Trump Tapes Prove Trump Saved America from General Milley

TRUMP: no wars ever. ZERO. None.

You stupid leftards are focused on what comes out of his mouth, and that's just STUPID, it shows how little you understand.
On March 10, a U.S. drone fired a missile, turning a passenger vehicle outside Janaale, Somalia, into a heap of burnt and broken metal with fresh corpses inside. Whether the people killed that day were “terrorists” or ordinary Somalis is actively disputed. It is also a reminder that the United States’ targeted killing program persists to this day, another legacy of the forever war that has now lasted for three presidential administrations and shows no signs of stopping in the next one. Under U.S. President Donald Trump, however, an already opaque and murderous set of rules has become even more widely applied, and ever less accountable.

The elastic nature of the September 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) has stretched so far as to cover strikes in Yemen, Libya, and Somalia. The first modern drone attack, a Hellfire missile fired from a CIA-piloted Predator drone in October 2001, was covered by the AUMF, as was the airstrike in Janaale, conducted by U.S. Africa Command (Africom), itself born in the dying years of President George W. Bush ‘s administration as part of the “war on terror.”

In a press release also published March 10, Africom claimed that its attack in Jaanale killed five terrorists. Shortly after, images of the wrecked vehicle began to circulate online, some linked to alShabab, the terror group actively targeted by the strike, claiming that instead it had left only civilians dead. Subsequent investigations by journalists found relatives of the deceased, who attested to the innocence of their family members.
They are one and the same. The neocons of the 80's and 90's were simply RINOs. They are all New World Order operatives. The New World terminology was coined by Papa Bush and echoed gleefully by every president since then except Trump, the one who finally stood up to it. Despite their ideological and political labels they are ALL nothing but New World Order scum.
The New World Order goes back over a hundred years ago. Authors who wrote about it, like H.G. Wells, wanted a global socialist order and were quite explicit. Wells' nonfiction book The New World Order is all about his plan for global socialism. The original Neocons were "former" Trotskyites so it's hardly surprising that they'd advocate for The New World Order.
The New World Order goes back over a hundred years ago. Authors who wrote about it, like H.G. Wells, wanted a global socialist order and were quite explicit. Wells' nonfiction book The New World Order is all about his plan for global socialism. The original Neocons were "former" Trotskyites so it's hardly surprising that they'd advocate for The New World Order.

There have been many new world orders...for example: Napoleon , Alexander the great, Hitler, the Akkadian empire, the Roman empire, the British empire, etc.
There have been many new world orders...for example: Napoleon , Alexander the great, Hitler, the Akkadian empire, the Roman empire, the British empire, etc.
True. The New World Order was the one that was supposed to replace the British World Order. The European Kerfuffle of 1939-1945 delayed some aspects of it but sped up others.
Gen. Milley: (37:19)
Mr. Chairman, I’ve served this nation for 42 years. I’ve spent years in combat, and I’ve buried a lot of my troops who died while defending this country. My loyalty to this nation, its people, and the Constitution hasn’t changed and will never change as long as I have a breath to give. My loyalty is absolute, and I will not turn my back on the fallen. With respect to the Chinese calls, I routinely communicated with my counterpart General Li with the knowledge and coordination of civilian oversight. I am specifically directed to communicate with the Chinese by Department of Defense guidance, the policy dialogue system. These military-to-military communications at the highest level are critical to the security of the United States in order to de-conflict military actions, manage crisis, and prevent war between great powers that are armed with the world’s most deadliest weapons. The calls on 30 October and 8 January were coordinated before and after with Secretary Esper and Acting Secretary Miller’s staffs and the interagency.

Gen. Milley: (38:33)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were generated by concerning intelligence which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese, and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message, again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and de-escalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Li on 30 October. Eight people sat in that call with me, and I read out the call within 30 minutes of the call ending. On 31 December, the Chinese requested another call with me. The deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asia Pacific policy helped coordinate my call, which was then scheduled for 8 January, and he made a preliminary call on 6 January.

Gen. Milley: (39:47)
11 people attended that call with me, and readouts of this call were distributed to the interagency that same day. Shortly after my call ended with General Li, I personally informed both Secretary of State Pompeo and White House Chief of Staff Meadows about the call, among other topics.
Okay so if you don't like the president you can go behind his back to our enemies.
Okay so if you don't like the president you can go behind his back to our enemies.
"President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese, and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese."

Turn off Faux News. They'll lie to you to get you to watch their commercials.......
Milley was a warmongering fanatic that wanted war with Iran. Thank God Trump stood in his way to prevent another long term war at the sacrifice of our troops.

I'm late to the OP party, but you have some set of cajónes to even suggest such a distraction from the truth.
You fools have ZERO understanding of human nature.


OBAMA - 5 Wars
BIDEN - a war within 30 days

TRUMP: no wars ever. ZERO. None.

You stupid leftards are focused on what comes out of his mouth, and that's just STUPID, it shows how little you understand.


That's a FACT, Jack, and one which you can not challenge.

Lefties used to be about peace, now they're goddamn warmongers.
What 5 wars?
What war within 30 days?
Is it weird that in every one of your posts you make the statement of sexual abuser?
If the shoe fits. Just read the verdict in the E. Jean Carroll case.

A federal court has determined your guy is a sexual abuser.

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