Trump takes credit for Shell`s $6 billion dollar investment in Pa.

I am from this region and have family/friends that work at the present as well as the facility this cracker plant replaced. This deal was years in the making- long before President Trump even announced he was running. Many local, state, and, federal offiicals from both parties made this come to pass. I know it pains President Trump’s sycophants to hear, but he had nothing to do with it. Sorry.

I don't think you quite understand. The ethane and other products the cracker plant will be processing are obtained by Blessed Fracking.

The outlaw of fracking will make the facility useless

Yeah, you let me know when that actually happens, Chicken Little. In the meantime, none of this changes the fact that president Trump had nothing to do with this deal. Get over it. Or don't. I learned I long time ago that you lickspittles live in a fantasy world. Ta.
I am from this region and have family/friends that work at the present as well as the facility this cracker plant replaced. This deal was years in the making- long before President Trump even announced he was running. Many local, state, and, federal offiicals from both parties made this come to pass. I know it pains President Trump’s sycophants to hear, but he had nothing to do with it. Sorry.

I don't think you quite understand. The ethane and other products the cracker plant will be processing are obtained by Blessed Fracking.

The outlaw of fracking will make the facility useless

Yeah, you let me know when that actually happens, Chicken Little. In the meantime, none of this changes the fact that president Trump had nothing to do with this deal. Get over it. Or don't. I learned I long time ago that you lickspittles live in a fantasy world. Ta.

I've seen in the past how the libs work hard to delay program. Keystone XL, the ANWR oil fields, are just two examples.

Put them in power, and the Potter Township project will just be a colossal waste of money.
Birtherism. 'Low I.Q. Aimdividuals'(at Blacks). Judge born in Indiana by Mexican parents cannot render justice. Sued for housing discrimination.

When has Trump NOT been racist?
Trump is obnoxious to all of his opponents.

Being Black doesn't make a person immune from being insulted.
Birtherism. 'Low I.Q. Aimdividuals'(at Blacks). Judge born in Indiana by Mexican parents cannot render justice. Sued for housing discrimination.

When has Trump NOT been racist?
Trump is obnoxious to all of his opponents.

Being Black doesn't make a person immune from being insulted.
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
The President did allow the construction of the project in the Township of Potter to continue, however. If you read the story at your link, liberals are still protesting against these jobs in Beaver Country with signs proclaiming "Shell, no". Further, the construction of this plant is in violation of the Democrat Party's New Green Deal platform.

If Donald J. Trump isn't reelected next year, this project of Shell will end, and the workers will be put on food stamps and medicaid, maybe enrolled in "training programs" that lead nowhere like the black people in the Ghetto traditionally are.

Shale is NOT coal. You make petro chemicals from it including fuels and lubricants. It sits idly by an waits until the cost of oil gets up so high and then it goes into production until oil prices go back down and then it shuts down. We have billions of barrels of oil around here and the amount of shale deposits dwarfs that. So the Shale is an ace in the hole, not something you depend on on a daily basis. When Oil gets out of hand in price, then and only then will Shale be a viable replacement. It's currently not a replacement, it's a supplement.

BTW, Coal is the same way. But the cost to make it into petro products is quite high. When or if we run out of Oil, then Coal can be used to make low grade things like lubricants and Shale will become the Petro Oil Fuel king. This has been known since the 30s.
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
obective is to MAGA?
Is that code word for getting rid of the brown people?
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
Each and every candidate is pro-American.

You are under the spell of a,salesman who brands himself as THENMOST PRO-AMERICAN PERSON EVER. His policies are,dividing American from American. Hismpolicies have been challenged in court and failed far too often. He does not understand the word "constitution".

Competence counts for something.
That's just because you don't have the balls to call it. Talk about a Beta.
I call Trump racist. The odds of every one of his voters being racists are too high to calculate.

How is Trump Racist?
Ask any Latino. Ask any African American.

'They're rapists, they're murderers, they're bringing drugs!'

How is it you have the balls to ask that question! I know it's not naïveté. It is, in fact, a way to dilute the racism of Trump and those who cheer him on.

He was talking about criminals, not all Latino's or African Americans. Please show me the WHOLE statements he made that you are referring to.

Progs like you extrapolate his statements to suit your viewpoints. You point to "dog-whistling" as a cover for your made up bullshit.
Birtherism. 'Low I.Q. Aimdividuals'(at Blacks). Judge born in Indiana by Mexican parents cannot render justice. Sued for housing discrimination.

When has Trump NOT been racist?

No proof of racism. Try harder, you dried up old twat.
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
Each and every candidate is pro-American.

You are under the spell of a,salesman who brands himself as THENMOST PRO-AMERICAN PERSON EVER. His policies are,dividing American from American. Hismpolicies have been challenged in court and failed far too often. He does not understand the word "constitution".

Competence counts for something.
You have a bad case of TDS.

I never said Trump was the most Pro-American person ever. I said he was Pro-American. That alone makes him better than the Clown-Car Democrat Nominees.

I'll take a jerk as POTUS that destroys terrorist instead of sending them cash, creates jobs instead of destroying them, reduces food stamp need instead of increasing it, and supports Americans over illegal aliens any day over a well spoken America-Hater.
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Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
Each and every candidate is pro-American.

You are under the spell of a,salesman who brands himself as THENMOST PRO-AMERICAN PERSON EVER. His policies are,dividing American from American. Hismpolicies have been challenged in court and failed far too often. He does not understand the word "constitution".

Competence counts for something.
You have a bad case of TDS.

I never said Trump was the most Pro-American person ever. I said he was Pro-American. That alone makes him better than the Clown-Car Democrat Nominees.

I'll take a jerk as POTUS that destroys terrorist instead of sending them cash, creates jobs instead of destroying them, reduces food stamp need instead of increasing it, and supports Americans over illegal aliens any day over a well spoken America-Hater any day.

With Trump, it's Trump over country. When someone is as narcissistic as Trump is, no one person or one thing is more important, than himself. He lies about the greatest economy ever. Takes credit for what other people have done.
Trump all by himself, has destroyed the admiration the world had for the United States.
He has divided American like no one else has ever done. All he has is his base of more than willing Trump kool-aid drinkers. His base cares not that he is a pathological liar, tries to circumvent the Constitution and believes that he is above the law and the Constitution of the United Stares.
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With Trump, it's Trump over country. When someone is as narcissistic as Trump is, no one person or one thing is more important, than himself. He lies about the greatest economy ever. Takes credit for what other people have done.
Trump all by himself, has destroyed the admiration the world had for the United States.
He has divided American like no one else has ever done. All he has is his base of more than willing Trump kool-aid drinkers. His base cares not that he is a pathological liar, tries to circumvent the Constitution and believes that he is above the law and the Constitution of the United Stares.
Horse hockey.

You're pissed because Trump is Pro-American, and Democrats like you aren't.

What has you most upset?
Historic high employment? Especially with minorities?
Destroying the Terrorists Caliphate?
Lowering the need for Food stamps?
America's military being rebuilt?

I get it... It's been a tough 3 years for America-Haters... You're under a lot of stress...

You're on a losing streak... Get a life...
Lacking grace and human decency does not make a person a great president.
Trump is far from the perfect POTUS.

But his objective is to MAGA, which, in and of itself, makes him better than any Democrat running.

It's not about party, or nominee. It's about America.

You find me a Democrat Nominee that is more pro-America than Trump and I'll vote for him/her/whatever.
Each and every candidate is pro-American.

You are under the spell of a,salesman who brands himself as THENMOST PRO-AMERICAN PERSON EVER. His policies are,dividing American from American. Hismpolicies have been challenged in court and failed far too often. He does not understand the word "constitution".

Competence counts for something.
You have a bad case of TDS.

I never said Trump was the most Pro-American person ever. I said he was Pro-American. That alone makes him better than the Clown-Car Democrat Nominees.

I'll take a jerk as POTUS that destroys terrorist instead of sending them cash, creates jobs instead of destroying them, reduces food stamp need instead of increasing it, and supports Americans over illegal aliens any day over a well spoken America-Hater.

Trump supports doing away with illegal immigration as long it doesn't affect him and his rich buddies ability to use them themselves. They use ICE as their own personal "Let's bust them the day before payday" police force. The Corporation pockets the hundreds of thousands of dollars and brings in the next bunch the day after payday to start the cycle all over again. And let's not get the "What about Obama" crap. This is about Trump and his band of criminals. Trump is supposed to be above all this.

And you said TDS, does that mean another Cabinet Member is going to be fired, resign in shame or indicted and Trump needs another replacement?

With Trump, it's Trump over country. When someone is as narcissistic as Trump is, no one person or one thing is more important, than himself. He lies about the greatest economy ever. Takes credit for what other people have done.
Trump all by himself, has destroyed the admiration the world had for the United States.
He has divided American like no one else has ever done. All he has is his base of more than willing Trump kool-aid drinkers. His base cares not that he is a pathological liar, tries to circumvent the Constitution and believes that he is above the law and the Constitution of the United Stares.
Horse hockey.

You're pissed because Trump is Pro-American, and Democrats like you aren't.

What has you most upset?
Historic high employment? Especially with minorities?
Destroying the Terrorists Caliphate?
Lowering the need for Food stamps?
America's military being rebuilt?

I get it... It's been a tough 3 years for America-Haters... You're under a lot of stress...

You're on a losing streak... Get a life...

I am an Independent. Independents voters outnumber Republicans and also Democrats.
Party Affiliation
Trump's approval rating with Independents is just 37%.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
You are one of these geniuses that think anyone who opposes Trump. You really can't grasp the real word with your simple mind.
Trump does not have have the greatest economy. Since 1960, Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton top Trump. Combined, they added less to the National Debt in sixteen years, than Trump has in three years.
deby growth by president.png

And your claim about record amount of people employed, that is due to the growth of the population.
Look at the the Labor Force Participation Rate.

And look at the trajectory of the unemployment rate, Trump simply continued the trajectory that he inherited.

Just keep drinking the Kool-aid, oh ignorant one.
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