Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

And then you woke up, dreamer
I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

WHile that may or may not be true, what's undeniable is the fact that Republicans would be far happier with Trump winning a second term than with Biden winning a first...
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
Such as Dan Crenshaw!
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Absolutely agree on that. We also need people genuinely desiring to reach bipartisan solutions to some of our big problems - like debt and immigration. That can't happen the way it is now.

I just gave again to the DSCC. Yep, it's important to get Donald out of there pronto. But without Moscow Mitch out of power, nothing will get done. No judges, no legislation ... NOTHING.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
Do you have an example how you unite with groups that hate America? You don’t u it’s with communist.. you ...
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Absolutely agree on that. We also need people genuinely desiring to reach bipartisan solutions to some of our big problems - like debt and immigration. That can't happen the way it is now.
Debt and Immigration! That was supposed to be accomplished many decades ago.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Absolutely agree on that. We also need people genuinely desiring to reach bipartisan solutions to some of our big problems - like debt and immigration. That can't happen the way it is now.

I just gave again to the DSCC. Yep, it's important to get Donald out of there pronto. But without Moscow Mitch out of power, nothing will get done. No judges, no legislation ... NOTHING.
You lied about what now? Sorry, please say again. Thank you.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
All of you deranged demodumbasses should be spending these last days preparing yourselves for an asswhoppin like you've never seen must less had before. It's gonna be epic. Lay in an extra supply of butt hurt salve and crying towels. Also extra crayons and coloring books for your safe spaces because you may be hold up for awhile following the election.
I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country
You are a big time Romney Bush guy aren't you? those endless wars do ya? thanks...Trump loses so does the GOP...
No, the other half of his personality is MAGA.
Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

What kind of word is that? Did you graduate from elementary school and forget how to use spell check?
Oooh Admiral English Teacher slaps a deplorable on the wrist.....
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

if we lose, we will be unhappy, but we will not cry like little bitches or scream at the sky like crazy people.

That is the point, you moron.
Exactly. Since the 2016 election Democrats and their Media have acted like spoiled children denied their favorite toy.
Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Bill I can see why you became a Democrat, the party SUITS YOU. You have real seething hate and anger in your heart! So yes, we should listen to you! After 2010, 2014, 2016 and the Supreme Court, you guys are the EXPERTS on defeat! And the funny thing is that even if you WIN this time, you still LOSE. We all lose. We get another pressed suit professional ACTOR politician as president playing the role of the caring leader, but what we will all really get is that shithead lying thug Joe Biden and his creepy dirty skank Harris as VP running everything, and if you think they actually CARE ABOUT YOU or will do anything for YOU, you're even dumber than I thought.
wow, BDS came quicker than I thought

Whatever BDS there is has come after 50 years of anyone he supposedly supports waiting for him to do anything at all.

No, no, JB, Joe Biden was nothing but a seat warmer for HALF A CENTURY, he was just saving himself up for the IMPORTANT WORK . . . his DESTINY.

Now he's going to warm the seat in the Oval Office. :smoke:
Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Bill I can see why you became a Democrat, the party SUITS YOU. You have real seething hate and anger in your heart! So yes, we should listen to you! After 2010, 2014, 2016 and the Supreme Court, you guys are the EXPERTS on defeat! And the funny thing is that even if you WIN this time, you still LOSE. We all lose. We get another pressed suit professional ACTOR politician as president playing the role of the caring leader, but what we will all really get is that shithead lying thug Joe Biden and his creepy dirty skank Harris as VP running everything, and if you think they actually CARE ABOUT YOU or will do anything for YOU, you're even dumber than I thought.
wow, BDS came quicker than I thought

Biden is a broken down old man... I'm still wondering how he got the nomination

There is NO CHANCE he will ever serve more than ONE TERM, and I highly doubt he can even do the job for one term. Voting for Joe is a sure bet that you are really electing someone the nation does not like and never voted for. Worse, a person who emphatically stated she was 100% OPPOSED to everything Joe stands for!
Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Bill I can see why you became a Democrat, the party SUITS YOU. You have real seething hate and anger in your heart! So yes, we should listen to you! After 2010, 2014, 2016 and the Supreme Court, you guys are the EXPERTS on defeat! And the funny thing is that even if you WIN this time, you still LOSE. We all lose. We get another pressed suit professional ACTOR politician as president playing the role of the caring leader, but what we will all really get is that shithead lying thug Joe Biden and his creepy dirty skank Harris as VP running everything, and if you think they actually CARE ABOUT YOU or will do anything for YOU, you're even dumber than I thought.
wow, BDS came quicker than I thought

LOL Gotta wonder if he's trying to convince Trump supporter or himself.
Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

What kind of word is that? Did you graduate from elementary school and forget how to use spell check?
Oooh Admiral English Teacher slaps a deplorable on the wrist.....
I hate stupid in all its forms, you included.
Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

What kind of word is that? Did you graduate from elementary school and forget how to use spell check?
Oooh Admiral English Teacher slaps a deplorable on the wrist.....
I hate stupid in all its forms, you included.
Can’t win the argument because you’re stupid,, so you resort to grammar police.. congrats lol

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