Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.
How do you know, do you know the tempeture 200 years ago?

He needs to show the speed of change over hundred year periods, going back thousands of years.
So we can see what "typical changes" look like.
Otherwise he's just another ignorant whiner.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
100 years compared to 4 billion's all relative in the eyes of the progressive.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
The REAL American people will do what it takes to work to lessen the effects of MMGW.

The Fake Americans, Russia lovin Trumpettes would rather spend trillions on giving money to well off corporations & wealthy people than do anything to help their children &^ grandchildren better cope with this proven event.
Once we solve global warming, we can get to work on fixing those pesky magnetic poles.
One, AGW, is an actual problem that dumbasses like you are too stupid to know. The other does not need fixed
:rolleyes-41: CO2 isn't even a greenhouse gas to be considered in global warming or climate change. Whatever you call it today., there I said it. You needed to know that. Stop reading those comic books.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
100 years compared to 4 billion's all relative in the eyes of the progressive.

As long as they get to raise taxes and spend it on bike paths, they're happy.
400 ppm.

How much does it need to be to get your attention?

You are making yet another really stupid argument. The effects of greenhouse gases happen if they do not make up a high percent of our atmosphere. Do you think I need to make a glass of water 25% arsenic to have an effect on you when you drink it?

Average global temperatures. Do you know what a fuck "average" means? It means portions of the planet may experience periods of warmth while others show lower temperatures.

We can't control the natural occurring factors.

We can stop spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere you stupid shit.

You failed to answer my question. Not surprising considering the source.

Please try again.

What percentage of our atmosphere is composed of CO2?
The truth about the "Facts" coming from the authorities on "Global Warming".

As you know, Professor Phil Jones was the center of the Global Warming Scam at East Anglia University. Their program was considered the epitome of Global Warming Information. The disclosure of thousands of e-mails proving their efforts to conceal information discredit and even prevent opposing views from being published has wrecked the scam, hopefully forever. Data used by the United Nations IPCC and NASA findings came from EAU.

14th February, 2010

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995

Data for vital 'hockey stick graph' has gone missing (it has now been disclosed that all the “raw data” was DUMPED!

There has been no global warming since 1995

Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes

Phil Jones admitted his record keeping is 'not as good as it should be.



Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.

And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.

Phil Jones has said that he considered suicide for his part in this worldwide scam.

Let us also recall: The e-mails leaked in the fall of 2009 allow us to trace the machinations of a small but influential band of British and US climate scientists who played the lead role in the IPCC reports. It appears that this group, which controlled access to basic temperature data, was able to produce a "warming" by manipulating the analysis of the data, but refused to share information on the basic data or details of their analysis with independent scientists who requested them -- in violation of Freedom of Information laws. In fact, they went so far as to keep any dissenting views from being published -- by monopolizing the peer-review process, aided by ideologically cooperative editors of prestigious journals, like Science and Nature.

We learn from the e-mails that the ClimateGate gang was able to "hide the decline" [of global temperature] by applying what they termed as "tricks," and that they intimidated editors and forced out those judged to be "uncooperative." No doubt, thorough investigations, now in progress or planned, will disclose the full range of their nefarious activities. But it is clear that this small cabal was able to convince much of the world that climate disasters were impending -- unless drastic steps were taken. Not only were most of the media, public, and politicians misled, but so were many scientists, national academies of science, and professional organizations -- and even the Norwegian committee that awarded the 2007 Peace Prize to the IPCC and Al Gore, the chief apostle of climate alarmism.

Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Daily Mail Online
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.
I am educated enough to know that science is correct on AGW. I also know that ending programs that study aspects of Climate Change has only one purpose - to hide the science from dumbasses.

This is the Republican way. They hide the science like they did with the CDC & guns. Trump wants to hide evidence of AGW so he can dupe so many more people like he has you.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.

So, My Genius, how do you use current & past information to look into future actions?

Some scientist you are.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

So, how did they predict the orbits of these satellites?

They wouldn't use mathematical formulas i.e. models did they?

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled
I thought the "science was settled" so why keep spending money on it?

To learn more so we can combat it, dumbass.

We know smoking causes cancer so accorduing to you, research on it should stop.

We already know how do to that. Cut GHG emissions. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint huh?

And we don't need to keep studying cigarettes and their link to lung cancer anymore. Treating and curing cancer is not the same thing
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

So, how did they predict the orbits of these satellites?

They wouldn't use mathematical formulas i.e. models did they?

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.

They don't "predict" them. They COMPUTE them. And no, they don't use computer models for that. They use mathematics. It is a KNOWN calculation. They use Newtonian physics, with the Feynman Constant, to calculate orbits. There is no modeling involved.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
I mock liars not scientists fag.
Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.[/QUOTE

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
I mock liars not scientists fag.

Science says AGW is real. You call them liars.
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.[/QUOTE

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
I mock liars not scientists fag.

Science says AGW is real. You call them liars.
Science says? A concept can speak? The gov paid scienTISTS are liars, just like you.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

So, how did they predict the orbits of these satellites?

They wouldn't use mathematical formulas i.e. models did they?

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.

They don't "predict" them. They COMPUTE them. And no, they don't use computer models for that. They use mathematics. It is a KNOWN calculation. They use Newtonian physics, with the Feynman Constant, to calculate orbits. There is no modeling involved.

So, no calculations using mathematics were used to calculate (predict) the orbit of these satellites.

Mathematics is a where nature can be expressed in mathematical terms in order to calculate something that has happened or predict that actions will result.

The mathematical modelling you so ignorantly mocked is expressing changes in the climate based on past observations & KNOWN equations for how certain aspects behave.

An equation is a model. A simple model but yet a model. "A mathematical model is an abstract model that uses mathematical language to describe the behavior of a system." The equations used in your case described how the satellite would travel.

You are obviously no scientist.

Mathematics is used to determine how the satellite
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
I love it when ignorant fools mock scientists.
I mock liars not scientists fag.

Science says AGW is real. You call them liars.
Science says? A concept can speak? The gov paid scienTISTS are liars, just like you.

So now all those scientists who agree with AGW are on the government payroll.

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