Trump stops greenhouse gas study by NASA

"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.
You find what one little comment may or not be an inaccuracy and you call the entire article a bunch of lies. C'mon you're smarter than that.
An inaccuracy? It was their premise!
Geez dude... you have got to try harder with me..
You haven't seen all the fantastic muslim infrastructure and science centers and medical breakthroughs? Me neither.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any evidence of what passes as the Liberal Science warning of Climate change either.

Liberals don't believe in real science, they are into Identity Science like global warming and babies in the womb arent really humans.

Real science says emissions are causing rising global temperatures.

You are just another example of how easily people are duped by their political leaders
even tio the point that they harm their own children & grandchildren.
The Sun causes global temperatures.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all of away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here's a fact,......YOU'RE A RACIST!!!
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.
You find what one little comment may or not be an inaccuracy and you call the entire article a bunch of lies. C'mon you're smarter than that.
An inaccuracy? It was their premise!
Geez dude... you have got to try harder with me..
Well, to be fair, after that, it states the geographical origin of it. When its coming from a land locked city, most, if not all halocarbons would be man made.
I will give them that.
I love science ... I was once blinded by it.


Oh, so that's why you have an eye patch! :D
You haven't seen all the fantastic muslim infrastructure and science centers and medical breakthroughs? Me neither.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any evidence of what passes as the Liberal Science warning of Climate change either.

Liberals don't believe in real science, they are into Identity Science like global warming and babies in the womb arent really humans.

Real science says emissions are causing rising global temperatures.

You are just another example of how easily people are duped by their political leaders
even tio the point that they harm their own children & grandchildren.
The Sun causes global temperatures.
The greenhoiuse effect. Look it up.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all of away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.

Until liberals are willing to build useful, non-emitting nuclear power plants, I'm going to have to assume they don't believe their own BS.
You haven't seen all the fantastic muslim infrastructure and science centers and medical breakthroughs? Me neither.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any evidence of what passes as the Liberal Science warning of Climate change either.

Liberals don't believe in real science, they are into Identity Science like global warming and babies in the womb arent really humans.

Real science says emissions are causing rising global temperatures.

You are just another example of how easily people are duped by their political leaders
even tio the point that they harm their own children & grandchildren.
The Sun causes global temperatures.
The greenhoiuse effect. Look it up.
Why? All your search sites are infested with liberal loons and liars.
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
No one denies climate change, you fucking liar

Then why don't you want to study it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases?
Who said i didnt want to study our planet? IT damn sure wasnt me. Lie again.
Wait, you mean we dont know what happens with GH gases? o_O
This tracked it and determined its origin. Did you bother to read your own link?

I wish you snmasrtasses would liuve up to whast yopu poist.

You called it a wasdte of money & hgere you are claimingt you never said it.

Hesuys Fuck. How ignoramnt & dishonest can you fget.
This is the way cons think. If I can stop the government from uttering the words "climate change" (See Rick Scott) or I defund science it makes it all of away. Meanwhile manmade climate change continues its inexorable march while we dicker because too many denialist and conservatives think with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders and do all they can to obstruct action.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.

Scientific American or TN Harley Messageboard wizzard.

Who should I believe?

A science journal or a dumbass trhat can't read?
Once again they show how they love wasting money on lib nonsense.
Yet another ignorant, uneducated Trumpette denying climate change.
No one denies climate change, you fucking liar

Then why don't you want to study it? Why don't you want to know what is happening with greenhouse gases?
Who said i didnt want to study our planet? IT damn sure wasnt me. Lie again.
Wait, you mean we dont know what happens with GH gases? o_O
This tracked it and determined its origin. Did you bother to read your own link?

I wish you snmasrtasses would liuve up to whast yopu poist.

You called it a wasdte of money & hgere you are claimingt you never said it.

Hesuys Fuck. How ignoramnt & dishonest can you fget.
"manmade climate change"
Post some FACTS
Here is a good starting point. The Physical Science behind Climate Change
Did the article really say halocarbons arent natural? :lol:
Ridicule the science of anthropogenic climate change all you want, but it is still coming and will get worse. Too bad that our children will be saddled with the problems we created because we were too stupid or greedy to take timely action.
How in the fuck do you expect me to even CONSIDER that article you posted when they post lies?
Lies or complete fucking ignorance. I am good with either.
Try again.

Scientific American or TN Harley Messageboard wizzard.

Who should I believe?

A science journal or a dumbass trhat can't read?
Now that's what I call triggered!


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