Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste

Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

What was the temperature in 1017? 517? 17? 100,000,017BC?
Heard some radio news idiot last week bemoaning the record setting high temps out west. Don’t recall what city he was citing but it hit its all time hottest temperature, 117 man-made-global-warming degrees!

He probably shouldn’t have added the old record was 116 degrees, set almost 100 years ago! So much for the man made bullshit.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.

So, where is all the air and water going to go? Is there some giant sinkhole?
Clean air & clean water. There would be water shortages & severe droughts across the planet. But hey, remain a fucking asshole all your life & allow your kids to suffder. How big of a dick can you possibly be.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

What was the temperature in 1017? 517? 17? 100,000,017BC?

We actually have an idea what temperatures were during those times.
You people are just toom, gid damn srtupud to be aliuve.

The Earth's climate was based on a certain level of CO2 & could clean the CO2 from the atmosphere.

What man spews out pushes it to a higher total & puts it beyond Earth's ability to cleanse itself of it,

Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

“Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” - environmental physical chemist Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh

“The whole idea of anthropogenic global warming is completely unfounded. There appears to have been money gained by Michael Mann, Al Gore and UN IPCC’s Rajendra Pachauri as a consequence of this deception, so it’s fraud.” — South African astrophysicist Hilton Ratcliffe

“Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own”- Nobel Prize-Winning Stanford University Physicist Dr. Robert B. Laughlin

“I am a skeptic on climate change. I know the climate is changing, and it always has been.” – Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.

So, where is all the air and water going to go? Is there some giant sinkhole?
Clean air & clean water. There would be water shortages & severe droughts across the planet. But hey, remain a fucking asshole all your life & allow your kids to suffder. How big of a dick can you possibly be.

CO2 isn't making the air and water dirty, idiot.
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.
Good for Trump. Right priorities.

NASA needs to be working on sending a man to Mars, not fucking around with this silly ass Global Warming scam.

That worthless asshole Obama corrupted both NASA and NOAA with the AGW scam and it is great that Trump is undoing it. MAGA Baby!
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
No one denies climate change, you fucking liar

Then why don't you want to study it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases?
Who said i didnt want to study our planet? IT damn sure wasnt me. Lie again.
Wait, you mean we dont know what happens with GH gases? o_O
This tracked it and determined its origin. Did you bother to read your own link?

I wish you snmasrtasses would liuve up to whast yopu poist.

You called it a wasdte of money & hgere you are claimingt you never said it.

Hesuys Fuck. How ignoramnt & dishonest can you fget.
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.

Scientific American or TN Harley Messageboard wizzard.

Who should I believe?

A science journal or a dumbass trhat can't read?
I never claimed it was a waste of money.
Goddamn do you do anything besides lie?
They also type badly if that counts.
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.

Your reaching hey, do the beavers use gas chain saws. LOL.
Good for Trump. Right priorities.

NASA needs to be working on sending a man to Mars, not fucking around with this silly ass Global Warming scam.

That worthless asshole Obama corrupted both NASA and NOAA with the AGW scam and it is great that Trump is undoing it. MAGA Baby!
See, Trumpettes really are that stupid.

AGW studies by NASA & NOAA were happening before Obama.

You are confused. AGW is real . Trump is the scam.
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.

Your reaching hey, do the beavers use gas chain saws. LOL.

Did I say they used tools? DURR!
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.

Your reaching hey, do the beavers use gas chain saws. LOL.
Take the first step.
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.

Your reaching hey, do the beavers use gas chain saws. LOL.
Take the first step.

I think she's drunk.
Do animals cut trees down,


do they build cities,

Some do.

do they create waste


No animals do not cut down trees, and they do not build cities (ant hills do not count) and as I said they created waste of shit , water, flesh and bones.

Beavers cut down trees, prairie dogs build cities, termites release massive amounts of CO2.

Your reaching hey, do the beavers use gas chain saws. LOL.
Take the first step.

I think she's drunk.

I think you are in deep denial.

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