Trump Sues Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia

Why would Trump sue in Georgia?

I thought Trump already claimed Georgia!

Georgia is officially a swing state. Trump's lead is down to around 13,000 votes with around 47,000 mail-in ballots remaining. Most of them are in blue counties.
I frankly have had enough of this crap. My proposal is that a comprehensive review should be instigated to validate all votes cast. Irregularities should be investigated and perpetrators tried, convicted, and imprisoned.

Had enough of it only now?

I had enough of it when they first announced the mail in fraud plan. People behind it should be prosecuted for treason.

You are the one who needs to be prosecuted for tyreason. You put Trump above the country. The country is speaking despite Trump's attempts to silence it.
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

There is no mass fraud. Just a sore loser who is trying to win by crook.
You're a liar. I've seen otherwise, particularly in AZ.

You are the liar. Amazing how fraud only occurs in states Trump is losing in.
Explain how it is he is only suing states where he is losing and not suing states where he is winning?
Most retarded post I've seen in a long time. ... :cuckoo:

You are the retard just like al Trump supporters. Trump says count the votes in Arizona but don't count votes in Michigan and Pennsylvania. He trails in Arizona but had the lead in Michigan and has a narrowing lead in Pennsylvania. Georgia looks like it will be a nail-biter as well.
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

Explain how it is he is only suing states where he is losing and not suing states where he is winning?
Simple, it's Biden's job to sue in states he is losing in.
You totally miss the point. Biden won't do that because he is actually a real American and believes in the system, does not try to undermine it. There is no valid reason for suing in any state. The election is not tainted nor fraudulent. Drumph is only suing because he is losing. It's pathetic. And he is trying to undermine certain people's belief in the vote and in the election, which will cause unrest in the country. That's what he is a specialist in: sowing unrest and division in the country. He's disgusting.
You are joking right..Biden takes bribes and runs cover for his pedophile son...haven't you figured out that Joe is psychopath?
You actually believe that? You have issues.
I can see some valid concerns for sure in PA.
PA has the highest CONVICTIONS of election fraud in America. And the fact today, after being ordered by a judge to allow poll watchers back in - they stopped counting. They maintained that counting tables positioned 105 feet away from poll watchers was done "for covid protection"... which is absurd. No counting facility anywhere in America did anything remotely as far away as that.
There is the video evidence showing PA counters opening envelopes under their tables to prohibit LEGAL campaign watchers from seeing ballots.

They stopped counting today because of your own GOP Pam Bondi.
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

Explain how it is he is only suing states where he is losing and not suing states where he is winning?
To save MONEY--------and time.

Massive cheating is a dem thing---Trump doesn't need to prove the cheating in the states that he won even though I know there is cheating in those states as well---he needs to conserve his money and sue the states that he needs to win. We all know that the dems were massively cheating AGAIN.........thankfully for trump that all not precints will have to be investigated as the dems consistently like to use the heaviest populatated where their supporters run the precincts -------and thankfully for Trump--DEms aren't known for being very bright so there is plenty of evidence from ACorn types--the big money people used lackeys to direct the cheatings so they will be able to hide (SOROS and the chinese to name a couple.)

Unfotunately, the dems knew they would get caught and that Trump would go after them-------------------------so what they are really trying for and which I have been screaming for over a month now here--is that their real game is to INVALIDATE the election so ergo:

1) People will be more willing to cancel electoral process not realizing that doing so makes CHEATING EASIER and both NY and CALIFORNIA will be stuffing the ballot boxes like never before while ensuring that no republican is allowed in either state as they do it much less in the voting area as they do it.
2) If neither candidate gets the 270 votes----PELOSI becomes interim QUEEN basically

Only good news is that RBG died---------and Trump has her replacement that Pelosi has been calling a fake SC justice. Before Ruthie died, Ruth and the other 3 dems and Roberts would have sold us all down the river. Don't know if this will be enough, but atleast it is something.

I don't see any other way out, but to invalidate these states and order another election with more stringent voting must show an id, I'd like to see fingerprints and a purple finger, proof of residence should also be required, no double voting----so only one ballot and you must fill it out and drop it off. Voting only in person with cameras would be nice as well.

.......And only state GOP can be blamed for some that.

The reasons so many Biden-friendly mail ballots were counted so late in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are actually rather simple. One reason is that populous urban areas (which lean strongly blue) have more votes, which means it takes longer to count them. Another is that Trump spent months raising concerns about mail-in balloting, leading to an extraordinary partisan imbalance in which voters embraced them.
But the biggest reason for the lag is that Republicans allowed it to happen. Despite the urging of state election officials, the GOP-controlled legislatures in those three key states all declined to let mail ballots to be counted earlier — unlike the vast majority of states — despite knowing the number of mail ballots would dwarf any previous election.
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

Explain how it is he is only suing states where he is losing and not suing states where he is winning?
Simple, it's Biden's job to sue in states he is losing in.
You totally miss the point. Biden won't do that because he is actually a real American and believes in the system, does not try to undermine it. There is no valid reason for suing in any state. The election is not tainted nor fraudulent. Drumph is only suing because he is losing. It's pathetic. And he is trying to undermine certain people's belief in the vote and in the election, which will cause unrest in the country. That's what he is a specialist in: sowing unrest and division in the country. He's disgusting.
You are joking right..Biden takes bribes and runs cover for his pedophile son...haven't you figured out that Joe is psychopath?
You actually believe that? You have issues.
Yeah, and those issues are called someone who believes the facts and not the spin that the dems put out. THE EVIDENCE CLEARLY SHOWS THAT BIDEN HAS BEEN TAKING AND THAT HIS SON (AND LIKELY HIM) are PEDOPHILES>
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

You people know there is no actual evidence of fraud. You’re just desperate. You want to win regardless of what is fair and what is not. This is evident by your contradictory narrative in different state races. Just admit it. You’re all fucking children. If you actually cared about the integrity, you’d let the counts just finish and look at any inconsistencies afterwards.

If you.leftists had and cared about integrity you would realise that fro every fraudulent ballot cast a legitimate ballot is voided.
Folks, our president is a fighter, and will fight the democrat mass fraud to the end.

How’d it go?

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