Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
The REAL American people will do what it takes to work to lessen the effects of MMGW.

The Fake Americans, Russia lovin Trumpettes would rather spend trillions on giving money to well off corporations & wealthy people than do anything to help their children &^ grandchildren better cope with this proven event.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
The REAL American people will do what it takes to work to lessen the effects of MMGW.

The Fake Americans, Russia lovin Trumpettes would rather spend trillions on giving money to well off corporations & wealthy people than do anything to help their children &^ grandchildren better cope with this proven event.
Once we solve global warming, we can get to work on fixing those pesky magnetic poles.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
The REAL American people will do what it takes to work to lessen the effects of MMGW.

The Fake Americans, Russia lovin Trumpettes would rather spend trillions on giving money to well off corporations & wealthy people than do anything to help their children &^ grandchildren better cope with this proven event.
Once we solve global warming, we can get to work on fixing those pesky magnetic poles.

we can get to work on fixing those pesky magnetic poles.

Not to mention the magnetic Poles.

This poor Polish girl needs help with her magnetic personality
Good for Trump. Right priorities.

NASA needs to be working on sending a man to Mars, not fucking around with this silly ass Global Warming scam.

That worthless asshole Obama corrupted both NASA and NOAA with the AGW scam and it is great that Trump is undoing it. MAGA Baby!
See, Trumpettes really are that stupid.

AGW studies by NASA & NOAA were happening before Obama.

You are confused. AGW is real . Trump is the scam.

Bullshit. You are confused Moon Bat. That stupid shithead Obama corrupted both NASA and NOAA along with the IRS, FBI, CIA, Justice Department, State Department, DOE, HUD, and everything that he had control over.

That asshole and the DNC got tons of money from environmental wackos like Tom Steyer and that is the reason he got NASA and NOAA to turn out bullshit data to support that silly AGW scam.

Thank goodness for Trump that stopped it. The best way for MAGA is to undo all the damage that Obama did to this country. God bless Trump for having the courage to do it.
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Well when they realized the moon couldn't support life and they couldn't make it to Mars, they figured may as well try and save this planet, our only hope.

NASA had nothing to do with the decision that instead of pursuing space research, they should do environmental research and make nice with Muslims was the mandate of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. Great policy, now we are using Russian motors for our rockets and sending our astronauts to the International Space Station on Russian rockets from Russia.
You people are just toom, gid damn srtupud to be aliuve.

The Earth's climate was based on a certain level of CO2 & could clean the CO2 from the atmosphere.

What man spews out pushes it to a higher total & puts it beyond Earth's ability to cleanse itself of it,

Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

What percentage of our atmosphere is composed of CO2?

EVEN Al Gore finally admitted that temperature increases precede CO2 increases.

How do you explain the fact that the Vikings colonized Greenland, raised crops and herds of animals to restock their ships on the way to North America?

We moved to Miami in 1955. We moved into a new subdivision called Cutler Ridge about 17-18 miles South of Miami and about five miles from the coast as the crow flies. My folks had four Royal Palms planted across the front of your yard. In order to plant the palms, the nursery company had to drill a hole down into the SOLID CORAL ROCK and blast the coral rock in order to dig a hole. That coral rock was there because over millions of years, that part of Florida was under water and coral reefs had grown. What do you think is going to prevent that from happening again?
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all go away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
The American people are not about to piss away trillions of dollars on fake science.
The REAL American people will do what it takes to work to lessen the effects of MMGW.

The Fake Americans, Russia lovin Trumpettes would rather spend trillions on giving money to well off corporations & wealthy people than do anything to help their children &^ grandchildren better cope with this proven event.
Once we solve global warming, we can get to work on fixing those pesky magnetic poles.
One, AGW, is an actual problem that dumbasses like you are too stupid to know. The other does not need fixed
You people are just toom, gid damn srtupud to be aliuve.

The Earth's climate was based on a certain level of CO2 & could clean the CO2 from the atmosphere.

What man spews out pushes it to a higher total & puts it beyond Earth's ability to cleanse itself of it,

Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

What percentage of our atmosphere is composed of CO2?

EVEN Al Gore finally admitted that temperature increases precede CO2 increases.

How do you explain the fact that the Vikings colonized Greenland, raised crops and herds of animals to restock their ships on the way to North America?

We moved to Miami in 1955. We moved into a new subdivision called Cutler Ridge about 17-18 miles South of Miami and about five miles from the coast as the crow flies. My folks had four Royal Palms planted across the front of your yard. In order to plant the palms, the nursery company had to drill a hole down into the SOLID CORAL ROCK and blast the coral rock in order to dig a hole. That coral rock was there because over millions of years, that part of Florida was under water and coral reefs had grown. What do you think is going to prevent that from happening again?

400 ppm.

How much does it need to be to get your attention?

You are making yet another really stupid argument. The effects of greenhouse gases happen if they do not make up a high percent of our atmosphere. Do you think I need to make a glass of water 25% arsenic to have an effect on you when you drink it?

Average global temperatures. Do you know what a fuck "average" means? It means portions of the planet may experience periods of warmth while others show lower temperatures.

We can't control the natural occurring factors.

We can stop spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere you stupid shit.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Well when they realized the moon couldn't support life and they couldn't make it to Mars, they figured may as well try and save this planet, our only hope.

NASA had nothing to do with the decision that instead of pursuing space research, they should do environmental research and make nice with Muslims was the mandate of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. Great policy, now we are using Russian motors for our rockets and sending our astronauts to the International Space Station on Russian rockets from Russia.

Ending the Challenger program & relying on Russian transport was Bush's decision you stupid shit.
You people are just toom, gid damn srtupud to be aliuve.

The Earth's climate was based on a certain level of CO2 & could clean the CO2 from the atmosphere.

What man spews out pushes it to a higher total & puts it beyond Earth's ability to cleanse itself of it,

Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

What percentage of our atmosphere is composed of CO2?

EVEN Al Gore finally admitted that temperature increases precede CO2 increases.

How do you explain the fact that the Vikings colonized Greenland, raised crops and herds of animals to restock their ships on the way to North America?

We moved to Miami in 1955. We moved into a new subdivision called Cutler Ridge about 17-18 miles South of Miami and about five miles from the coast as the crow flies. My folks had four Royal Palms planted across the front of your yard. In order to plant the palms, the nursery company had to drill a hole down into the SOLID CORAL ROCK and blast the coral rock in order to dig a hole. That coral rock was there because over millions of years, that part of Florida was under water and coral reefs had grown. What do you think is going to prevent that from happening again?

400 ppm.

How much does it need to be to get your attention?

You are making yet another really stupid argument. The effects of greenhouse gases happen if they do not make up a high percent of our atmosphere. Do you think I need to make a glass of water 25% arsenic to have an effect on you when you drink it?

Average global temperatures. Do you know what a fuck "average" means? It means portions of the planet may experience periods of warmth while others show lower temperatures.

We can't control the natural occurring factors.

We can stop spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere you stupid shit.

7000ppm. And even then it wouldn't be a problem. When you look at the paleo climate record whenever the world has been warmer it has been better.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Good, it was a retarded study anyway, and a complete waste of that scientific body's skill set.
Trumpettes lo9ve being ignorant all their lives.

I actually worked on LANDSAT 1. How about you silly boy. Unlike you I actually know what the hell I'm talking about.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

No, actually it is you who are not too bright. You rely on studies (and I use that term very loosely) that are based almost entirely on computer models. Computer models ain't real dude.
Here is the one Copernicus used to prove witchcraft in the 1500's.


Climate experts may still be using it.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
Yes, there is climate change. It changes daily, but not because of man.
Then because of what.

What has caused the planet to warm so quickly the past 100 years.

Quickly? Compared to what?
The past. Wow, not too bright are you.

Not compared to the future? Fucktard.

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