Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.
But over 200,000 Americans have died.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
The President will gladly and quietly exit the WH in early 2025 after his second term you socialist hopefuls.
He won’t make it that far. Lots of obstacles before to get over. He’s an obese 74 year old man with the best health care in the world and conquering the ravage of any virus are difficult, he has to be re-elected (he won’t be) and if he is re-elected he will be impeached and will resign in disgrace.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

I agree. The best thing for the Republican Party is for trump to lose. Then get the crazy people out of leadership of the party.

Move more to the middle. They have run so far to the right that anyone who doesn't agree with them is "a far left radical extremist."

They have driven the moderates out of their party. They can't win any election without a much larger party with those moderates.

Most of the nation is in the middle, some lean left, some lean right. The minority are either extreme left or right.

The problem is that the minority extremists have control.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
Let me know when you meet an “undecided”; it’s an extinct species.
I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Yeah, like Jeb or Kasich or George Conway, right?

No, people like Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Rand Paul.

The same people who enabled trump?

The people who voted for all of the trump mess while ignoring the real problems in this nation?

The same men who during the 2016 primary called trump a liar, a racist and a long list of other things he really is, immediately took an about face and have been following trump in everything he does.

Republicans will lose elections with people that ads can be made to point out their hypocrisy and lies when it came to trump.

Good luck with that.

The Republican Party needs new politicians.
Trump is well back in the White House
Dems in hell back in their fright house
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
Based on the polls algore, john kerry and hillary clinton would have been president

Gore did get more votes than Bush.

Bush was predicted to get more votes than Kerry...

And Clinton did get more votes than Impeached Trump.

The polls were right.

And though polls even this far out can be wildly off, Biden is up by an average of 9 points -- while at this point in 2016, Hillary was up by only 5.4 points.

Thankfully our founders were exceptionally smart men------------the electoral votes are saving our azzes over and over.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

Its very survivable. Loads of people have it and never know it cause they don't show any symptoms.

Hell one of the clerks here at the Court House tested positive. I asked her how she felt and she told me she felt fine. Not sick at all. If she hadn't tested positive she never would have known she had it.

The elderly and infirm are the ones who will die. Kids don't get it and are pretty safe.
But over 200,000 Americans have died.
From other prexisting conditions except for about 2,000
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

You seriously believe "he's rid of it" :confused-84:
Not what even his lying doctor is saying.
Herman Cain said he was over it after less than a week.
He was dead 3 weeks later.
Over it and back on the job you simpering cowering wuss

Guess that's why he's being monitored 24/7 by a virtual army of doctors and nurses.
And guess who pays for that preferential medical treatment?
You and I do - Because Donald doesn't pay taxes. :icon_rolleyes:

This pretty much sums up this whole mess.

Good Quote-1.jpg
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

You seriously believe "he's rid of it" :confused-84:
Not what even his lying doctor is saying.
Herman Cain said he was over it after less than a week.
He was dead 3 weeks later.
Over it and back on the job you simpering cowering wuss

Guess that's why he's being monitored 24/7 by a virtual army of doctors and nurses.
And guess who pays for that preferential medical treatment?
You and I do - Because Donald doesn't pay taxes. :icon_rolleyes:

This pretty much sums up this whole mess.

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Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

He's done the steroid's are making him wackier than ever. Even Don Jr thinks he's not in his right mind.
Done is a word Sleepy passed about 10 years ago.

He's fucking Wacko for instance he said Saturday from the hospital he wanted the stimulus plan quickly and today he told them to break off talks there would be no talks until after the election.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

You seriously believe "he's rid of it" :confused-84:
Not what even his lying doctor is saying.
Herman Cain said he was over it after less than a week.
He was dead 3 weeks later.
Over it and back on the job you simpering cowering wuss

Guess that's why he's being monitored 24/7 by a virtual army of doctors and nurses.
And guess who pays for that preferential medical treatment?
You and I do - Because Donald doesn't pay taxes. :icon_rolleyes:

This pretty much sums up this whole mess.

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More like-------the dems threw another of their famous temper tantrums when Trump nominated a Great judge to replace RBG----and like purposely infected Trump and his people at the nomination hearing. 27 plus people in an hour two especially outside in a rose garden and up close enough to get Trump and his wife---is something far far far more than a superspreader.

Or you could just think that Trump isn't really sick....
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
This poll certainly backs up your post a little...Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Trump loses support among 3 key demographics after debate, COVID-19 diagnosis

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