Trump the cause of layoffs: Steel tariffs cost automakers $1B

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”
You should lay off the grape koolaid.

Ford refutes media claim that Trump tariffs caused layoffs
Great, now try talking about GM, which is what this thread is actually about.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.

Their pride won't allow them to admit they made a mistake voting for this six-time-bankruptcy con man.
Sew, ewe liked the big trade deficits?
Explain to us how Trump's tariffs have done anything to lower the trade deficits????????????????????

The trade deficit has gotten even bigger. Facts just destroy the GOP. You just don't know anything about economics and can't criticize Trump even when it's obvious his policy is terrible.

U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”
Democrats are pawns of mega corporations.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

That is nothing compared to what china is sealing from America, and chevy lack of sales are the problem ,not metal.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.

Because it’s not. Tariffs didn’t take shit, Gm’s profit tells a different story. Their dividend payments are right on cyber same mark. The reason for the change is sales of models manufactured at the plants are slow. Retooling for new models is more expensive than increasing production at facilities already set up for them. Why don’t all you liberal shit dims buy a bunch of GM Cars instead of jap and Korean junk.
Tariffs didn't take shit???

Except the CEO directly says tariffs cost them $1B. So that $1B is shit????? I know facts are such an inconvenience it's better to just lie and ignore the facts like they do on Foxnews.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?


Trump touted himself as a negotiator. A deal maker.
Instead he turned out to be a hammer thinking everybody else is a nail.
Welcome to the new recession.
GM and Ford won't be the only layoffs.
lol They are not laying people off because of the tariffs. They are laying people off because they are switching from making sedans to making SUV's and the plants they are closing are not relevant to this new focus.

Post a link to that as fact or STFU. Your opinion is worthless.
I posted two sources that verify the cost of steel for both GM and Ford has gone up $1B since the tariffs were implemented.
Grow up or go home.


And yet you refuse to acknowledge my link. Why?

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”
Most of the voters knew that some of us were going to bite the bullet to give Trump the clout he needed to deal with China and other Nations so this is not a surprise, I am for one willing to take a "hit" to give him whatever he needs to deal with other Nations.
What hit are you taking?
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?
So how were they hurting us?
Then they won’t hurt us now will they!
Answer the question. How were the trade deficits hurting us?

You won’t, because you never have a clue what you’re talking about. You’re just a mindless sheep.
y'all realize that the reason for these layoffs is not because of the tariffs, right?

The CEO of GM has said as much.
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?
So how were they hurting us?
Then they won’t hurt us now will they!
Answer the question. How were the trade deficits hurting us?

You won’t, because you never have a clue what you’re talking about. You’re just a mindless sheep.
I don’t think she knows what a trade deficit is
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
GM is shedding cars largely because it doesn't make money on them, Citi analyst Itay Michaeli wrote in a note to investors.

"We estimate sedans operate at a significant loss, hence the need for classic restructuring," he wrote.

Hours after the announcement, President Donald Trump said his administration and lawmakers were exerting "a lot of pressure" on GM. He said he told the company that the U.S. has done a lot for GM and that if its cars aren't selling, the company needs to produce ones that will.

Trump, who has made bringing back auto jobs a big part of his appeal to Ohio and other Great Lakes states that are crucial to his re-election, also said he was being tough on General Motors CEO Mary Barra.

At a rally near GM's Lordstown, Ohio, plant last summer, Trump told people not to sell their homes because the jobs are "all coming back."

The layoffs come amid the backdrop of a trade war between the U.S., China and Europe that likely will lead to higher prices for imported vehicles and those exported from the U.S. Barra said the company faces challenges from tariffs but she did not directly link the layoffs to them.

GM to slash 14,700 jobs, may close factories in North America
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.

When a company has to spend a billion more dollars because of tariffs over the course of a year what do you think the result is?

When a company has to spend a billion more in taxes over the course of a year, I'm told that they can afford it. Are you saying that isn't the case?
Some can afford it but not for long. Sooner or later they cut the fat which means layoffs
Yet the left never argues that more taxes should be stopped on companies like GM because they hurt the company and cost jobs.
The right has sure hit them with some big taxes now haven't they?
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

So the solution is what? Allow China to continue to have trade advantages over us?

Yeah China sending us all their resources for super cheap is a real problem. We should negotiate to pay more....

Yes, it is a real problem. Its called "dumping" and it hurts our economy. But thats not what is bad about China. They limit what we sell them, and demand our technology be shared with them if we try to move a company there.


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