Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.

We already know how do to that. Cut GHG emissions. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint huh?

And we don't need to keep studying cigarettes and their link to lung cancer anymore. Treating and curing cancer is not the same thing
I'll tell you what I have done.

1) I used to drive a pickup (18-20) mpg because I needed it for work. I bought a 45 mpg vehicle & use it for -non truck required travel & use it 90% of the time.

2) I threw out my oil burner furnace & installed Geothermal HVAC & burn nothing to heat my home while mu=y cooling costs are drastically reduced. Science continues to study how policy changes will affect our future. Looks for new wauys to reduce the GHG.
Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

So, how did they predict the orbits of these satellites?

They wouldn't use mathematical formulas i.e. models did they?

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.

They don't "predict" them. They COMPUTE them. And no, they don't use computer models for that. They use mathematics. It is a KNOWN calculation. They use Newtonian physics, with the Feynman Constant, to calculate orbits. There is no modeling involved.

So, no calculations using mathematics were used to calculate (predict) the orbit of these satellites.

Mathematics is a where nature can be expressed in mathematical terms in order to calculate something that has happened or predict that actions will result.

The mathematical modelling you so ignorantly mocked is expressing changes in the climate based on past observations & KNOWN equations for how certain aspects behave.

An equation is a model. A simple model but yet a model. "A mathematical model is an abstract model that uses mathematical language to describe the behavior of a system." The equations used in your case described how the satellite would travel.

You are obviously no scientist.

Mathematics is used to determine how the satellite

Proving yet again, that you know nothing about science, calculations are not predictions. They are statements of fact. ALL calculations use mathematics. Newtonian physics IS MATH. The Feynman Constant is a mathematical formula. Together they are used to calculate the orbits, and orbital vectors of satellites and asteroids, planets etc. It is ALL math.

I dare you to take a look at the studies you are so proud of. They universally contain this phrase in their Abstract, "we use a simple model"... Here's the reality of how useful a simple model is versus a REAL model. Formula One racing uses Computational Fluid Dynamic models to improve the aerodynamics of their various wings, barge boards etc. They are incredibly complex and expensive. They cost 50 million to buy, and cost millions of dollars every year to run. They will take a single part, make a modification to it in the computer model, run the model to see if there is a benefit. If the benefit looks promising they will actually build a part and test it in a wind tunnel.

The rate of success is vanishingly small. For every 1,000 model runs they will build one part. Out of that for every 100 parts they actually build, ONE will actually provide enough of a benefit to warrant its use. That is the success rate with the MOST complex and advanced models in the WORLD. And they are only working with a few variables.

The atmosphere of the Earth, and the solar input is a huge engine with vastly more variables.

Variables that are all IGNORED in your hero's simple models.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
I mock liars not scientists fag.

Science says AGW is real. You call them liars.
Science says? A concept can speak? The gov paid scienTISTS are liars, just like you.

So now all those scientists who agree with AGW are on the government payroll.

Pretty much, yeah.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.

We already know how do to that. Cut GHG emissions. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint huh?

And we don't need to keep studying cigarettes and their link to lung cancer anymore. Treating and curing cancer is not the same thing
I'll tell you what I have done.

1) I used to drive a pickup (18-20) mpg because I needed it for work. I bought a 45 mpg vehicle & use it for -non truck required travel & use it 90% of the time.

2) I threw out my oil burner furnace & installed Geothermal HVAC & burn nothing to heat my home while mu=y cooling costs are drastically reduced. Science continues to study how policy changes will affect our future. Looks for new wauys to reduce the GHG.

Funny how much electricity do you use for that geothermal rig?

You still have to run compressors and pumps 24/7

If you really cared you would burn wood as that is the one and only heat source that is carbon neutral and you wouldn't air condition your home

But anyway at least you see now that we don't have to study climate change anymore since we already know what causes it and how to address it.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.

We already know how do to that. Cut GHG emissions. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint huh?

And we don't need to keep studying cigarettes and their link to lung cancer anymore. Treating and curing cancer is not the same thing
I'll tell you what I have done.

1) I used to drive a pickup (18-20) mpg because I needed it for work. I bought a 45 mpg vehicle & use it for -non truck required travel & use it 90% of the time.

2) I threw out my oil burner furnace & installed Geothermal HVAC & burn nothing to heat my home while mu=y cooling costs are drastically reduced. Science continues to study how policy changes will affect our future. Looks for new wauys to reduce the GHG.

Funny how much electricity do you use for that geothermal rig?

You still have to run compressors and pumps 24/7

If you really cared you would burn wood as that is the one and only heat source that is carbon neutral and you wouldn't air condition your home

But anyway at least you see now that we don't have to study climate change anymore since we already know what causes it and how to address it.

If the geotherm rig is done properly they use very little energy. However, like most progressives who are for the destruction of the capitalist world, i doubt he has any of what he claims.
Why does it have to be gov't funded nonsense? If liberals want to go study cow farts then they can pay for that shit themselves but forcing taxpayers, who don't believe in it to pay for it, is nonsense. And since republicans hold a super majority, they get to decide how taxpayer money is spent. Representing your constituents......imagine that.

NASA is about space exploration. Not greenhouse gasses.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.
The study on the smoking should stop because it has been proven. Switch the
Money to cancer research

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