Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

Trump: "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them," Trump admitted. "The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything and say anything to keep things exactly the way they are."

So tell me again when will he move his business back from Mexico and China? Because now that he has separated himself from the global elite he really needs to let us know.

That's is what he is doing right now,contracts,logisics moving manufacturer plants take time.
After he wins,we hold his feet to the fire I think the honesty admitting he was part of the elitist cartel, says alot.
Clinton epitomizes the term,and is squarely on bed with wall Street,just more same old same old with her.

LOL, if he was genuinely concerned he would be the shining example. Don't expect him to do a thing though that's becoming his legend.
You want speculation?

I want to know how he thinks he will do it. He didn't tell us in his speech.

Did you check his web site? You can often find lots of details there.

I have on other issues.

It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.
I'm going to assume he'll do the obvious and he'll increase tariffs on the cheap Chinese steel flooding the market. Also he's mentioned bringing back clean coal so that will obviously increase exploration. What happens when exporation increases? The need for more steel pipes and tubes increases.

So based off of what he's been saying for months that is probably his plan.

If you notice this will also bring in more Jay Oh Bee Esses
I want to know how he thinks he will do it. He didn't tell us in his speech.

Did you check his web site? You can often find lots of details there.

I have on other issues.

It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.
I'm going to assume he'll do the obvious and he'll increase tariffs on the cheap Chinese steel flooding the market. Also he's mentioned bringing back clean coal so that will obviously increase exploration. What happens when exporation increases? The need for more steel pipes and tubes increases.

So based off of what he's been saying for months that is probably his plan and why he's saying what he's saying.

If you notice this will also bring in more Jay Oh Bee Esses

Clean coal! Awesome.

Who is responsible for the current tariff schedule that we have regarding Chinese steel? Is there a reason why it is set where it is? What is the rate?

If raising tariffs is a way to bring good jobs back to the US, why hasn't it been done already? Do you think Obama doesn't want good jobs? Or....maybe it's not a solution?
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So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?

Fairly obvious since Trump himself says that we (America) don't produce or manufacture anything anymore as many of our businesses go overseas to escape the high taxes and strangling regulations. Once elected potus Trump will bring back our businesses from Mexico, from Japan, from China etc. You don't think the socilaist Hillary will be bringing back any of these businesses, do you?
Did you check his web site? You can often find lots of details there.

I have on other issues.

It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.
I'm going to assume he'll do the obvious and he'll increase tariffs on the cheap Chinese steel flooding the market. Also he's mentioned bringing back clean coal so that will obviously increase exploration. What happens when exporation increases? The need for more steel pipes and tubes increases.

So based off of what he's been saying for months that is probably his plan and why he's saying what he's saying.

If you notice this will also bring in more Jay Oh Bee Esses

Clean coal! Awesome.

Who is responsible for the current tariff schedule that we have regarding Chinese steel? Is there a reason why it is set where it is? What is the rate?

If raising tariffs is a way to bring good jobs back to the US, why hasn't it been done already? Do you think Obama doesn't want good jobs? Or....maybe it's not a solution?
I gave some speculation, now you want to open up a Q & A like I'm some expert on tariffs and policies :lol:

Obama may want create good jobs but he doesn't know how to create those jobs. He's a politician not a job creator
It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.
I'm going to assume he'll do the obvious and he'll increase tariffs on the cheap Chinese steel flooding the market. Also he's mentioned bringing back clean coal so that will obviously increase exploration. What happens when exporation increases? The need for more steel pipes and tubes increases.

So based off of what he's been saying for months that is probably his plan and why he's saying what he's saying.

If you notice this will also bring in more Jay Oh Bee Esses

Clean coal! Awesome.

Who is responsible for the current tariff schedule that we have regarding Chinese steel? Is there a reason why it is set where it is? What is the rate?

If raising tariffs is a way to bring good jobs back to the US, why hasn't it been done already? Do you think Obama doesn't want good jobs? Or....maybe it's not a solution?
I gave some speculation, now you want to open up a Q & A like I'm some expert on tariffs and policies :lol:

Obama may want create good jobs but he doesn't know how to create those jobs. He's a politician not a job creator
Oh now you're just joshing...He's created jobs before being a presidential candidate..
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?

Fairly obvious since Trump himself says that we (America) don't produce or manufacture anything anymore as many of our businesses go overseas to escape the high taxes and strangling regulations. Once elected potus Trump will bring back our businesses from Mexico, from Japan, from China etc. You don't think the socilaist Hillary will be bringing back any of these businesses, do you?
The US produces many items, it is done most proficiently with automation....
If they become too expensive nobody will be buying them, that doesn't create jobs.

How many jobs do we lose when China responds with more tariffs?
The people manufacturing them will buy them. With jobs comes income to buy stuff with.
The people in China?
Fuck the people in China, Americans first.
Ok well if you put tariffs on items and they become so expensive sales go down, that isn't a great incentive to manufacture here.

As items MANUFACTURED here would not have the tariffs on them, yes it does.

No but the price of products made here may be too high for anyone to pay.
It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.
I'm going to assume he'll do the obvious and he'll increase tariffs on the cheap Chinese steel flooding the market. Also he's mentioned bringing back clean coal so that will obviously increase exploration. What happens when exporation increases? The need for more steel pipes and tubes increases.

So based off of what he's been saying for months that is probably his plan and why he's saying what he's saying.

If you notice this will also bring in more Jay Oh Bee Esses

Clean coal! Awesome.

Who is responsible for the current tariff schedule that we have regarding Chinese steel? Is there a reason why it is set where it is? What is the rate?

If raising tariffs is a way to bring good jobs back to the US, why hasn't it been done already? Do you think Obama doesn't want good jobs? Or....maybe it's not a solution?
I gave some speculation, now you want to open up a Q & A like I'm some expert on tariffs and policies :lol:

Obama may want create good jobs but he doesn't know how to create those jobs. He's a politician not a job creator

You speculated alright. Tariffs on Chinese steel are very high right now. We've been penalizing China's steel producers for quite some time now. That isn't the answer.
I think expecting to change it with tariffs is a dangerous game. Consumers here in the US pay for tariffs.

Being the world's bitch on Trade HAS BEEN a dangerous game.


With no attempt at changing policy by the POlitical class for that entire time.

Explain. We can buy huge tvs for cheap.

You think tariffs will work? Cause again, US consumers pay tariffs.

They have in the past.

When plants shut down, towns die, people lives are fucked up.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a marriage that fails and a marriage that succeeds.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a couple that manages to scrap by and one that feels confident enough to start a family.

Give examples of success.

Here is one.

Is Protectionism America’s Future?

"the president is now being bashed for the most sensible decision he has taken to put America first: the imposition of tariffs on foreign steel being dumped into the United States, which had put 30 U.S. steel companies in bankruptcy.

“You will start a trade war!” they screamed.

What happened? The EU, its huge trade surplus with America at risk in any trans-Atlantic trade war, chickened out and backed down. The president prevailed. The EU will not impose retaliatory tariffs. Smart fellows.

As for the U.S. steel mills Bush sought to protect, consider this item buried inside the free-trade Wall Street Journal.

Under a headline, “Steelmakers Post Improved Results for 2nd Quarter,” a reporter writes: “Buoyed by import tariffs, the country’s two largest steelmakers reported vastly improved second-quarter results, as mills operate at nearly full capacity and prices rise.

“The outlook for the rest of the year looks solid …”

Well done, Mr. President."

Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.

The left won't knock his speech, much of it could have been written by Bernie Sanders, with a little help from Dick Cheney on diplomcay & foreign affairs.

In short, Trump is a classic demagogue, he tells his audience what they want to hear. PA is a State he needs, so he'll promise Steel Town anything, even things controlled by The Congress and not something he can do even with an executive order.

So, do you support outsourcing and use of illegal labor, and using H-1B visa workers to undercut American workers, and us workers competing with literally SLAVE LABOR, on an even playing field?

No, I don't support the use of illegal labor and the use of H-1B visa to undercut American workers! And, the fact is those who do generally support the Republican Party, a party which has the power to work with the Democrats to write comprehensive immigration reform but has refused to do so.

Thus, you like most members of the New Right need to lie via a logical fallacy, to wit, the Straw Man framed in an ad hominem.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.

And a translation of Trump's speech:

Trump ---> :suck: <-- cereal killer

I've never seen so many people get so excited about so much talk that says nothing, as drumpfodder get when blowing their lord and savior.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.

I watched part of a Trump speech this A.M. on YouTube. Now to say I watched it is a bit of an exaggeration. I was running around the house getting ready to leave. So, I didn't catch the venue, I didn't catch the date, (I have the impression it was recent), I didn't even catch the overall topic. So, all I got through my chaotic rushing about was an overall impression not grounded in detail. And I have to say it was a new side of Trump I was confronted with. He sounded like a different fella, organized logic, a kind of eloquence I haven't seen before, very professional. It wasn't the usual (what I have been calling) stream-of-consciousness, unfocused casting about for audience reaction and then feeding off whatever the audience response happened to be. I think his usual audience feedback/response technique fuels the mob-like nature of many of his fans. Now that's a liberals take from many of his rallys. It could be criticized as selective perception by now, we liberals have been passing around these ideas for a year.

Whatever the truth of those old impressions Trump will benefit significantly if he can cultivate the kind of impressions he was communicating in that speech I only sampled. I think he was using a teleprompter (which I see as a legitimate aid in a long complex speech) and to whatever extent he relied on a speech writer to gather his thoughts into a coherent narrative, from the phrases I caught it was done rather well.

If Mr. Trump could maintain that kind of personal discipline through the rest of the campaign Democrats will have something to worry about, I don't see Hillary's favorables improving much unless surrogates like Bernie or Warren or Bill can accomplish that for her.
You want speculation?

I want to know how he thinks he will do it. He didn't tell us in his speech.

Did you check his web site? You can often find lots of details there.

I have on other issues.

It is not there.

Are you sure? Were you doing that little game you lefties like to do where you pretend to not understand the implications of something when it serves your purpose to not do so?

There is no mention of the method by which Trump will make it so American construction companies use American steel on his website.

Sounds like you are ignoring the answers because you are pretending to not understand how they connect.

Try looking again, only without being purposefully obtuse.
The people manufacturing them will buy them. With jobs comes income to buy stuff with.
The people in China?
Fuck the people in China, Americans first.
Ok well if you put tariffs on items and they become so expensive sales go down, that isn't a great incentive to manufacture here.

As items MANUFACTURED here would not have the tariffs on them, yes it does.

No but the price of products made here may be too high for anyone to pay.

Or they might be slighting less cheap, and the profit margins of certain corporations might be slightly less.
Here's a transcript of today's speech by Trump ( June 28, 2016). He blasted her on TPP and really drove home the America first narrative. interested to see how the left will knock this speech ;)

It was a really good one. He goes after globalism/globalists, elites, TPP, and Clinton. The message is a great one for ALL American's.

I watched part of a Trump speech this A.M. on YouTube. Now to say I watched it is a bit of an exaggeration. I was running around the house getting ready to leave. So, I didn't catch the venue, I didn't catch the date, (I have the impression it was recent), I didn't even catch the overall topic. So, all I got through my chaotic rushing about was an overall impression not grounded in detail. And I have to say it was a new side of Trump I was confronted with. He sounded like a different fella, organized logic, a kind of eloquence I haven't seen before, very professional. It wasn't the usual (what I have been calling) stream-of-consciousness, unfocused casting about for audience reaction and then feeding off whatever the audience response happened to be. I think his usual audience feedback/response technique fuels the mob-like nature of many of his fans. Now that's a liberals take from many of his rallys. It could be criticized as selective perception by now, we liberals have been passing around these ideas for a year.

Whatever the truth of those old impressions Trump will benefit significantly if he can cultivate the kind of impressions he was communicating in that speech I only sampled. I think he was using a teleprompter (which I see as a legitimate aid in a long complex speech) and to whatever extent he relied on a speech writer to gather his thoughts into a coherent narrative, from the phrases I caught it was done rather well.

If Mr. Trump could maintain that kind of personal discipline through the rest of the campaign Democrats will have something to worry about, I don't see Hillary's favorables improving much unless surrogates like Bernie or Warren or Bill can accomplish that for her.

REmember this the next time the Media gives you a single out of context sentence or just tells you what Trump meant.

THe media is not impartial. They will, AT THE VERY LEAST, be putting spin on it, if not outright lying.
Being the world's bitch on Trade HAS BEEN a dangerous game.


With no attempt at changing policy by the POlitical class for that entire time.

Explain. We can buy huge tvs for cheap.

You think tariffs will work? Cause again, US consumers pay tariffs.

They have in the past.

When plants shut down, towns die, people lives are fucked up.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a marriage that fails and a marriage that succeeds.

A few dollars a hour difference in wages can make the difference between a couple that manages to scrap by and one that feels confident enough to start a family.

Give examples of success.

Here is one.

Is Protectionism America’s Future?

"the president is now being bashed for the most sensible decision he has taken to put America first: the imposition of tariffs on foreign steel being dumped into the United States, which had put 30 U.S. steel companies in bankruptcy.

“You will start a trade war!” they screamed.

What happened? The EU, its huge trade surplus with America at risk in any trans-Atlantic trade war, chickened out and backed down. The president prevailed. The EU will not impose retaliatory tariffs. Smart fellows.

As for the U.S. steel mills Bush sought to protect, consider this item buried inside the free-trade Wall Street Journal.

Under a headline, “Steelmakers Post Improved Results for 2nd Quarter,” a reporter writes: “Buoyed by import tariffs, the country’s two largest steelmakers reported vastly improved second-quarter results, as mills operate at nearly full capacity and prices rise.

“The outlook for the rest of the year looks solid …”

Well done, Mr. President."

Sounds like it increased prices to consumers and made it hard for US manufacturing to source steel.

American steel is at war with China

Are claiming a connection between the two stories? They are very widely spaced in time.

Yes, not allowing foreign competition to undercut us with dumping, or savings from lax regulation, or cheap labor, or VAT rebates, will have some increase in price.

While hopefully saving and increasing jobs, and wages.

As in the story I linked to.

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