Trump spent 49 seconds "helping" Flood Victims

This is what really chaps the Progs' Collective Ass: The people in LA like Trump and appreciated his visit:

Trump spent the rest of his trip visiting various locations. He and his running mate, former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, traveled across flood-ravaged areas through East Baton Rouge and Ascension parishes.

Church maintenance supervisor Terry Phinney said he was happy with the candidate’s visit, telling reporters that “it was a good little boost for folks who are tired.”

Phinney was no fan of Trump before the visit. However, after he saw that the GOP nominee was genuinely concerned about the situation and seeking to educate himself on the damage, he changed his stance.

“He wanted to know percentages of homes damaged in the area, around about how many would have flood insurance,” Phinney said.

Overall, Trump was very well received by the locals, with a number of people commenting positively on his visit.

Jeff Nolan, who lost his home in the flood, met the candidate at the church and had him sign the back of his shirt.

Nolan said it meant “everything” to him that Trump came to Louisiana to see the damage and relief efforts first-hand.

“Trump is the man,” he said. “He’s the real deal.”

Pam West, who had to be rescued from her flooded home, also came to see Trump and said his visit was “awesome.”

“Our own dear president is too busy at Martha’s Vineyard to visit us,” she said.

Obama, who declined to cut short his vacation to tour Louisiana and offer support, announced after Trump’s visit that he too would travel to the area next week.

So far the flooding has killed 13 people, and more than 70,000 have registered for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency....

Watch: Libs Are FURIOUS At Trump Over His Visit To Flood Victims, The Reason Why Might Surprise You
The illusion of helping is all you guys need....49 seconds and snarled traffic was all worth it
It was more than 49 seconds, and you know it.

Besides, the perception is all dumbass Barry and you libs needed to attack Bush about Katrina.

You DO realize, don't you, that Bush did more regarding Katrina than Barry has done for La. Bush actually cut his vacation short 2 days to fly over the devastated area, not landing there for the same reason (excuse) Barry used for not going at all - so as not to make a spectacle on the ground and get in the way. Still Barry couldn't drag his ass off the golf course until Trump shamed his ass into doing so tomorrow.

49 is as high as the dumb SOB can count.
This is what really chaps the Progs' Collective Ass: The people in LA like Trump and appreciated his visit:

Trump spent the rest of his trip visiting various locations. He and his running mate, former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, traveled across flood-ravaged areas through East Baton Rouge and Ascension parishes.

Church maintenance supervisor Terry Phinney said he was happy with the candidate’s visit, telling reporters that “it was a good little boost for folks who are tired.”

Phinney was no fan of Trump before the visit. However, after he saw that the GOP nominee was genuinely concerned about the situation and seeking to educate himself on the damage, he changed his stance.

“He wanted to know percentages of homes damaged in the area, around about how many would have flood insurance,” Phinney said.

Overall, Trump was very well received by the locals, with a number of people commenting positively on his visit.

Jeff Nolan, who lost his home in the flood, met the candidate at the church and had him sign the back of his shirt.

Nolan said it meant “everything” to him that Trump came to Louisiana to see the damage and relief efforts first-hand.

“Trump is the man,” he said. “He’s the real deal.”

Pam West, who had to be rescued from her flooded home, also came to see Trump and said his visit was “awesome.”

“Our own dear president is too busy at Martha’s Vineyard to visit us,” she said.

Obama, who declined to cut short his vacation to tour Louisiana and offer support, announced after Trump’s visit that he too would travel to the area next week.

So far the flooding has killed 13 people, and more than 70,000 have registered for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency....

Watch: Libs Are FURIOUS At Trump Over His Visit To Flood Victims, The Reason Why Might Surprise You
what? Trump taking information that would be important to know on a recovery? How fking unhuman of him. OMG.
The illusion of helping is all you guys need....49 seconds and snarled traffic was all worth it
It was more than 49 seconds, and you know it.

Besides, the perception is all dumbass Barry and you libs needed to attack Bush about Katrina.

You DO realize, don't you, that Bush did more regarding Katrina than Barry has done for La. Bush actually cut his vacation short 2 days to fly over the devastated area, not landing there for the same reason (excuse) Barry used for not going at all - so as not to make a spectacle on the ground and get in the way. Still Barry couldn't drag his ass off the golf course until Trump shamed his ass into doing so tomorrow.

49 is as high as the dumb SOB can count.
which is 49 greater than hitlery
Pity O'Bumbles couldn't find 49 seconds away from his golf game on trendy Martha's Vineyarc to notice the Louisiana problem.

But, hey, golf DOES require His maximum concentration....

That's not what the governor said.

Oh wait - the truth doesn't count, does it.

RWNJ traitors hate Obama for sending actual help and love Duh Donuld for pretending to donate stuff.

FACT is, if President Obama had gone there, tied up traffic and law enforcement (as Drumpf did), you assholes would be bitching that he wanted the photo op. And yet, you're fine with Drumpf's lying about donations and obviously wanting the photo op.

Hypocrites and liars.
Not surprised at the response...the same ones who think 49 seconds was helping are the same ones that think 49 seconds satisfies their wives
RWNJ traitors hate Obama for sending actual help and love Duh Donuld for pretending to donate stuff.

FACT is, if President Obama had gone there, tied up traffic and law enforcement (as Drumpf did), you assholes would be bitching that he wanted the photo op. And yet, you're fine with Drumpf's lying about donations and obviously wanting the photo op.

Hypocrites and liars.
why would obumer tie up traffic? Would he have stopped and played in the street?
First of all this story that the OP is pushing comes from one of the biggest Hate Trump blogs on the web 2nd no one in the Trump campaign has said they donated the truck 3rd no one in the state has said he didn't donate $100 grand so the whole thread is suspect and just more BS Trump bashing....
Not surprised at the response...the same ones who think 49 seconds was helping are the same ones that think 49 seconds satisfies their wives
wow dude that is like a new low for you!! I knew you were a bit of a foolish dude, but thanks for the confirmation.
Just more BS from closed caption....stop reading those hate Trump blogs CC
First of all this story that the OP is pushing comes from one of the biggest Hate Trump blogs on the web 2nd no one in the Trump campaign has said they donated the truck 3rd no one in the state has said he didn't donate $100 grand so the whole thread is suspect and just more BS Trump bashing....

That's a new twist in this web of Drumpf lies.

Sounds like yet another of his lies that he was only kidding, sarcasm, yadda yadda cuz that's not what his campaign said before.

What an embarrassment that jerk is.

I read the latest estimate is that he lies every 3 seconds so I'm sure he'll have some new lies tomorrow.

By being there (Obama wasn't there and until yesterday said nothing about it) Trump brought the media and made America aware of the level of disaster. Our worthless media has been so afraid this could be Obama's Katrina they have largely avoided the story.....
That's a new twist in this web of Drumpf lies.

Sounds like yet another of his lies that he was only kidding, sarcasm, yadda yadda cuz that's not what his campaign said before.

What an embarrassment that jerk is.

I read the latest estimate is that he lies every 3 seconds so I'm sure he'll have some new lies tomorrow.
What are you talking about? He did not say he donated the truck...Did he? and the flood relief president said he can't release names of those that donates and amounts of their donation....come on clown find the lie in there for me.
If any of you libs want to whine about a do nothing politician look at my avatar A holes

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