Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
The President will gladly and quietly exit the WH in early 2025 after his second term you socialist hopefuls.
Here, lemme fix that for ya ...

The President will gladly and quietly exit the WH in early 20252021 after his secondfirst term you socialist hopefuls.


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