Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
No one denies climate change, you fucking liar

Then why don't you want to study it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases?
Who said i didnt want to study our planet? IT damn sure wasnt me. Lie again.
Wait, you mean we dont know what happens with GH gases? o_O
This tracked it and determined its origin. Did you bother to read your own link?

I wish you snmasrtasses would liuve up to whast yopu poist.

You called it a wasdte of money & hgere you are claimingt you never said it.

Hesuys Fuck. How ignoramnt & dishonest can you fget.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.

Scientific American or TN Harley Messageboard wizzard.

Who should I believe?

A science journal or a dumbass trhat can't read?
I never claimed it was a waste of money.
Goddamn do you do anything besides lie?
I have to say this. I remember the debate when all the lakes in the northeast and parts of the mid-west were dying because of acid rain. The arguments being made by industry and anti-environmental conservatives then were: The science is not settled. It is too expensive to fix. Any new laws will destroy the economy. It is too late to take action.

Sound familiar?

Well, thank heaven for democrats and the last of the rational republicans who passed cap and trade legislation that curbed and then ended the acid rain problem.

So, excuse me, if I don't buy into the denialist movement. I have heard the same bullshit before. I did not fall for it then, and I am not falling for it now...and neither should you.

Your children's future depends on it.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
No one denies climate change, you fucking liar

Then why don't you want to study it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases?
Who said i didnt want to study our planet? IT damn sure wasnt me. Lie again.
Wait, you mean we dont know what happens with GH gases? o_O
This tracked it and determined its origin. Did you bother to read your own link?

I wish you snmasrtasses would liuve up to whast yopu poist.

You called it a wasdte of money & hgere you are claimingt you never said it.

Hesuys Fuck. How ignoramnt & dishonest can you fget.
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.

Scientific American or TN Harley Messageboard wizzard.

Who should I believe?

A science journal or a dumbass trhat can't read?
I never claimed it was a waste of money.
Goddamn do you do anything besides lie?
If you are asking me, no he doesn't! ;)
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all of away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
tudy it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases
Because we have better use of our tax keeping it in my pocket.

Are you one of those farmers who gets subsidies?
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all of away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Actually it said that most halocarbons have no natural source i.e. man made.
Doesnt seem like the dems cared much about it either
Congress passes $1.3 trillion spending bill - CNNPolitics
Other things were in the budget but this didnt get mentioned :dunno:
I have news, Republicans run Congress.
Doesnt matter dipshit. It was a bipartisan deal.
Now go ahead and be a good dishonest lackey some more, faggot.
So, you are not only a liar, uninformed but also a bigot. Wow, you are the perfect Trumpette.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.
Of course its man made, did animals create the steam locomotive. Do animals cut trees down, do they build cities, do they create waste (other than shit and piss and rotting bones and flesh).

I made my case.

Yeah, you're a mental case, that's the case you made.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

What is the end goal of the NASA program?

To study greenhouse gases

What are you afraid of
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.


Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.

So, where is all the air and water going to go? Is there some giant sinkhole?
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


NASA was never intended to do research on our environment. Don't we have an EPA? ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.?

Since failed former President Barack Hussein Obama cut back on NASA he gave them something to do with the environment. That plus Obama's mandate that NASA must become an outreach program to make Muslims feel good.

Wow! NASA now back to being a Space Agency. How could President Trump do such a thing?
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled

What was the temperature in 1017? 517? 17? 100,000,017BC?
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


It will be hell to die from lack of air and water. Hell on earth.

So, where is all the air and water going to go? Is there some giant sinkhole?

I hear there are a lot in Florida.
Donald Trump & the Republicans ended a monitoring program at NASA that studied greenhouse gases. The only way Trump & his horde of idiots can act is to stop the science so they can dupe their feeble minded masses into believing that MMGW does not exist.

2017 was yet another ten ten warmest year.

Trump's action will create a more difficult life for our children & grandchildren. But Trumpettes hate their children otherwise they would be up in arms about Trump's actions.

NASA program to track greenhouse gas is canceled


NASA was never intended to do research on our environment. Don't we have an EPA? ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.?

Since failed former President Barack Hussein Obama cut back on NASA he gave them something to do with the environment. That plus Obama's mandate that NASA must become an outreach program to make Muslims feel good.

Wow! NASA now back to being a Space Agency. How could President Trump do such a thing?

Well when they realized the moon couldn't support life and they couldn't make it to Mars, they figured may as well try and save this planet, our only hope.

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