trump takes Kim's word that he had nothing to do with Otto Wambier's death

Yeah, Kim doesn't know about all the people being murdered in his prison camps. He's too busy baking cupcakes and singing songs to school children to stay informed on all the nuts and bolts of running a communist dictatorship.

And Trump trusts commie dictators. He takes them at their word.
In Kim you have one of the most cruel, murderous, despicable dictators on the planet, and Trump says he likes the guy. I have a lot of trouble with him saying that. This is the kind of guy he could like? I don't care who is occupying the oval office, the President of the United States cannot like that guy.
In Kim you have one of the most cruel, murderous, despicable dictators on the planet, and Trump says he likes the guy. I have a lot of trouble with him saying that. This is the kind of guy he could like? I don't care who is occupying the oval office, the President of the United States cannot like that guy.

Of course he said he likes the guy. He's trying to get a deal made with him. A deal involving nukes.

Did you think he'd say the guys a dictator??

If you did you ain't thinking outside the box.
This is one of the most disgusting acts of betrayal inflicted by any President in American history. Thanks to Donald Trump, a perverted sick foreign dictator can torture and murder an Amerian citizen in his custody and pay no price or expect any retribution. North Korea and America are still technically in a state of war. Trump is technically aiding and abetting the enemy. Trump is technically a traitor.

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