trump Still Owes DC 7 Million For Inauguration

So....How about Obama?

"So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year."

Super-Rich Barack Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back | Investor's Business Daily
Trump spent that golfing on your dime.

President Trump is required by law to have Secret Service guys as well as use Air Force One instead of his own jet.

The golfing he does is very important and is part of his job. His game with the Tremendous Tiger Woods convinced him Tiger was back and was deserving of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. If he hadn't played golf with Woods as well as Jack Nicklaus, he wouldn't have been able to make that decision.

President Trump's game with El Rushbo, also very important. Mr. Limbaugh was giving our President some same advice so he knew which way to go on some issues.

These are working golf games, done on the President's own course

So, trump being advised by ex pervert and drug addict rush and you think this is great?
Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges
Rush Limbaugh busted for male solicitation back in the 70s?

You do know Bill, Bush Jr and Obama did drugs right?


Trump never did drugs, however. Even though he would hobnob with other A-List celebrities at Studio 54, where a lot of his peers liked to get loaded on anything. It just wasn't something he did.
This is disgraceful. trump should pay that debt. All other presidents have made sure it was paid.

Not trump.

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala
I thought Mexico was going to pay for it?

Since Russia got him elected, let Russia pay for it.

I don't think you quite understand what's "at stake" here. The money is already in the government accounts, its just a question of whether a clerk that works for the government assigned this expense to the right account. And apparently there is a dispute as to what account it belongs to. It has nothing to do with anyone "stiffing" anyone or anyone "not paying their bills" Just a question as to whether one account should be credited and another be debited for the 7 big one's. Since Obama was part of the Deep State and they were all on the same team, this kind of dispute never happened before. Now that there are a lot of deep state saboteurs in the federal government, these kinds of phony disputes are commonplace.
Your TDS may be terminal...hopefully

Defend Trump at all costs.

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.

You are such a knee jerk reactionist it gets old. Try to act like an adult instead of throwing the insults and the "everyone knows" card as if it means something.

And maybe, take a look at Trump's habit of not paying know, like his contractors. This isn't this isn't news.

Then there is a 7 million dollar lawsuit right?


Try actually thinking
Do they really charge Presidents for inaugural celebrations or is it only republicans? Is the administration responsible for the torching of cars and smashing windows only during republican administrations?
Do they really charge Presidents for inaugural celebrations or is it only republicans? Is the administration responsible for the torching of cars and smashing windows only during republican administrations?

No, neither Republican nor Democrat Presidents have to pay squat to get inaugurated.

This is just a pissing contest between different agencies. The DC government is insisting on making a big deal with the WH, but the WH is ignoring the taunts
Do they really charge Presidents for inaugural celebrations or is it only republicans? Is the administration responsible for the torching of cars and smashing windows only during republican administrations?

Nope. Presidents aren't liable for the cost. Congress is.

One would think the lefty loons on this board would read what the post.

Guess not.
I bet this is just a hyper technical insistence that the paperwork be completed exactly right before the Deep State operatives complete the transfer.

No one actually "owes" anything here, its just a question of where the $7 Million should be credited to account A or account B.

And the bureaucrats in charge of this bean counting are just making a big fuss as they "resist" their President, doing whatever they can to make him look "incompetent."

Although it doesn't say anything about President Trump , just their own bull headedness.
I bet this is just a hyper technical insistence that the paperwork be completed exactly right before the Deep State operatives complete the transfer.

No one actually "owes" anything here, its just a question of where the $7 Million should be credited to account A or account B.

And the bureaucrats in charge of this bean counting are just making a big fuss as they "resist" their President, doing whatever they can to make him look "incompetent."

Although it doesn't say anything about President Trump , just their own bull headedness.
Exactly as no one or place can afford to lose 7 mill without suing
What do people not understand? DC is pissed because they feel Congress does not allocate enough funds for their duties. Congress holds, aka the House holds the purse strings for funds, such as any presidential inauguration.

Congress Aims to Keep Hold of D.C. Purse Strings

The Constitution of the United States does grant Congress the right to rule over the District of Columbia.

Before the 1960's, there were no elections whatsoever in Washington DC, just Congressionally appointed administrators.
What do people not understand? DC is pissed because they feel Congress does not allocate enough funds for their duties. Congress holds, aka the House holds the purse strings for funds, such as any presidential inauguration.

Congress Aims to Keep Hold of D.C. Purse Strings

The Constitution of the United States does grant Congress the right to rule over the District of Columbia.

Before the 1960's, there were no elections whatsoever in Washington DC, just Congressionally appointed administrators.
I don’t question that. My point is they have chosen now to raise a ruckus they aren’t getting enough, and then others can twist it and blame Trump. The usual. Twist and turn. That’s all they have anymore.
This is disgraceful. trump should pay that debt. All other presidents have made sure it was paid.

Not trump.

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala
Congress owes the 7 million presidents do not pay to be innaugurated.

You are kookoo

The president is the person who is supposed to submit the bill to congress.

trump submitted part of the bill. Not the whole thing. So his own actions prove you're either lying or didn't read the article because it's clearly explained in the article.

How can congress pay a bill they don't know about and don't havre paperwork for?

You really should read the article before you post. That way you won't make a fool of yourself to all of cyberspace.
Which previous president paid for his own innauguration

Grow up kid and stop watching cnn because your brain is rotting from the nonsense

You seriously need to read the article.

The whole thing is explained very well, even enough for you to understand, in that article.

All presidents submit that bill to the congress. All presidents have done so in the past. The ONLY president who has not done so is trump. In the amount of just over 7 million dollars. trump can have it paid today. All he has to do is what every other president in the past has done. Submit it to congress. Instead he didn't and told DC to take the funds from another account that is meant for other things which is causing the other account to become bankrupt by around August the article said. This has also never happened. Only trump is being the deadbeat he's been all his life.

I would like to know why trump is doing this. It's disgraceful and doesn't have to be happening. Only trump can tell you why he's not paying this bill.

I'm grown and probably older than you are so give it up.

You're just way too lazy to actually read that article. Which is resulting in you making a fool of yourself to all of those of us who have actually read that article.

If I were you, I would stop with the insults, stop being so lazy and actually read the article. It will answer all your questions. Why do you even reply when you don't read the information given you? Why do you want to make a fool of yourself to all of cyberspace?
You seriously need to read the article.
You seriously need to stop relying solely on the article
I'm grown and probably older than you are so give it up.
Which just goes to prove, being older doesn’t make you wiser
You're just way too lazy to actually read that article. Which is resulting in you making a fool of yourself to all of those of us who have actually read that article.
No darling, to those of us you claim are fools
you are making a fool of yourself
because we know you are too content in your own ignorance
If I were you, I would stop with the insults, stop being so lazy and actually read the article. It will answer all your questions. Why do you even reply when you don't read the information given you? Why do you want to make a fool of yourself to all of cyberspace?
If you were me, you would seek knowledge through information
and feel compelled to insult those who are utterly, pathetic idiots....
Such as yourself

Now, since you are too content in your ignorance
I will provide you with the information
that will give you knowledge to discern what is true

Since your thread and OP stems from
the article you linked to in your OP
and since it was that article that countless more spawned from
I know this much BECAUSE OF what I do know....

The author of the original article either
knew he was distorting the truth
or relied on someone else’s distorted truth

Same for every article that spawned from the original

Every four years, on January 20, the President-elect is sworn in as President of the United States. Presidential inauguration ceremonies are unique public events in the District of Columbia. The inauguration ceremonies are public and, like the President’s State of the Union address, they are events in which a significant proportion of the American political leadership is in attendance. Consequently, the inauguration is designated as a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the Department of Homeland Security. NSSEs are events that require significant security, in part because of the attendance of U.S. and foreign dignitaries and the event’s public or official nature.

Funding for inauguration security operations is provided from the U.S. Secret Service’s National Special Security Event general account, though information on the amount provided is not publicly available. In limited circumstances, however, Congress has also provided supplemental appropriations to reimburse local jurisdictions for inauguration-related activities. Other inauguration spending is less easily identifiable because it is indirect and a part of typical annual appropriations to the relevant agencies. Because of the absence of specificity, substantive policy analysis on costs associated with inauguration security may be limited.

In addition to Congress’s responsibility for funding inauguration security operations, Congress also conducts oversight of the security operations.

Presidential inaugurations are public events that are conducted primarily at the U.S. Capitol and on the grounds of the National Mall. Additionally, presidential inaugurations are ceremonies that are attended by a significant portion of the American political leadership. Due to safety and security concerns for the public and the American political leadership, the inauguration ceremony is designated a National Security Special Event (NSSE). NSSEs are high profile, and usually public, events that require significant security because of the attendance of U.S. and foreign dignitaries and the event’s public or official nature.

The United States Secret Service (USSS) is designated as the primary federal entity responsible for NSSE security.4 The USSS, however, is not the only law enforcement or first responder agency that has inauguration security responsibilities. The United States Capitol Police (USCP), the Metropolitan DC Police Department (MPD), the U.S. Park Police (USPP), and other law enforcement and first responder entities often assist the USSS and provide security for the swearing-in ceremony and other inaugural events.

Congress appropriates funds for inauguration security. This funding is not always specifically identified for presidential inauguration security. Instead, inauguration security funding is expected to be provided from the USSS general NSSE account. In limited circumstances, Congress has provided supplemental appropriations to “reimburse” local jurisdictions for inauguration related activities.

In general, agencies involved in inauguration security often do not receive specific account-level appropriations for inauguration security operations. Instead, inauguration security costs are included in regular fiscal year planning and budget requests. In recent years, however, Congress has appropriated additional funds to reimburse some local governments and federal agencies for inauguration related expenses and has provided appropriations to the USSS for “unanticipated costs related to security operations for National Special Security Events,” which could be used for inauguration related activities. Limited, and identified, appropriations for NSSE and the absence of specific inauguration security operations appropriations limits the ability to conduct substantive policy analysis on the costs associated with inaugurations generally, and inauguration security operations specifically.

Since the 2001 inauguration of President George W. Bush, Congress has specifically appropriated funds to reimburse state and local entities for security costs associated with the inauguration. The appropriations ranged from approximately $6 million in 2001, to reimburse the District of Columbia, to a total of $22 million in 2009 to reimburse the National Park Service and state and local governments, including the District of Columbia, “for extraordinary costs associated with the 2009 Presidential Inauguration.” For the 2013 inauguration, Congress appropriated $9.8 million to the District of Columbia for “emergency planning and security costs ... associated with the Presidential Inauguration,” and for the 2017 inauguration, Congress appropriated $19.995 million for emergency planning and security costs in the District of Columbia.

Besides direct appropriations, other funds are used to support inauguration security operations. For example, by designating the inauguration an NSSE, DHS allows the USSS to use funds specifically appropriated for NSSEs. For the 2001, 2005, and 2009 inaugurations, appropriations for all NSSEs remained consistent at $1 million per year. In both FY2005 and FY2009, however, additional appropriations of $5 million and $1 million were provided to the USSS for NSSE operations, respectively.

In addition to regular appropriations, NSSE reimbursements for inauguration security activities could be provided from the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011 and Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012. For both FY2011 and FY2012, $7.5 million in two-year funds was appropriated and could be allocated for NSSE security cost reimbursements to state and local governments based on the recommendation of the FEMA Administrator. Potential amounts for reimbursement 2017 inauguration security costs is undetermined at this time.

As has been done in the past, Congress could choose
to provide supplemental appropriations
to cover security related inauguration costs.

Inauguration Security:
Operations, Appropriations, and Issues for Congress
Defend Trump at all costs.

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.

You are such a knee jerk reactionist it gets old. Try to act like an adult instead of throwing the insults and the "everyone knows" card as if it means something.

And maybe, take a look at Trump's habit of not paying know, like his contractors. This isn't this isn't news.

Then there is a 7 million dollar lawsuit right?


Try actually thinking

Try a little research before flapping your gums.
Your Messiah is a mess.

He's stiffed numerous cities over the cost of his rallies.
I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.

You are such a knee jerk reactionist it gets old. Try to act like an adult instead of throwing the insults and the "everyone knows" card as if it means something.

And maybe, take a look at Trump's habit of not paying know, like his contractors. This isn't this isn't news.

Then there is a 7 million dollar lawsuit right?


Try actually thinking

Try a little research before flapping your gums.
Your Messiah is a mess.

He's stiffed numerous cities over the cost of his rallies.

Did your messiah pay for his inauguration costs?

I will on this...its fucking stupid. Go whine on Muzzies or baby murder

Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.

You are such a knee jerk reactionist it gets old. Try to act like an adult instead of throwing the insults and the "everyone knows" card as if it means something.

And maybe, take a look at Trump's habit of not paying know, like his contractors. This isn't this isn't news.

Then there is a 7 million dollar lawsuit right?


Try actually thinking

Try a little research before flapping your gums.
Your Messiah is a mess.

He's stiffed numerous cities over the cost of his rallies.
You do you your research and read the muller report


Your heroes at cnn are the mess
Go support forced pregnancies.

Your messiah has a long history of not paying his bills. Too bad that.

Take responsibility...personal responsibility

Oh snap that's foreign to a leftist asshole like you.

Run along and defend the muzzies....every one on this forum knows it's soooooo you. That and every other left loon agenda.

You are such a knee jerk reactionist it gets old. Try to act like an adult instead of throwing the insults and the "everyone knows" card as if it means something.

And maybe, take a look at Trump's habit of not paying know, like his contractors. This isn't this isn't news.

Then there is a 7 million dollar lawsuit right?


Try actually thinking

Try a little research before flapping your gums.
Your Messiah is a mess.

He's stiffed numerous cities over the cost of his rallies.

Did your messiah pay for his inauguration costs?

No but Mohhamed paid for Obamas

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