Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

US Steel Tariffs Against China Are Working: Americans Losing Jobs, Becoming Poorer As A Result

Some manufacturers are pushing back. In a letter to the Department of Commercerequesting an exemption, Steelcase Inc. Chief Executive James Keane said a tariff on a special kind of Japanese steel could cost one of his subsidiaries $4 million to $5 million a year.

The subsidiary, Polyvision, makes whiteboards for schools at a plant in Oklahoma, where it employs about 50 people. “If nothing changes, we would have to close our Oklahoma plant,” he wrote. “Schools can’t afford to pay more for these whiteboards, so if we raise prices to our customers they will use lower quality substitutes that are likely not made in the U.S.”
We aren't losing jobs now? Trotting out examples of big business that loves cheap material supply so they can stick it to us doesn't change anything.

Yes it shows tariffs lost more jobs than protected while increasing prices to consumers. That is a losing strategy.
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
Hmm, trade wars with China and Mexico and Canada. And he's bringing steel back too.

The trade wars are doable.

The top exports of China are Computers ($208B), Broadcasting Equipment ($157B), Telephones ($107B), Integrated Circuits ($61.5B) and Office Machine Parts ($46.9B), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification. Its top imports are Crude Petroleum ($205B), Integrated Circuits ($135B), Iron Ore ($73.4B), Gold ($63.9B) and Cars ($55.2B).

OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

currently i have a contract remodeling two hotels in a chain

everything about these two are hotels are getting swapped out

down to the last picture on the wall

one of the hotels received six 6 40ft cosco shipping containers

the other 7 all these hand packed to the ceiling end to end

every piece of it straight from china

plus all the granite vanities and lighting came from china as well

Yes. And?

The thing that people seem unwilling to admit is that the policies which led to that scenerio were established by Republican legislators. It's not something that Trump knows how to fix, either.

who signed nafta

Excellent question. Clinton signed it.

Who proposed it? Who wanted to sign it but couldn't? Who made sure that worker protections were added before he signed it?

And...NAFTA did not lead to Chinese cabinets flooding our market. Did it?

democrats and republicans

but that does not change the fact on who signed into law

well you know that Clinton led on the admittance of the Chinese into the market
US Steel Tariffs Against China Are Working: Americans Losing Jobs, Becoming Poorer As A Result

Some manufacturers are pushing back. In a letter to the Department of Commercerequesting an exemption, Steelcase Inc. Chief Executive James Keane said a tariff on a special kind of Japanese steel could cost one of his subsidiaries $4 million to $5 million a year.

The subsidiary, Polyvision, makes whiteboards for schools at a plant in Oklahoma, where it employs about 50 people. “If nothing changes, we would have to close our Oklahoma plant,” he wrote. “Schools can’t afford to pay more for these whiteboards, so if we raise prices to our customers they will use lower quality substitutes that are likely not made in the U.S.”
We aren't losing jobs now? Trotting out examples of big business that loves cheap material supply so they can stick it to us doesn't change anything.

Yes it shows tariffs lost more jobs than protected while increasing prices to consumers. That is a losing strategy.
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
Trump: "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them," Trump admitted. "The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything and say anything to keep things exactly the way they are."

So tell me again when will he move his business back from Mexico and China? Because now that he has separated himself from the global elite he really needs to let us know.

As soon as the rich democrats who support higher taxes for the rich walk the walk they talk about. Both sides claim they use the system as it is currently and will continue to do so until they get their desired changes implemented. Both sides claim it is stupid to cripple yourself and totally useless unless it is broad scale.

Both sides suck, as they are owned by the same corps. Both candidates suck. Frankly, its time for the people to demand civil servants rather than politicians. It may be too late, though.
US Steel Tariffs Against China Are Working: Americans Losing Jobs, Becoming Poorer As A Result

Some manufacturers are pushing back. In a letter to the Department of Commercerequesting an exemption, Steelcase Inc. Chief Executive James Keane said a tariff on a special kind of Japanese steel could cost one of his subsidiaries $4 million to $5 million a year.

The subsidiary, Polyvision, makes whiteboards for schools at a plant in Oklahoma, where it employs about 50 people. “If nothing changes, we would have to close our Oklahoma plant,” he wrote. “Schools can’t afford to pay more for these whiteboards, so if we raise prices to our customers they will use lower quality substitutes that are likely not made in the U.S.”
We aren't losing jobs now? Trotting out examples of big business that loves cheap material supply so they can stick it to us doesn't change anything.

Yes it shows tariffs lost more jobs than protected while increasing prices to consumers. That is a losing strategy.
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
Lets have a little old fact check will we:

He said.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to declare our economic independence once again.
That means reversing two of the worst legacies of the Clinton years. America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997 - even as the country has increased its population by 50 million people."

Here is the actual graph...

Small problem the loss of jobs were during the Bush Administration and only had any kind of recovery when Obama came in...

So trying to blame democrats is a joke... There was more manufacturing jobs in US than 18 years previous when he left office, Bush like everything else then went and pushed over the cliff... He did this with Banking, Foreign Policy, Budget,....

Can you not own the worst president in modern times...
no matter how you cut it it is dismal at best

During the third quarter of 2015, gross job gains exceeded gross job
losses in most industry sectors except for natural resources and
mining, manufacturing, retail trade, information, and other services.

Business Employment Dynamics Summary
We aren't losing jobs now? Trotting out examples of big business that loves cheap material supply so they can stick it to us doesn't change anything.

Yes it shows tariffs lost more jobs than protected while increasing prices to consumers. That is a losing strategy.
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.
Lets have a little old fact check will we:

He said.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to declare our economic independence once again.
That means reversing two of the worst legacies of the Clinton years. America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997 - even as the country has increased its population by 50 million people."

Here is the actual graph...

Small problem the loss of jobs were during the Bush Administration and only had any kind of recovery when Obama came in...

So trying to blame democrats is a joke... There was more manufacturing jobs in US than 18 years previous when he left office, Bush like everything else then went and pushed over the cliff... He did this with Banking, Foreign Policy, Budget,....

Can you not own the worst president in modern times...
The problem is you have little to no ability to process information. He said the legacy of Clinton, meaning mostly NAFTA. Bush was no fiscal conservative but he didn't run the banks, the weather or the Taliban.
Yes it shows tariffs lost more jobs than protected while increasing prices to consumers. That is a losing strategy.
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
Where does it show that?

Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.
Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

Tariffs where slapped on cheap Chinese steel. This increased the cost of steel for US manufacturing. This disadvantage for US manufacturing lost more jobs than steel employs.
Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

New tariffs on imports are boosting steel prices in the U.S., offering a lifeline to beleaguered American steelmakers but raising costs for manufacturers of goods ranging from oil pipes to factory equipment to cars.
I can't see the site, you didn't quote that, which is strange since you quoted about a subsidiary with 50 employees.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

New tariffs on imports are boosting steel prices in the U.S., offering a lifeline to beleaguered American steelmakers but raising costs for manufacturers of goods ranging from oil pipes to factory equipment to cars.
You were discussing 2002, now you are changing to the present time where the steel industry is already decimated. It can't and won't come back with a hostile domestic government, picking and choosing to make your case is intellectually dishonest.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

New tariffs on imports are boosting steel prices in the U.S., offering a lifeline to beleaguered American steelmakers but raising costs for manufacturers of goods ranging from oil pipes to factory equipment to cars.
You were discussing 2002, now you are changing to the present time where the steel industry is already decimated. It can't and won't come back with a hostile domestic government, picking and choosing to make your case is intellectually dishonest.
I showed you the results of tariffs in 2002. Why do you think the results would be any different now? Raising the cost of steel for all US manufacturing kills jobs. Putting our manufacturing at another disadvantage is a bad thing. You can't be this stupid.
You are quote mining and contradictory. If imported steel were taxed at a competitive rate how many jobs would have been lost? And what could have been done to reduced domestic costs?
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

New tariffs on imports are boosting steel prices in the U.S., offering a lifeline to beleaguered American steelmakers but raising costs for manufacturers of goods ranging from oil pipes to factory equipment to cars.
You were discussing 2002, now you are changing to the present time where the steel industry is already decimated. It can't and won't come back with a hostile domestic government, picking and choosing to make your case is intellectually dishonest.
I showed you the results of tariffs in 2002. Why do you think the results would be any different now? Raising the cost of steel for all US manufacturing kills jobs. Putting our manufacturing at another disadvantage is a bad thing. You can't be this stupid.
You did no such thing. You said tariffs were slapped on cheap Chinese steel without explaining how that raised domestic production. You picked pieces and ignored everything else I mentioned. I asked why costs here can't be lowered and why we need an unfair trade disadvantage. US steel jobs are gone now, I fail to see how it gets worse.

You are this stupid.
I don't think you are making sense. Tariffs increased costs for all US manufacturing using steel. This put manufacturing at a disadvantage and cost jobs, more jobs than work in the steel industry. What don't you understand?
How tariffs were slapped on domestic steel production.

New tariffs on imports are boosting steel prices in the U.S., offering a lifeline to beleaguered American steelmakers but raising costs for manufacturers of goods ranging from oil pipes to factory equipment to cars.
You were discussing 2002, now you are changing to the present time where the steel industry is already decimated. It can't and won't come back with a hostile domestic government, picking and choosing to make your case is intellectually dishonest.
I showed you the results of tariffs in 2002. Why do you think the results would be any different now? Raising the cost of steel for all US manufacturing kills jobs. Putting our manufacturing at another disadvantage is a bad thing. You can't be this stupid.
You did no such thing. You said tariffs were slapped on cheap Chinese steel without explaining how that raised domestic production. You picked pieces and ignored everything else I mentioned. I asked why costs here can't be lowered and why we need an unfair trade disadvantage. US steel jobs are gone now, I fail to see how it gets worse.

You are this stupid.

You haven't come close to making sense. Tariffs on Chinese steel cost US manufacturing jobs. What you are babbling about I have no idea. Tariffs are a bad idea.
They have in the past.

When plants shut down, towns die, people lives are fucked up.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a marriage that fails and a marriage that succeeds.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a couple that manages to scrap by and one that feels confident enough to start a family.

Give examples of success.

Here is one.

Is Protectionism America’s Future?

"the president is now being bashed for the most sensible decision he has taken to put America first: the imposition of tariffs on foreign steel being dumped into the United States, which had put 30 U.S. steel companies in bankruptcy.

“You will start a trade war!” they screamed.

What happened? The EU, its huge trade surplus with America at risk in any trans-Atlantic trade war, chickened out and backed down. The president prevailed. The EU will not impose retaliatory tariffs. Smart fellows.

As for the U.S. steel mills Bush sought to protect, consider this item buried inside the free-trade Wall Street Journal.

Under a headline, “Steelmakers Post Improved Results for 2nd Quarter,” a reporter writes: “Buoyed by import tariffs, the country’s two largest steelmakers reported vastly improved second-quarter results, as mills operate at nearly full capacity and prices rise.

“The outlook for the rest of the year looks solid …”

Well done, Mr. President."

Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

Helping jobs in steel while costing jobs in manufacturing that uses steel. Our manufacturing is now at another disadvantage because they pay more for steel.

Are they?

Are the Japanese letting anyone dump steel in their country?

Are the Germans? Are the Chinese?

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