trump Still Owes DC 7 Million For Inauguration

I never said he had to pay it with his own money. Now you're just lying through your teeth. I've posted a few times that the congress pays it but the president has to submit it to congress for them to pay it. All presidents submit that bill to congress. What makes you and trump think you're so special that you don't need to follow procedure and what all presidents have done?


The headline in the OP says that President Trump is a "deadbeat" which implies that he is supposed to pay it with his own money.

But the actuality of the story is that, at worst, President Trump might have been negligent in ordering his staff members complete a piece of paper to move money from one account to another in the federal government.

Hardly a "deadbeat" at all. Just something which President Trump hasn't prioritized.

Although, IMHO, I think the DC government hates the President's guts like others in the deep state and probably didn't tell him, just "assumed" he knew or somehow otherwise are spinning the story to make The Donald look bad.
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
<sob> But...but....what about Obama?

Fair is fair. Do you get that concept?
Being President puts his life on the line

We owe him protection for being a crazy fucking country when it comes to killing presidents

Actually, less than 10% of all Presidents are assassinated. And NONE have been assassinated after they left office
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
Trump spent that golfing on your dime.

President Trump is required by law to have Secret Service guys as well as use Air Force One instead of his own jet.

The golfing he does is very important and is part of his job. His game with the Tremendous Tiger Woods convinced him Tiger was back and was deserving of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. If he hadn't played golf with Woods as well as Jack Nicklaus, he wouldn't have been able to make that decision.

President Trump's game with El Rushbo, also very important. Mr. Limbaugh was giving our President some same advice so he knew which way to go on some issues.

These are working golf games, done on the President's own course
Our President cheats
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
<sob> But...but....what about Obama?

Fair is fair. Do you get that concept?
Being President puts his life on the line

We owe him protection for being a crazy fucking country when it comes to killing presidents
Being President is the riskiest job in America

List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots - Wikipedia

Roman Emperors were assassinated at a lot higher rate, more than 20% were whacked.

And that was before firearms were even invented.
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
<sob> But...but....what about Obama?

Fair is fair. Do you get that concept?

Because it is childish?

Mommy: No, you can not have a cell phone:

Donnie: But johnny has one.

I don't give a rat's ass what you THINK Obama did, it does not excuse Trump for being a lying fraud. You totaly ignore the sheer volume of the Trump lies.
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
<sob> But...but....what about Obama?

Fair is fair. Do you get that concept?

Because it is childish?

Mommy: No, you can not have a cell phone:

Donnie: But johnny has one.

I don't give a rat's ass what you THINK Obama did, it does not excuse Trump for being a lying fraud. You totaly ignore the sheer volume of the Trump lies.

The story in the OP says nothing about President Trump being a "lying fraud" at all, even if it is taken at face value.

At the worst, it shows a lack of understanding of a form that has to be completed to move a sum from one account in the government to another. Nothing "childish" or "fraudulent" at all. Although its my guess that the DC government officials hid this procedure from the incoming Trump staff to try and make them look bad.
I never said he had to pay it with his own money. Now you're just lying through your teeth. I've posted a few times that the congress pays it but the president has to submit it to congress for them to pay it. All presidents submit that bill to congress. What makes you and trump think you're so special that you don't need to follow procedure and what all presidents have done?


The headline in the OP says that President Trump is a "deadbeat" which implies that he is supposed to pay it with his own money.

But the actuality of the story is that, at worst, President Trump might have been negligent in ordering his staff members complete a piece of paper to move money from one account to another in the federal government.

Hardly a "deadbeat" at all. Just something which President Trump hasn't prioritized.

Although, IMHO, I think the DC government hates the President's guts like others in the deep state and probably didn't tell him, just "assumed" he knew or somehow otherwise are spinning the story to make The Donald look bad.
The story is fake because no one would wait 2 years to be paid
This is disgraceful. trump should pay that debt. All other presidents have made sure it was paid.

Not trump.

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala

What's disgraceful is he is going to politicize an event that is usually not political, where a lot of people go down to the mall to enjoy fireworks and other events, and now it's going to be a lot harder for them to do so with security and multiple groups likely demonstrating and the president most likely turning this into a partisan event like he did the Boy Scout speech.
Your own link says

My own link says that trump has to submit the charge to congress so it can be paid.

trump has not done so. In fact he has forced the city to raid a different fund to pay for it and that fund will be out of money before the end of the year.

it's not congress. They will pay it if trump would submit the bill.

You fail.

Your TDS may be terminal...hopefully

Defend Trump at all costs.
Your own link says

My own link says that trump has to submit the charge to congress so it can be paid.

trump has not done so. In fact he has forced the city to raid a different fund to pay for it and that fund will be out of money before the end of the year.

it's not congress. They will pay it if trump would submit the bill.

You fail.

Your TDS may be terminal...hopefully

Defend Trump at all costs.

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder
Your own link says

My own link says that trump has to submit the charge to congress so it can be paid.

trump has not done so. In fact he has forced the city to raid a different fund to pay for it and that fund will be out of money before the end of the year.

it's not congress. They will pay it if trump would submit the bill.

You fail.

Your TDS may be terminal...hopefully

Defend Trump at all costs.

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.
Your own link says

My own link says that trump has to submit the charge to congress so it can be paid.

trump has not done so. In fact he has forced the city to raid a different fund to pay for it and that fund will be out of money before the end of the year.

it's not congress. They will pay it if trump would submit the bill.

You fail.

Your TDS may be terminal...hopefully

Defend Trump at all costs.

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.
So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
<sob> But...but....what about Obama?

Fair is fair. Do you get that concept?

Because it is childish?

Mommy: No, you can not have a cell phone:

Donnie: But johnny has one.

I don't give a rat's ass what you THINK Obama did, it does not excuse Trump for being a lying fraud. You totaly ignore the sheer volume of the Trump lies.

The story in the OP says nothing about President Trump being a "lying fraud" at all, even if it is taken at face value.

At the worst, it shows a lack of understanding of a form that has to be completed to move a sum from one account in the government to another. Nothing "childish" or "fraudulent" at all. Although its my guess that the DC government officials hid this procedure from the incoming Trump staff to try and make them look bad.
So now it is the Democrat's fault because Trump did not know he had to file paperwork???? Incoming administrations hire people with experience & know procedures, etc.

Trump thinks he knows everything & ignores most advice he is given.
This is disgraceful. trump should pay that debt. All other presidents have made sure it was paid.

Not trump.

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala

What's disgraceful is he is going to politicize an event that is usually not political, where a lot of people go down to the mall to enjoy fireworks and other events, and now it's going to be a lot harder for them to do so with security and multiple groups likely demonstrating and the president most likely turning this into a partisan event like he did the Boy Scout speech.
A presidential innauguration is not political?


Turn brain on b 4 typing

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