Trump suggests death penalty for drug dealers

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY . --------------------- course , i have been prescribed opioids of some type for a 'miniscus' knee injury . I had an operation , no big deal but i wouldn't do it again . Doctor prescribed some type of pain killer after operation . I didn't use them as i just used 'ibupropen' and aspirin and threw the drugs away Lakhota .
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

I thought that was somewhat the theme he was talking about in relation
to the Opiod epidemic.

I'll tell ya what. If you want to curtail drug dealers, making it a capital crime
might do it.

I contend that making almost anything a capital crime will likely curtail it. Does our Constitution allow that?
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

I thought that was somewhat the theme he was talking about in relation
to the Opiod epidemic.

I'll tell ya what. If you want to curtail drug dealers, making it a capital crime
might do it.

I contend that making almost anything a capital crime will likely curtail it. Does our Constitution allow that?

It allows Amendments.

It would be up to SCOTUS after that, but if it involved multiple deaths traced back to an
individual I imagine they would let it thru.
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

I thought that was somewhat the theme he was talking about in relation
to the Opiod epidemic.

I'll tell ya what. If you want to curtail drug dealers, making it a capital crime
might do it.

I contend that making almost anything a capital crime will likely curtail it. Does our Constitution allow that?

It allows Amendments.

Okay, let's start with the confusing and obsolete 2nd Amendment.
Trump advocates throwing out due process for confiscating guns; Trumpettes are silent. Trump advocates throwing out due process for drug dealers, and even executing them for non-capital offenses; Trumpettes are silent.

This man is a danger to American values.
This Trumpette ain't silent. I recommended last week that drug dealers should be executed. They sell death. My solution is to douse them with gasoline and light a match.
That’s not what we do here in America. Go move to the Philippines
What does Trump say about doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

I thought that was somewhat the theme he was talking about in relation
to the Opiod epidemic.

I'll tell ya what. If you want to curtail drug dealers, making it a capital crime
might do it.

I contend that making almost anything a capital crime will likely curtail it. Does our Constitution allow that?

It allows Amendments.

Okay, let's start with the confusing and obsolete 2nd Amendment.

Nothing confusing about it at all.

The confusion was cleared up with the 2nd Militia Act of 1792. (As to what
was the Militia)

The Militia was defined as "Every Able bodied man ages 18-45." It was
amended in 1862 to read. "Every Able bodied man ages 18-54."

We're all part of the Militia. Always have been, always will be.

That's why when a Soldier retires or completes his enlistment he is
placed in the Inactive Reserve. Subject to recall up to the age of 60,
if his PMOS is needed.
Trump used Singapore’s “zero tolerance” drug policy as an example of how the U.S. should be.

President Donald Trump suggested drug dealers in the United States should face harsher punishments, such as the death penalty or life in prison, during a campaign rally for congressional candidate Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“I think it’s a discussion we have to start thinking about,” Trump said during the rally in Moon Township. “I don’t know if we’re ready. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.”

Trump suggested the U.S. treat drug dealers in the same way Singapore does. Singapore, he said, has a “zero tolerance policy” when it comes to drugs.

“That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty,” Trump said of Singapore. “And they don’t have a problem.”

Trump’s remarks this weekend mirror a speech he made at the White House Opioids Summit last week, when he suggested again that drug dealers should have to face the death penalty.

More: President Donald Trump Suggests Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty? Holy shit, is this what America is becoming under Trump?
Trump advocates throwing out due process for confiscating guns; Trumpettes are silent. Trump advocates throwing out due process for drug dealers, and even executing them for non-capital offenses; Trumpettes are silent.

This man is a danger to American values.
This Trumpette ain't silent. I recommended last week that drug dealers should be executed. They sell death. My solution is to douse them with gasoline and light a match.
That’s not what we do here in America. Go move to the Philippines
How many drug deaths are there in the U.S. the past 12 months? Any idea.
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY . --------------------- course , i have been prescribed opioids of some type for a 'miniscus' knee injury . I had an operation , no big deal but i wouldn't do it again . Doctor prescribed some type of pain killer after operation . I didn't use them as i just used 'ibupropen' and aspirin and threw the drugs away Lakhota .

I agree, I don't have an addictive personality either years ago I had a "friend" who bought a pack of cigarettes and over a couple of days he would give me one after another as I promised him I wouldn't get addicted. Looking back it was a stupid bet, but after I finished the pack he hounded me for a week offering me a cigarette and I had no inclination or desire.

I know others who picked it up after having a cigarette or two socially. They just felt the need for the nicotine. I beat alcohol with a bumpier road, I used to drink like a fish when out with friends. Grew a resistance to it. Now I drink no more than a couple of times a year, so little in fact that my body rejects it if I have more than two drinks.

Certainly everyone must have vice, but it's finding it. I feel sympathy for those addicted, for whatever reason their bodies become dependent. They increase their doses, ruin their families and careers and many end up six feet under because they succumb to the addiction. It's tragic obviously, and the dealers deserve a harsh penalty. I think the same charge as someone who willfully and intends to murder someone is a bit much.
More people are killed by alcohol and tobacco than ALL the others put together.
First to the noose (and Dirty Donny likes Public Executions..) should be the CEOs of the legal pushers.
Trump advocates throwing out due process for confiscating guns; Trumpettes are silent. Trump advocates throwing out due process for drug dealers, and even executing them for non-capital offenses; Trumpettes are silent.

This man is a danger to American values.
This Trumpette ain't silent. I recommended last week that drug dealers should be executed. They sell death. My solution is to douse them with gasoline and light a match.
That’s not what we do here in America. Go move to the Philippines
How many drug deaths are there in the U.S. the past 12 months? Any idea.
So, we should start using cruel and unusual punishment, going against our own constitution? I’m guessing you don’t think the same about guns, do you, you unAmerican piece of shit?
More people are killed by alcohol and tobacco than ALL the others put together.
First to the noose (and Dirty Donny likes Public Executions..) should be the CEOs of the legal pushers.
Alcohol and tobacco are legal. Those are personal choices. Drug dealers sell illegal drugs that murder people.
Trump advocates throwing out due process for confiscating guns; Trumpettes are silent. Trump advocates throwing out due process for drug dealers, and even executing them for non-capital offenses; Trumpettes are silent.

This man is a danger to American values.
This Trumpette ain't silent. I recommended last week that drug dealers should be executed. They sell death. My solution is to douse them with gasoline and light a match.
That’s not what we do here in America. Go move to the Philippines
How many drug deaths are there in the U.S. the past 12 months? Any idea.
So, we should start using cruel and unusual punishment, going against our own constitution? I’m guessing you don’t think the same about guns, do you, you unAmerican piece of shit?
You are right, commie.

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