Trump tells court he had no duty to 'support' the Constitution as president

I don't expect you to see reason, you're not reasonable, you're completely biased. I'll call it out when I see it.
BS. You cannot see past your partisan support of that asshole Trump. You will rattle when I do not support trump, so we'll hear you rattle like dried pea in and empty tin cup forever, or at least until trump loses the next election.
Why is this not the least bit surprising?

NEW BRIEF: Trump denies having duties contained in presidential oath

NEW BRIEF: Trump denies having duties contained in presidential oath
Trying to keep Trump on the 2024 ballot in Colorado, his lawyers make a semantic cl

here are times in law when we must be 100% precise in the meaning of words used, but the argument that Donald Trump’s lawyers made on Wednesday — the notion that a President has no duty to support the Constitution — is not one of those times.

It is stunning that such an argument was made.

The assertion arose in the Colorado case where Trump is being sued by a group arguing that Trump is disqualified from the presidential election because he violated the 14th Amendment by giving aid and comfort to the insurrection.

The 14th Amendment reads, in pertinent part:

“No person [shall] hold any office, civil or military, under the United States… or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof… “
The Presidential Oath set out in the Constitution — which was written way before the 14th Amendment — reads:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
And today, Trump’s lawyers argued that he wasn’t an executive charged with the duty to support the Constitution — and thus is immune to the clause. The filing states:

“The Presidential oath, which the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment surely knew, requires the President to swear to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ the Constitution — not to ‘support’ the Constitution.
“Because the framers chose to define the group of people subject to Section Three by an oath to ‘support’ the Constitution of the United States, and not by an oath to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ the Constitution, the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment never intended for it to apply to the President.”
Yeah. Or maybe they just figured no one would ever be stupid enough to argue that the president doesn’t have a duty to support the Constitution.

The Google definition of “support” in this instance means:

Former President Donald Trump is arguing to a judge in Colorado that he was not required to "support" the Constitution as president, reported Brandi Buchman from Law & Crime.

The argument came as he seeks to dismiss a lawsuit filed in the state by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), seeking to have him disqualified from the ballot in the state under the 14th Amendment. The Insurrection Clause of the amendment prohibits those who have "engaged in insurrection" against the United States from holding a civil, military, or elected office without unless a two-thirds majority of the House and Senate approve.

But Trump's lawyers are arguing that the specific language of the Constitution argues that this requirement only applies to people in offices who are bound to "support" the Constitution — and the presidency is not one of those offices.

This is totally bizarre! If the President of the United States isn't required to support the Constitution - then who is? What do you think?
Well your link has a quote from the lawyer’s brief about the oath. And well they are right
With his hand on the Bible, Trump swore the following oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well the case is the same for Biden. He SWORE to protect our country but all he does is let 2 Million illegals into our country, has no idea where they are from, illegals give fake information to the Border Patrol and all illegals are set free into our county with who knows what are criminals and disease carriers.
Well the case is the same for Biden. He SWORE to protect our country but all he does is let 2 Million illegals into our country, has no idea where they are from, illegals give fake information to the Border Patrol and all illegals are set free into our county with who knows what are criminals and disease carriers.
How many times has the SC bitchslapped Tater for shitting on the Constitution? Did it once for his illegal scheme to force others to pay the student loans of deadbeats, and he is trying to do it again.
Just for clarification... a defendant's lawyers ARE speaking for him... they are his agents... his duly authorized spokespersons.

So Trump’s lawyers are claiming there’s a difference between “support” and “protect and defend”?

And he pays these guys?
Sure, as long as pig headed Trump is sgning the checks they'll do what he says. He may be insane but that's beside the point.
How many times has the SC bitchslapped Tater for shitting on the Constitution? Did it once for his illegal scheme to force others to pay the student loans of deadbeats, and he is trying to do it again.
Oooooh look a CLOWN goes on a rant because the SC went against Biden two whole times so that makes the MAGA CLOWN think that Biden is trying to destroy The Constitution.

Try a new hobby, CLOWN, like playing chicken with 18 wheelers.
Oooooh look a CLOWN goes on a rant because the SC went against Biden two whole times so that makes the MAGA CLOWN think that Biden is trying to destroy The Constitution.

Try a new hobby, CLOWN, like playing chicken with 18 wheelers.
If you think the SC has only bitchslapped Tater twice, you are a colossal moron. Whuch you are.
If you think the SC has only bitchslapped Tater twice, you are a colossal moron. Whuch you are.
So it was more then once. That diesn't mean Biden is trying to destroy the Constitution, CLOWN.

The same Constitution that your favorite orange beady eyed fascist try to wreck on Jan. 6.

Any nice 18 wheelers close by?
So it was more then once. That diesn't mean Biden is trying to destroy the Constitution, CLOWN.

The same Constitution that your favorite orange beady eyed fascist try to wreck on Jan. 6.

Any nice 18 wheelers close by?
Your ignorance is cute, Simp.:itsok:
Just for clarification... a defendant's lawyers ARE speaking for him... they are his agents... his duly authorized spokespersons.
I get your point but again, if you read the actual argument, they are not suggesting trump doesn’t support the cotus or that he is saying he does t have to, they are trying a word play on the oath of office he takes, that’s all.

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