsidiary, Polyvision, makes whiteboards for schools at a plant in Oklahoma, where it employs about 50 people. “If nothing changes, we would have to close our Oklahoma plant,” he wrote. “Schools can’t afford to pay more for these whiteboards, so if we raise prices to our customers they will use lower quality substitutes that are likely not made in the U.S.”

Not if those "not made in the US" lower quality substitutes had a nice stiff tariff on them.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.

So he cares but not to the point where it may cost him a few pennies per unit?

Sounds like a total ass.
Give examples of success.

Here is one.

Is Protectionism America’s Future?

"the president is now being bashed for the most sensible decision he has taken to put America first: the imposition of tariffs on foreign steel being dumped into the United States, which had put 30 U.S. steel companies in bankruptcy.

“You will start a trade war!” they screamed.

What happened? The EU, its huge trade surplus with America at risk in any trans-Atlantic trade war, chickened out and backed down. The president prevailed. The EU will not impose retaliatory tariffs. Smart fellows.

As for the U.S. steel mills Bush sought to protect, consider this item buried inside the free-trade Wall Street Journal.

Under a headline, “Steelmakers Post Improved Results for 2nd Quarter,” a reporter writes: “Buoyed by import tariffs, the country’s two largest steelmakers reported vastly improved second-quarter results, as mills operate at nearly full capacity and prices rise.

“The outlook for the rest of the year looks solid …”

Well done, Mr. President."

Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
hmmm, I remember when the Unions tried telling us it was GOOD that we had to pay HIGHER PRICES because there would me MORE UNION jobs, which would RAISE OUR WAGES, and everyone would be HAPPY
Here is one.

Is Protectionism America’s Future?

"the president is now being bashed for the most sensible decision he has taken to put America first: the imposition of tariffs on foreign steel being dumped into the United States, which had put 30 U.S. steel companies in bankruptcy.

“You will start a trade war!” they screamed.

What happened? The EU, its huge trade surplus with America at risk in any trans-Atlantic trade war, chickened out and backed down. The president prevailed. The EU will not impose retaliatory tariffs. Smart fellows.

As for the U.S. steel mills Bush sought to protect, consider this item buried inside the free-trade Wall Street Journal.

Under a headline, “Steelmakers Post Improved Results for 2nd Quarter,” a reporter writes: “Buoyed by import tariffs, the country’s two largest steelmakers reported vastly improved second-quarter results, as mills operate at nearly full capacity and prices rise.

“The outlook for the rest of the year looks solid …”

Well done, Mr. President."

Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Now that republicans want the government manipulating the costs of goods I guess they are good with min wage increases. Let's throw the free market away.
Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.
Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

So you are for the government trying to dictate the cost of goods. You are against the free market. Better deals mean US consumers pay more?
Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.
Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.
You liberals make shit up then attack it so you can even have a point. You never even looked at the GOP jobs platform.

Restoring the American Dream: Economy & Jobs | GOP
Forcing manufacturing to pay more for steel does not help them compete.

Why is the right against free markets now?

I don't think Japan produces its own steel.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.

Yeah, and what is the left's plan? Taxes, minimum wage and welfare.

Oh, and gay marriage.

Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.
You liberals make shit up then attack it so you can even have a point. You never even looked at the GOP jobs platform.

Restoring the American Dream: Economy & Jobs | GOP

Is that Trump's or the Gop's plan?
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.

Yeah, and what is the left's plan? Taxes, minimum wage and welfare.

Oh, and gay marriage.


Gay marriage is history. You lost. Get over it.
Trump is neither a republican nor "right."
Really? Everyone needs your approval to join the party of their choice?

Trump is preaching protectionism and trade war which is not, and will not, be part of the gop platform.
That's your interpretation. His point is that we've been in a trade war for a long time and wants better deals for America. Sorry that isn't part of the Democrat platform but many on the right like the idea.

Free trade and pro-trade deals make up a prominent plank in the GOP platform.

Let them put their money where Trump's mouth is and take that plank out.
You liberals make shit up then attack it so you can even have a point. You never even looked at the GOP jobs platform.

Restoring the American Dream: Economy & Jobs | GOP

Ever consider reading what you post, lest you help me make my point?

Because American workers have shown that, on a truly level playing field, they can surpass the competition in international trade, we call for the restoration of presidential Trade Promotion Authority. It will ensure up or down votes in Congress on any new trade agreements, without meddling by special interests. A Republican President will complete negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership to open rapidly developing Asian markets to U.S. products. Beyond that, we envision a worldwide multilateral agreement among nations committed to the principles of open markets, what has been called a “Reagan Economic Zone,” in which free trade will truly be fair trade for all concerned.


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