Trump Stared Down Dorian...Dorian Blinked

The problem with threads like this is that people really believe this shit so you never know if someone is being serious or joking.

Yes, but the tell is in the screen name. A real MAGAclown wouldn't openly declare their Obama derangement syndrome. I suspect this is the same moron behind that rogue potus staff Twitter account.
The weather channel people seemed....well....disappointed that we avoided a catastrophy
Not to mention which of the reporters would draw the short straw and get to stand in gail winds and waist deep water telling us how wet and windy it is.
The problem with threads like this is that people really believe this shit so you never know if someone is being serious or joking.

Yes, but the tell is in the screen name. A real MAGAclown wouldn't openly declare their Obama derangement syndrome. I suspect this is the same moron behind that rogue potus staff Twitter account.

It doesn't stand for Obama Derangement Syndrome. Been using this SN on forums since long before Obama was even a consideration for president. Think Ole Dirty, Killa Bees
It's down to a Cat4 and here's the new projected track

Looks like DJT stared it down and warned it to stay away from his Mar a Lago.
I believe nothing the weather people say until something happens. That thing is right there off the coast, anything can happen. Although I doubt it will go back the way it came.

That's nice. But If I had wanted a meteorologist instead of a President, I would have written in Al Roker or Willard Scott.
You wanted a moron with dementia for president, and got one.

If that's the case, why would want to elect Joe Biden, a true brain-damaged moron with dementia? Hell, Trump is an Einstein compared to that idiot.

Of course, Joe Biden will never ever be President. Very similar to Hillary, who will never even be President either, don't you think?

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