Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

How long did you zealots have to dig to find that one? ANd it proves nothing other than both people stood no balconies at some point.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
A biden win isn’t a win for you, and you know it lol. Right wing media will destroy him, it will be four years of failure and 2024 will be the biggest victory for republicans this country ever seen. Trump will run and win. We will regain the senate, and the house. It will be four years of comedy
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

Boy. Digging through the bottom of your barrel??

What a hack you are.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

Literally the only chance that you have is through massive voter fraud.
You should hope to lose, gracefully.
For your own sake.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
A biden win isn’t a win for you, and you know it lol. Right wing media will destroy him, it will be four years of failure and 2024 will be the biggest victory for republicans this country ever seen. Trump will run and win. We will regain the senate, and the house. It will be four years of comedy

A Biden win isn't a win for anyone. That man will raise taxes and institute his green shit that will bankrupt the country.

Anyone wanting to vote for him should really study up on what he will do. There was a list on this board a couple of weeks ago and what a horror show for the American tax payer. The man is no economist and his ideas stink.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Agree 100% - A Trump loss will be the only way the party can rebuild and survive this president.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.

Why would decent people want to unite with Democrats.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
We went that route. Your observations of those great candidates you would say were that, was brutal, defamatory, and destructive. You lie and lie some more. And I take a Biden victory as vengeance against many people. The destruction will be wide and the transformation into Socialism quick. A good consolation prize.
Just beat Covid so Biden is easy
He just proved what a joke hoax Covid is
74 year old man exposed to tons of people and an exhausting schedule and after 4 days he is rid of it
He had a mild to moderate case which is what 95% of those who get it do have.
Truth is about 2,000 otherwise fully healthy people under the age of 65 have died from this, everyone else 65+ AND with 2-3 other serious to critical preexisting conditions

You seriously believe "he's rid of it" :confused-84:
Not what even his lying doctor is saying.
Herman Cain said he was over it after less than a week.
He was dead 3 weeks later.
I actually think a Trump defeat would be the best thing for the Republican Party. They have people in their ranks who can be better leaders and do a better job uniting our country.
In normal times, that would be a perfectly reasonable sentiment. The problem is that there are so many in the party who don't want the country to be united. They look at communication as capitulation. They'd rather see the country in pieces.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
A biden win isn’t a win for you, and you know it lol. Right wing media will destroy him, it will be four years of failure and 2024 will be the biggest victory for republicans this country ever seen. Trump will run and win. We will regain the senate, and the house. It will be four years of comedy

A Biden win isn't a win for anyone. That man will raise taxes and institute his green shit that will bankrupt the country.

Anyone wanting to vote for him should really study up on what he will do. There was a list on this board a couple of weeks ago and what a horror show for the American tax payer. The man is no economist and his ideas stink.
It’s an absolute loss for America I agree but it will be enjoyable saying I told you so for 4 years.. and I think a red wave in 2024
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:

You should have said, "Biden supporters. Get ready for defeat."

Maybe next time.
Dear Trump supporters - Remember 2017, when so many of you posted your little YODA photos here with snarky messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches"?? Well, enjoy the memories because those days aren't coming back. "The Donald" didn't impress any Independent and swing voters with his debate vs Biden, and his "Mussolini pose" photo op without a mask yesterday at the white house smacks of irresponsibility, even among some Republicans. Barring a miracle, your golden boy is going to be a 1 term President. You can bitch about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but the cement has hardened and it's time to prepare for defeat.

- Maybe next time. :bye1:
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Trump Supporters: Prepare for defeat

Bill I can see why you became a Democrat, the party SUITS YOU. You have real seething hate and anger in your heart! So yes, we should listen to you! After 2010, 2014, 2016 and the Supreme Court, you guys are the EXPERTS on defeat! And the funny thing is that even if you WIN this time, you still LOSE. We all lose. We get another pressed suit professional ACTOR politician as president playing the role of the caring leader, but what we will all really get is that shithead lying thug Joe Biden and his creepy dirty skank Harris as VP running everything, and if you think they actually CARE ABOUT YOU or will do anything for YOU, you're even dumber than I thought.
Trump wouldnt be defeated by biden Harris , it would be from
The crazy left wing media, that slants everything left.. and that will have to be delt with .. propaganda

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