Trump supporter sucker punches protester and threatens to kill him

Make fun all you want, but I know more than you because I put in the time. Fact of the matter is, we have never been paid in real money. Real money has an intrinsic value. We have been paid in debt notes and it has been our labor that has moved this fiat currency since FDR confiscated the gold owned by citizens and turned it over to the owners of the Federal Reserve in 1933. The fiat dollar has lost 99 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of 1913. Ron Paul and others have tried to warn us about the dangers of the Federal Reserve central bankers that have never had a "top to bottom" audit in the whole 102 years of it's existance. Think about it, if you could a country that was absolutely bankrupted in 1933 just 12 years later be given the privilege of being the world's reserve currency via the Bretton Woods agreement? These are things you need to think about because it goes a long ways as to why we (and the rest of the world) are in the piss poor shape we are in. I am not trying to be a prick because it doesn't accomplish anything but I know a lot of things because I made my business to learn how things really work. It does not have to be this way....people to do not have to struggle nor do they have to try and eek out an existance but we can't change the system unless we understand the history on how this happened...and you can forget about the politicians changing it. They are owned by this banking oligarchy...the ones that haven't sold out, have been corrupted and they do the bidding of their masters. The ones that can't be bought or sold (from both sides) have a very short shelf life and are shunned and not put on any meaningful committees. The sytem is intentionally flawed to keep us at each other's throats believing that we are just one election cycle away from making things better. The change has to come with even just a small percantage of us waking up as to what has been done to the masses. We have to get pissed and insist that this corrupt system be exposed. Iceland did it and we can do it as well.

Are you on any medication, and are you taking it regularly?
Dale, you are not, despite what you believe, a sovereign citizen as you describe it.

You can believe and act as if you are a monkey, bu you are not.

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