Trump the cause of layoffs: Steel tariffs cost automakers $1B

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.
Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?
So how were they hurting us?
Then they won’t hurt us now will they!
Answer the question. How were the trade deficits hurting us?

You won’t, because you never have a clue what you’re talking about. You’re just a mindless sheep.
Lost opportunity. So this means you loved the trade deficits? Will ewe answer?
When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Seems the right is into taxing rich corporations to me. Tariffs are just more taxes.

Yeah a tactic that has never worked....How about all those bankrupt farmers?
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

Are those the things the link said could happen IF the tariffs took effect?

From the link:
General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. would each take a $1 billion profit hit if proposed steel tariffs advance in Washington, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs.

GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman
Funny how many different possibilities that little word can mean. But one thing is clear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with the present. GO FIGURE

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.


When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Seems the right is into taxing rich corporations to me. Tariffs are just more taxes.

Yeah a tactic that has never worked....How about all those bankrupt farmers?
You mean the farmers put out of business by the Democrats? I'm not sure, but I know corporate farms are doing just fine, though they to are not happy about taxes.

The tactic has never worked? It has been working for the past century, or why do you think that these other countries have tariffs imposed on the USA?
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Seems the right is into taxing rich corporations to me. Tariffs are just more taxes.

Yeah a tactic that has never worked....How about all those bankrupt farmers?
You mean the farmers put out of business by the Democrats? I'm not sure, but I know corporate farms are doing just fine, though they to are not happy about taxes.

The tactic has never worked? It has been working for the past century, or why do you think that these other countries have tariffs imposed on the USA?
The farmers have been hurt by the tariffs, that's all republican. But yeah, repubs probably are trying to help the big corp farms run the little guy off.

They work as a tax, that is all. Those countries need tax dollars obviously.
Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
So without tariffs they are more competitive, yes. Tariffs have our manufacturing paying government inflated prices for resources. Makes us less competitive.
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Seems the right is into taxing rich corporations to me. Tariffs are just more taxes.

Yeah a tactic that has never worked....How about all those bankrupt farmers?
You mean the farmers put out of business by the Democrats? I'm not sure, but I know corporate farms are doing just fine, though they to are not happy about taxes.

The tactic has never worked? It has been working for the past century, or why do you think that these other countries have tariffs imposed on the USA?
The farmers have been hurt by the tariffs, that's all republican. But yeah, repubs probably are trying to help the big corp farms run the little guy off.

They work as a tax, that is all. Those countries need tax dollars obviously.

The Dems have been waging a war on the farmer for decades. Just look at the inheritance tax as a start. The rest I'll let you go research, not that I think you'd care to learn anything new.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?


Trump touted himself as a negotiator. A deal maker.
Instead he turned out to be a hammer thinking everybody else is a nail.
Welcome to the new recession.
GM and Ford won't be the only layoffs.
lol They are not laying people off because of the tariffs. They are laying people off because they are switching from making sedans to making SUV's and the plants they are closing are not relevant to this new focus.

Post a link to that as fact or STFU. Your opinion is worthless.
I posted two sources that verify the cost of steel for both GM and Ford has gone up $1B since the tariffs were implemented.
Grow up or go home.

Are all your mother's children stupid or just you?

General Motors on Monday announced a major restructuring of its global business, saying it will shut production at five facilities in North America and slash its staff. GM will reduce its salaried workforce by 15%, including a quarter of the company's executives.

The moves are the first big steps in the century-old GM's transformation. The company is reinvesting money away from cars that once dominated America's roadways and putting it into technology it believes will power its future.

GM's (GM) new motto is "Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions, Zero Congestion," signaling a shift to self-driving, electric vehicles. But the restructuring is also about making cars people want now. Customers are increasingly shunning sedans in favor of SUVs and hatchbacks.
The company said the plan would make it more efficient, saving $6 billion a year by the end of 2020. GM said its slimmed down production plan would allow it to share technology across all of its vehicles and reduce the amount of time and workers it takes to build cars.
"The actions we are taking today continue our transformation to be highly agile, resilient and profitable, while giving us the flexibility to invest in the future," CEO Mary Barra said in a statement.

GM is cutting 15% of its salaried workers and closing 5 plants - CNN

In other words, it has nothing to do with the price of steel or the tariffs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Thought you guys were into taxing the rich corporations?

BTW...the tariffs are a tactic. When the US markets become to expensive for a smaller economy and they lose access to our economy because of the tariffs, they'll then come to the table and negotiate a more reasonable agreement. Or they won't and we'll adjust to the new reality and carry on while they die away.
Seems the right is into taxing rich corporations to me. Tariffs are just more taxes.

Yeah a tactic that has never worked....How about all those bankrupt farmers?
You mean the farmers put out of business by the Democrats? I'm not sure, but I know corporate farms are doing just fine, though they to are not happy about taxes.

The tactic has never worked? It has been working for the past century, or why do you think that these other countries have tariffs imposed on the USA?
The farmers have been hurt by the tariffs, that's all republican. But yeah, repubs probably are trying to help the big corp farms run the little guy off.

They work as a tax, that is all. Those countries need tax dollars obviously.

The Dems have been waging a war on the farmer for decades. Just look at the inheritance tax as a start. The rest I'll let you go research, not that I think you'd care to learn anything new.
And looks like the repubs are going to finish the small farmer off with these tariffs. Repubs love the big corps.

The inheritance tax? You know how rich you need to be for that? Those are small farmers. You are funny.
Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.

Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
So without tariffs they are more competitive, yes. Tariffs have our manufacturing paying government inflated prices for resources. Makes us less competitive.
It also forces them to pay the same price to export to our nation. This levels the playing field.

Of course, we could just create our own resources and do away with depending (enslaving) on them for resources we already have.
Really? And what is the problem with them sending their resources to us for really cheap? You think we are better off paying more? That is funny.

Our companies have moved their, giving up our technology. Real patriotic. All for more profits.

It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
So without tariffs they are more competitive, yes. Tariffs have our manufacturing paying government inflated prices for resources. Makes us less competitive.
It also forces them to pay the same price to export to our nation. This levels the playing field.

Of course, we could just create our own resources and do away with depending (enslaving) on them for resources we already have.
Yeah that's why China is shipping more here than ever.

Yes, use up our resources which are more expensive rather than let another country give us theirs for almost nothing. Sounds brilliant.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”
You should lay off the grape koolaid.

Ford refutes media claim that Trump tariffs caused layoffs
Great, now try talking about GM, which is what this thread is actually about.
General Motors Accelerates Transformation
It is in our national interest to have viable manufacturing. Its like with oil before fracking. The oil producers could demand what they wanted and we would pay it.

We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
So without tariffs they are more competitive, yes. Tariffs have our manufacturing paying government inflated prices for resources. Makes us less competitive.
It also forces them to pay the same price to export to our nation. This levels the playing field.

Of course, we could just create our own resources and do away with depending (enslaving) on them for resources we already have.
Yeah that's why China is shipping more here than ever.

Yes, use up our resources which are more expensive rather than let another country give us theirs for almost nothing. Sounds brilliant.
Except that isn't the case, is it?

Nice how you want to outsource jobs to a cheaper labor market, however. I'd almost think you were a Republican or something.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.

Their pride won't allow them to admit they made a mistake voting for this six-time-bankruptcy con man.
Sew, ewe liked the big trade deficits?
You must like even bigger trade deficits...

US trade deficit rises more than expected in October and is now up 10% for 2018

... and presidents who lie with every breath.
We have lots of manufacturing. And our manufacturing is more competitive on the world market if they aren't paying more for resources thanks to tariffs.
They are even MORE competitive when they are on the same level playing field as the rest of the world.
So without tariffs they are more competitive, yes. Tariffs have our manufacturing paying government inflated prices for resources. Makes us less competitive.
It also forces them to pay the same price to export to our nation. This levels the playing field.

Of course, we could just create our own resources and do away with depending (enslaving) on them for resources we already have.
Yeah that's why China is shipping more here than ever.

Yes, use up our resources which are more expensive rather than let another country give us theirs for almost nothing. Sounds brilliant.
Except that isn't the case, is it?

Nice how you want to outsource jobs to a cheaper labor market, however. I'd almost think you were a Republican or something.
I'm a free market capitalist. That really isn't either party.

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