Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

What kind of word is that? Did you graduate from elementary school and forget how to use spell check?
Oooh Admiral English Teacher slaps a deplorable on the wrist.....
I hate stupid in all its forms, you included.
Awwww here's a tissue Admiral.....

So you admit being stupid and should stop posting?
I do admit to you being an idiot yes.
I do not know who will win. I do not know how the elections for the Senate will turn out. I do not know. Nobody knows. They may believe, hope, or whatever. But they do not know.

I suspect that no matter who wins we are doomed. I believe violence will result no matter how it turns out. The extremists on both sides believe their own propaganda and that never turns out well in history. I have started to cycle and check my gear out. I believe that no matter who loses they will believe they were cheated and go full rebellion.
I do not know who will win. I do not know how the elections for the Senate will turn out. I do not know. Nobody knows. They may believe, hope, or whatever. But they do not know.

I suspect that no matter who wins we are doomed. I believe violence will result no matter how it turns out. The extremists on both sides believe their own propaganda and that never turns out well in history. I have started to cycle and check my gear out. I believe that no matter who loses they will believe they were cheated and go full rebellion.
Nobody is doomed. When the President wins again and the career lawbreakers start rioting again, he will stop it in its tracks, pantywaist Democrat leaders or not. There is no room in this country for the Democrat vision of rampant crime with no police and laws being broken left and right.
I have little doubt if biden wins, all the dems will be here rubbing the rights nose in it. This game goes round and round every political cycle.

Lets just hope that people can be grown up about it, and not destroy buildings...regardless of who wins.
Most of the violence has been one way for many years and decades. If the right does get violent, it has a lot of catching up to do. I would suspect that even people who are not violent and Not Progs will not report any violence from anyone from the right. Of course we are being presumptious. Sometimes it takes a long time if ever to fight back.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.
But over 200,000 Americans have died.
that same number dies every year in the same time span. You know this right? please tell me you researched the death counts from previous years to make such a stupid post. please? you go
I have little doubt if biden wins, all the dems will be here rubbing the rights nose in it. This game goes round and round every political cycle.

Lets just hope that people can be grown up about it, and not destroy buildings...regardless of who wins.
Most of the violence has been one way for many years and decades. If the right does get violent, it has a lot of catching up to do. I would suspect that even people who are not violent and Not Progs will not report any violence from anyone from the right. Of course we are being presumptious. Sometimes it takes a long time if ever to fight back.
fk dude, the civil war was started by demofks. they are a needy bunch to say the least.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.
But over 200,000 Americans have died.
that same number dies every year in the same time span. You know this right? please tell me you researched the death counts from previous years to make such a stupid post. please? you go
So now it is twice as many dead. Perhaps you should think before you post.
No one "beats" covid in 4 days, dope.
are you a god?

are you a god.gif
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.
But over 200,000 Americans have died.
that same number dies every year in the same time span. You know this right? please tell me you researched the death counts from previous years to make such a stupid post. please? you go
So now it is twice as many dead. Perhaps you should think before you post.
I'm sure I'm still light. See that was just California. There is Illinois, New York. dude, that just scratched the surface. I supposed you've never heard of Chiraq's voting history? hahaahahahahahahahahaha. the joke here is that my parents were always republican, now since they're dead, they vote demofk?
The bigger issue is the Senate.
We lose the Senate to the Dimocrat party of today, and you might as well kiss what's left of the American capitalistic system goodbye.
Dimocrats will work for a change that will be unlike anything this country has ever seen.
Say goodbye to any border security, and the entire country will officially become a sanctuary to the entire refugee population of the world.
Better start making plans for your post-America future.
Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

DEFEAT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BILL. No matter what, I win.
  • If Trump wins next month, I win!
  • If Biden wins and turns out a great president, I still win.
  • If Biden turns out to suck royal eggs, I can tell you I TOLD YOU SO, and I win.
  • And if Biden drops dead of a heart attack and Harris takes over, you'll rue the day you ever elected her, and I'll laugh gloating, and STILL win! :auiqs.jpg:
And Clinton did get more votes than Impeached Trump.
We will never know if those were legal votes
Sure we know. Only a few people were caught committing voter fraud.

And some of them voted for Impeached Trump so there's no evidence voter fraud benefited Hillary more than Impeached Trump.
Sure we know. Only a few people were caught committing voter fraud.
Without a proper investigation the dems will never catch more than a few even if they wanted to

which they dont
Sure we know. Only a few people were caught committing voter fraud.
Without a proper investigation the dems will never catch more than a few even if they wanted to

which they dont
Oh? The right never investigates voter fraud? Then how did the Heritage Foundation build its database on voter fraud?
Oh? The right never investigates voter fraud? Then how did the Heritage Foundation build its database on voter fraud?
Its a big country and the Heritage Foundation is just one small but very influential group
Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

What kind of word is that? Did you graduate from elementary school and forget how to use spell check?
Oooh Admiral English Teacher slaps a deplorable on the wrist.....
I hate stupid in all its forms, you included.
Awwww here's a tissue Admiral.....

So you admit being stupid and should stop posting?
I do admit to you being an idiot yes.

So, when are you going to stop posting?

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