Trump Supporting Terrorist Taken Into Custody Near the Capitol

I believe you.

However, the rightwing is getting increasingly more and more unhinged, and they aren't suffering any consequences.

Do you agree w/that?

I'll think on it and share my honest opinion.

My hypothyroid is kicking in at the moment. When that happens, it's a hard, sudden crash.

I'll probably pop back in here later tonight some time.
Just to point out: He's still a domestic terrorist, even if he didn't have a bomb. Threatening to blow a place up for political reasons is still an act of terrorism.

I'm glad they got him, and it turned out to be nothing. He was right outside of the Library of Congress; the amount of irreplaceable damage he could have done there is mind-boggling.
That's right, minimize the terrorism, when it comes from the right.

I look forward to you completely soiling yourself the next time some Muslim says "Allah akbar!" a little too loud for your comfort.
Would that be you?
Trump supporters are at it again, w/their Capitol violence, but this time one of them came w/a bomb...


The biggest story of the day, not a peep from rightwingers nor the hate-wing media.

I wonder what's next for these far rightwing lunatics.
A crazy guy claimed to have a bomb that he didnt actually have. What would you like us right wingers to say about it? You arent trying to suggest that we should be blamed for the actions of a nutcase, are you?
A crazy guy claimed to have a bomb that he didnt actually have. What would you like us right wingers to say about it? You arent trying to suggest that we should be blamed for the actions of a nutcase, are you?
you can't take credit for everything that's good about conservatives, and then suddenly say you don't wanna take credit for what folks don't like about conservatives
From the aticle.

Videos posted to Facebook before the page was taken down appear to show Roseberry at a Nov. 14 Washington rally attended by thousands of Trump supporter.
Key word appears.
A crazy guy claimed to have a bomb that he didnt actually have. What would you like us right wingers to say about it? You arent trying to suggest that we should be blamed for the actions of a nutcase, are you?
You can start by denouncing him, his act, his rhetoric and what he stands for.

Can you bring yourself to doing that simple thing?
You can start by denouncing him, his act, his rhetoric and what he stands for.

Can you bring yourself to doing that simple thing?
The very first thing i said about this guy was that i hope the cops kill him. :cuckoo:
That's right, minimize the terrorism, when it comes from the right.

I look forward to you completely soiling yourself the next time some Muslim says "Allah akbar!" a little too loud for your comfort.
Well, at least it would justified, seeing as every time a Muslim shouts it something seems to blow up...
if 80 million gun owning Trump supporters were the problem the democrat party would already be gone.
What about the 100+ million gun owners that aren't aligned with the magaturds or BLM/Antifa that are entirely done with putting up with your bullshit? Maybe other people not aligned with those two tribes will someday will demand a pound of flesh from you psychopaths. They likely have more mettle than you and will take it
The violent right continues to be a threat.
if the right was a threat you would know about it long ago. The threat is coming from idiots like you
Fucking leftists will piss their pants the day the right finally takes action against them for their crimes.
What about the 100+ million gun owners that aren't aligned with the magaturds or BLM/Antifa that are entirely done with putting up with your bullshit? Maybe other people not aligned with those two tribes will someday will demand a pound of flesh from you psychopaths. They likely have more mettle than you and will take it
you will either side with those who support the constitution or die with those who don't
You can start by denouncing him, his act, his rhetoric and what he stands for.

Can you bring yourself to doing that simple thing?
I don't denounce him. More you antirights fascist keep pushing your tyranny you'll see more deadlier actions.

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