Trump suggests death penalty for drug dealers

Who is actually stupid enough to believe this will actually come to be actual policy?
Christ, this country doesn't even have the stomach to put to death the numerous killers sitting on death row for years.
Who is actually stupid enough to believe this will actually come to be actual policy?
Christ, this country doesn't even have the stomach to put to death the numerous killers sitting on death row for years.

Yeah, it's all because of that pesky ole Constitution.
Trump used Singapore’s “zero tolerance” drug policy as an example of how the U.S. should be.

President Donald Trump suggested drug dealers in the United States should face harsher punishments, such as the death penalty or life in prison, during a campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“I think it’s a discussion we have to start thinking about,” Trump said during the rally in Moon Township. “I don’t know if we’re ready. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.”

Trump suggested the U.S. treat drug dealers in the same way Singapore does. Singapore, he said, has a “zero tolerance policy” when it comes to drugs.

“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”

Trump’s remarks this weekend mirror a speech he made at the White House Opioids Summit last week, when he suggested again that drug dealers should have to face the death penalty.

More: President Donald Trump Suggests Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty? Holy shit, is this what America is becoming under Trump?
Cons will eat this up.
Trump used Singapore’s “zero tolerance” drug policy as an example of how the U.S. should be.

President Donald Trump suggested drug dealers in the United States should face harsher punishments, such as the death penalty or life in prison, during a campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“I think it’s a discussion we have to start thinking about,” Trump said during the rally in Moon Township. “I don’t know if we’re ready. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.”

Trump suggested the U.S. treat drug dealers in the same way Singapore does. Singapore, he said, has a “zero tolerance policy” when it comes to drugs.

“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”

Trump’s remarks this weekend mirror a speech he made at the White House Opioids Summit last week, when he suggested again that drug dealers should have to face the death penalty.

More: President Donald Trump Suggests Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty? Holy shit, is this what America is becoming under Trump?
Cons will eat this up.
Nice simplistic generalization.
With a real emphasis on simplistic.
Trump demanded execution of innocent men for that murder in Central Park .. he's nuts.
There was no murder in Central Park. And the Central Park Five probably did beat and rape that girl, then paid off the latino. It's not like the cholo was ever getting out. He got a few bucks in his prison account.
More people are killed by alcohol and tobacco than ALL the others put together.
First to the noose (and Dirty Donny likes Public Executions..) should be the CEOs of the legal pushers.
Alcohol and tobacco are legal. Those are personal choices. Drug dealers sell illegal drugs that murder people.

It’s not the illegal drugs that are killing people by the thousands, it’s the legal ones.

When Trump starts executing Merck executives, and the doctors who over prescribed these legal drugs and got Americans hooked on opioids in vast numbers, then you’ll be on to something, but I don’t see it happening.
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Trump used Singapore’s “zero tolerance” drug policy as an example of how the U.S. should be.

President Donald Trump suggested drug dealers in the United States should face harsher punishments, such as the death penalty or life in prison, during a campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“I think it’s a discussion we have to start thinking about,” Trump said during the rally in Moon Township. “I don’t know if we’re ready. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.”

Trump suggested the U.S. treat drug dealers in the same way Singapore does. Singapore, he said, has a “zero tolerance policy” when it comes to drugs.

“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”

Trump’s remarks this weekend mirror a speech he made at the White House Opioids Summit last week, when he suggested again that drug dealers should have to face the death penalty.

More: President Donald Trump Suggests Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty? Holy shit, is this what America is becoming under Trump?
More Trump ignorance and stupidity.

The US is not Singapore.

‘“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”’

Absent due process, of course.

And this fails as a false comparison fallacy.
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

I thought that was somewhat the theme he was talking about in relation
to the Opiod epidemic.

I'll tell ya what. If you want to curtail drug dealers, making it a capital crime
might do it.

I contend that making almost anything a capital crime will likely curtail it. Does our Constitution allow that?

There's the pesky 8th Amendment that keeps tripping conservatives up.
Drug dealers can get due process. Did they sell drugs? Take them out to the parking lot and shoot them. The legal prescriptions aren't killing anyone. It's the mexican fentanyl they get when the doctor cuts them off that kills the users.

Pass laws against over prescribing then shoot the doctors too.

Better yet, opiods are overprescribed because lawyers and judges managed to get failure to treat complaints of pain as medical malpractice. Take those lawyers and judges out to the back parking lot too.

The only thing no one should ever do is stop that fentanyl and heroin from coming across the border. That's rayciss, or wayciss whichever you like better.
Trump used Singapore’s “zero tolerance” drug policy as an example of how the U.S. should be.

President Donald Trump suggested drug dealers in the United States should face harsher punishments, such as the death penalty or life in prison, during a campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“I think it’s a discussion we have to start thinking about,” Trump said during the rally in Moon Township. “I don’t know if we’re ready. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.”

Trump suggested the U.S. treat drug dealers in the same way Singapore does. Singapore, he said, has a “zero tolerance policy” when it comes to drugs.

“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”

Trump’s remarks this weekend mirror a speech he made at the White House Opioids Summit last week, when he suggested again that drug dealers should have to face the death penalty.

More: President Donald Trump Suggests Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty? Holy shit, is this what America is becoming under Trump?

What would you suggest for someone poisoning hundreds if not thousands of people?

They were innocent.

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue
In 1989 five young black men were wrongfully convicted of raping a woman jogging in New York City. Leading the charge against them was a real estate mogul whose divisive rhetoric can be found in his presidential campaign today

usef Salaam was 15 years old when Donald Trump demanded his execution for a crime he did not commit.

Nearly three decades before the rambunctious billionaire began his run for president – before he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, for the expulsion of all undocumented migrants, before he branded Mexicans as “rapists” and was accused of mocking the disabled – Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five teenagers were wrongly convicted.

The miscarriage of justice is widely remembered as a definitive moment in New York’s fractured race relations. But Trump’s intervention – he signed full-page newspaper advertisements implicitly calling for the boys to die – has been gradually overlooked as the businessman’s chances of winning the Republican nomination have rapidly increased. Now those involved in the case of the so-called Central Park Five and its aftermath say Trump’s rhetoric served as an unlikely precursor to a unique brand of divisive populism that has powered his rise to political prominence in 2016.
Trump advocates throwing out due process for confiscating guns; Trumpettes are silent. Trump advocates throwing out due process for drug dealers, and even executing them for non-capital offenses; Trumpettes are silent.

This man is a danger to American values.
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?
i give up...what does he say?....

Some of them are also drug dealers.

Trump called pharmaceutical companies and doctors drug dealers? Do you have a link?
They were innocent.

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue
In 1989 five young black men were wrongfully convicted of raping a woman jogging in New York City. Leading the charge against them was a real estate mogul whose divisive rhetoric can be found in his presidential campaign today

usef Salaam was 15 years old when Donald Trump demanded his execution for a crime he did not commit.

Nearly three decades before the rambunctious billionaire began his run for president – before he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, for the expulsion of all undocumented migrants, before he branded Mexicans as “rapists” and was accused of mocking the disabled – Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five teenagers were wrongly convicted.

The miscarriage of justice is widely remembered as a definitive moment in New York’s fractured race relations. But Trump’s intervention – he signed full-page newspaper advertisements implicitly calling for the boys to die – has been gradually overlooked as the businessman’s chances of winning the Republican nomination have rapidly increased. Now those involved in the case of the so-called Central Park Five and its aftermath say Trump’s rhetoric served as an unlikely precursor to a unique brand of divisive populism that has powered his rise to political prominence in 2016.
They were guilty and had numerous other assaults that they committed.

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