Trump Speech: Declaring American Economic Independence

So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
I'm more than willing to discuss his trade proposal without going into the nonsensicalness, and outright duplicity of his tax proposals.

However, his proposal does not do what you said he'd attempt "to make it more feasible to be profitable with [stuff] made in America". Our major imports from China are computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment. We aren't going to make that stuff cheaper than China does. If we could, mfters wouldn't have moved jobs There in the first place.

So, what Trump is suggesting is we use tariffs (which would set off a trade war that we'd lose because China can call in our debt) OR he'd give mfters subsidies or tax breaks to make stuff here (which might or might not set off a trade war. China might not call in our debt, but they'd stop buying cars and petroleum and ore from us). In either event the stuff maftered here would cost more, SO biz and consumers have to pay more.

He's oversimplifying things. We had this debate back in the 80s, and Trump's side, and labor, lost. Americans wanted the best/cheapest stuff regardless of whether Americans lost jobs. Trump blames the Clintons. The Clintons are certainly poster children for the pro-trade anti-labor DLC. But the DLC premised taxing the benefits of trade to pay for education and social services. They were unable to get congress to go along.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Trump: "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them," Trump admitted. "The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything and say anything to keep things exactly the way they are."

So tell me again when will he move his business back from Mexico and China? Because now that he has separated himself from the global elite he really needs to let us know.

He addressed the point that he used ovderseas production.

So, do you agree with what he said about the actions of our politicians and the financial elite?

Do you like things the way they are?

I think that if Donald Trump wants believability he will strike the chord that action is more powerful than words. Let him bring his businesses back from China and Mexico and I'll give him full credit for being a man of his words.
"George Washington said that "the promotion of domestic manufactur[ing] will be among the first consequences to flow from an energetic government.”

57 Alexander Hamilton spoke frequently of the "expediency of encouraging manufactur[ing] in the United States."

58 The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that: "The abandonment of the protective policy by the American government… must produce want and ruin among our people."

59 Our original Constitution did not even have an income tax. Instead, it had tariffs - emphasizing taxation of foreign, not domestic, production.

60 Yet today, 240 years after the Revolution, we have turned things completely upside-down. We tax and regulate and restrict our companies to death, then we allow foreign countries that cheat to export their goods to us tax-free."


So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...

Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Don't forget he will probably increase the prices for the things we buy.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Those jobs and that trade you dismissed has turned China into the world's second largest economy.

THey can instead make life easier for our Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Exactly. If Trump was sincere in helping workers, he'd be proposing to increase how much workers at the bottom make .... OR tax the upper earners more to provide health care for lower skilled workers, affordable education for their kids and secure retirements.

It will be interesting to see how Warren takes up this challenge of debate (assuming she's the VP pick). The Clintons (love em or hate them) have been front and center on this, but unable to truly enact the progressive program.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Those jobs and that trade you dismissed has turned China into the world's second largest economy.

THey can instead make life easier for our Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.
At slave wages.
But our workers' loyalty was repaid with betrayal. 1 2
Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization -
moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. 3 4

Oh that is funny. No mr trump, it was rich aholes like you who moved jobs.
Trump: "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them," Trump admitted. "The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything and say anything to keep things exactly the way they are."

So tell me again when will he move his business back from Mexico and China? Because now that he has separated himself from the global elite he really needs to let us know.

He addressed the point that he used ovderseas production.

So, do you agree with what he said about the actions of our politicians and the financial elite?

Do you like things the way they are?

I think that if Donald Trump wants believability he will strike the chord that action is more powerful than words. Let him bring his businesses back from China and Mexico and I'll give him full credit for being a man of his words.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, do you agree with what he said about the actions of our politicians and the financial elite?

Do you like things the way they are?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...

Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...

Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

I think expecting to change it with tariffs is a dangerous game. Consumers here in the US pay for tariffs.
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.

It will NEVER be more profitable to make Trump's drek here in the US. It SHOULD be made overseas by low skilled, low paid labor.

Our economic future is not in shirt making. Our economic future is in the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

Trump will KILL millions of US jobs, and add $10 trillion more to the debt. That sure sounds like "economic independence" to me! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Those jobs and that trade you dismissed has turned China into the world's second largest economy.

THey can instead make life easier for our Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.
At slave wages.

My mother in law was a nurse's aid in a small city without a large immigrant population. She, recently was making 15$ an hours.

Starting wages for nurse's aide in the nearby big city, with a large immigrant population, was 7$ an hour.

Reduce labor pool, increase jobs. Employers, who for decades now, haven't had a thought in their stupid heads will have to start actually THINKING about how to attract and keep workers.
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...

Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

I think expecting to change it with tariffs is a dangerous game. Consumers here in the US pay for tariffs.

Being the world's bitch on Trade HAS BEEN a dangerous game.


With no attempt at changing policy by the POlitical class for that entire time.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...
He's not a hypocrite if as a CEO he does what is best for his businesses and as President he does what is best for his country.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...

Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

I think expecting to change it with tariffs is a dangerous game. Consumers here in the US pay for tariffs.

Being the world's bitch on Trade HAS BEEN a dangerous game.


With no attempt at changing policy by the POlitical class for that entire time.

Explain. We can buy huge tvs for cheap.

You think tariffs will work? Cause again, US consumers pay tariffs.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
I'm more than willing to discuss his trade proposal without going into the nonsensicalness, and outright duplicity of his tax proposals.

However, his proposal does not do what you said he'd attempt "to make it more feasible to be profitable with [stuff] made in America". Our major imports from China are computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment. We aren't going to make that stuff cheaper than China does. If we could, mfters wouldn't have moved jobs There in the first place.

So, what Trump is suggesting is we use tariffs (which would set off a trade war that we'd lose because China can call in our debt) OR he'd give mfters subsidies or tax breaks to make stuff here (which might or might not set off a trade war. China might not call in our debt, but they'd stop buying cars and petroleum and ore from us). In either event the stuff maftered here would cost more, SO biz and consumers have to pay more.

He's oversimplifying things. We had this debate back in the 80s, and Trump's side, and labor, lost. Americans wanted the best/cheapest stuff regardless of whether Americans lost jobs. Trump blames the Clintons. The Clintons are certainly poster children for the pro-trade anti-labor DLC. But the DLC premised taxing the benefits of trade to pay for education and social services. They were unable to get congress to go along.
Right now we make cheap stuff in China while Americans can't afford rent and food because they have no jobs. By putting in tariffs and doing a trade war, stuff will become more expensive. More Americans will have jobs again and be able to afford rent and food made in America. True some things like big screen tv's will be too expensive for the normal American to buy but that is as it should be, as long as they can afford the necessities. I'm not talking about the rich Americans, I'm talking about the poor ones.
Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

Are you joking? The guy even imported his wife.

Your gotcha is noted.

So, Do you support outsourcing?

Because Trump is running against it, and Hillary is not.

I think expecting to change it with tariffs is a dangerous game. Consumers here in the US pay for tariffs.

Being the world's bitch on Trade HAS BEEN a dangerous game.


With no attempt at changing policy by the POlitical class for that entire time.

Explain. We can buy huge tvs for cheap.

You think tariffs will work? Cause again, US consumers pay tariffs.
US consumers with jobs they wouldn't have without the tariffs.
So why does Trump use overseas or foreign companies to produce the products he sells?
It's very simple as a CEO of manufacturing companies or retail, whatever, he gets his stuff made the cheapest possible for the best quality possible to maximize profit.
As President he's going to try to make it more feasible to be profitable with made in America stuff.
All talk....If he was sincere he would shift that production home....Until he does, he's a liar in my eyes......The USA produces many products, yet these companies stay in the USA...Foreign manufacturers come to the USA and produce their goods..Why can't Trump, oh yeah, cheap labor from sweat shops......
Why would he, as a business man, do something that's hurts his bottom line? You expect too much selflessness from people.

As President He'll work to make it MORE PROFITABLE to manufacture stuff here but right now it isn't.
Why? To not look like a hypocrite...
He's not a hypocrite if as a CEO he does what is best for his businesses and as President he does what is best for his country.

They know that, they just want to use gotcha's to stop anyone from listening to what he has to say.

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