Trump: the complete idiot's president

Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I honestly think that if Trump were elected, he would quit 6 months later because his incompetence and narcissism would force him out. He wouldn't accomplish ANYTHING with congress and he would realize the amount of work that go into being a president.

Would you like to bet real money on that?
Lol I'll bet you that Trump couldn't beat Hillary if his life depended on it. I'm not even crediting Hillary with that. Any democrat could beat that neanderthal. In fact I'm totally confident Bernie could. He after all beats Trump by double digits in any hypothetical poll out there.

Put your money where your mouth is.
I thought all the independents were going to vote for Hillary, so what are you worried about? You all keep saying Trump would be the easiest candidate for Hillary to beat.
I've never said that. I don't see Hillary ever winning. The Republican candidate will win. It must not be Trump.

I would prefer Cruz, but I'll settle for Trump before any of the other candidates.
As bad as Cruz is, he's infinitely better than Trump. A Trump presidency would threaten our very form of government.

Our current form of government is called "fascism," so I have no problem with that.
Fascism is Trump.
You don't have a clue what fascism is.
I've never said that. I don't see Hillary ever winning. The Republican candidate will win. It must not be Trump.

I would prefer Cruz, but I'll settle for Trump before any of the other candidates.
As bad as Cruz is, he's infinitely better than Trump. A Trump presidency would threaten our very form of government.

Our current form of government is called "fascism," so I have no problem with that.
Fascism is Trump.
You don't have a clue what fascism is.
they should learn, because they support a party (progressive/dem) that is all for Fascism and they vote for it every election
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I honestly think that if Trump were elected, he would quit 6 months later because his incompetence and narcissism would force him out. He wouldn't accomplish ANYTHING with congress and he would realize the amount of work that go into being a president.

I've been saying it for over a year. Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress.

The idea that Republicans in Congress will vote against Trump's agenda is too stupid for words to describe.
Oh really? Then why is the establishment grasping at any straws they can to keep him from winning? Why did Mitch McConnel say he would support Hillary if he were elected?

Oh, I'm sure McConnell doesn't want Trump to be president. One of the main reasons is that he'll no longer be able to claim he can't get the agenda favors passed because the president will veto it. McConnell is not a conservative. He's a liberal who pretends to be a conservative.
I've never said that. I don't see Hillary ever winning. The Republican candidate will win. It must not be Trump.

I would prefer Cruz, but I'll settle for Trump before any of the other candidates.
As bad as Cruz is, he's infinitely better than Trump. A Trump presidency would threaten our very form of government.

Our current form of government is called "fascism," so I have no problem with that.
Fascism is Trump.
You don't have a clue what fascism is.
Don't I? What if I told you I'miss one of the world'series foremost experts on fascism?
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I honestly think that if Trump were elected, he would quit 6 months later because his incompetence and narcissism would force him out. He wouldn't accomplish ANYTHING with congress and he would realize the amount of work that go into being a president.

I've been saying it for over a year. Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress.

The idea that Republicans in Congress will vote against Trump's agenda is too stupid for words to describe.
Oh really? Then why is the establishment grasping at any straws they can to keep him from winning? Why did Mitch McConnel say he would support Hillary if he were elected?

Oh, I'm sure McConnell doesn't want Trump to be president. One of the main reasons is that he'll no longer be able to claim he can't get the agenda favors passed because the president will veto it. McConnell is not a conservative. He's a liberal who pretends to be a conservative.
If that's the case then he is a true patriot.
wrong, that was Obama from when you dem idiots voted him to the Presidency.

you'll never live that one down. so stop trying to pass the buck
President Obama....
President. Not Dear Leader...that's what you RWrs call him.
President. Not Messiah...that's what you RWrs call him.
President. Not Dictator...that's what you RWrs call him.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I honestly think that if Trump were elected, he would quit 6 months later because his incompetence and narcissism would force him out. He wouldn't accomplish ANYTHING with congress and he would realize the amount of work that go into being a president.

I've been saying it for over a year. Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress.

The idea that Republicans in Congress will vote against Trump's agenda is too stupid for words to describe.
Oh really? Then why is the establishment grasping at any straws they can to keep him from winning? Why did Mitch McConnel say he would support Hillary if he were elected?

Oh, I'm sure McConnell doesn't want Trump to be president. One of the main reasons is that he'll no longer be able to claim he can't get the agenda favors passed because the president will veto it. McConnell is not a conservative. He's a liberal who pretends to be a conservative.
Oh so Mitch is a liberal? Gee what a convenient response.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
My Amigo, if I could I would run every lobbyist on K Street clear to California. Period.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
My Amigo, if I could I would run every lobbyist on K Street clear to California. Period.

Please cite for me any differences you have with pro-establishment neocons, I doubt there are many if any. You seem to support all the foreign policy positions of the neocons which were all proven to be a disaster. Now those neocons want the disaster exacerbated by supporting radicals in Syria against the government.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
My Amigo, if I could I would run every lobbyist on K Street clear to California. Period.

Please cite for me any differences you have with pro-establishment neocons, I doubt there are many if any. You seem to support all the foreign policy positions of the neocons which were all proven to be a disaster. Now those neocons want the disaster exacerbated by supporting radicals in Syria against the government.
" Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth.
Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~General George S. Patton

As for Syria, they could kill each other off for my money.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
My Amigo, if I could I would run every lobbyist on K Street clear to California. Period.

Please cite for me any differences you have with pro-establishment neocons, I doubt there are many if any. You seem to support all the foreign policy positions of the neocons which were all proven to be a disaster. Now those neocons want the disaster exacerbated by supporting radicals in Syria against the government.
" Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth.
Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~General George S. Patton

As for Syria, they could kill each other off for my money.

General Patton. A loose cannon who was so politically clueless that Ike got rid of him before he could start WW3.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
I heartily agree that Trump needs to be defeated. We need to stick to the status quo politicians who are on their knees in a sucking position to the lobbyists and special interest masters. Why do away with the do-nothing career politicians who only exist to be re-elected again and again and get rich and screw the people who voted for them? Plus covering up for the rest of their lawbreaking cronies.

This is funny coming from you, you support those same lobbyists, and are on the same page with neocons.
My Amigo, if I could I would run every lobbyist on K Street clear to California. Period.

Please cite for me any differences you have with pro-establishment neocons, I doubt there are many if any. You seem to support all the foreign policy positions of the neocons which were all proven to be a disaster. Now those neocons want the disaster exacerbated by supporting radicals in Syria against the government.
" Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth.
Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~General George S. Patton

As for Syria, they could kill each other off for my money.

Syrians aren't killing each other. The United States, our nation(also 'allies'), is arming proxy militants in their war against the government. In order to build oil/gas pipeline through Syria-Turkey into Europe. Decreasing European dependence on Russia, in order to harm Russian economy. It's also causing a refugee crisis, which we are making worse by threatening 'Plan B's' against the government/armed forces of that nation if they don't give up. By prolonging the war.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.
Aww, poor Davros, your emotions are showing, and Daleks have no emotions, for the most part anyway, are you sure this isn't joeb?

Anyway, have you listened to I Davros, by BF? It's pretty good.
No. And I had to put you on ignore because I can't have any spoilers. I'm way behind because I don't have cable and rely on DVD. Sorry. No offense. But your post content is now hidden from me so you can't drop spoilers.

I tried putting someone on ignore once but the curiosity was a pain in the neck...:eusa_doh:
I'm never curious about spoilers. And yet, somehow I've managed to spoil every season of the New Dr Who so far through my Internet surfing.
Oy, a half a who fan.

I was talking about Big Finish cd's, not anything on tv or video. You do know about Big Finish cd's, don't you? Between those and all the novels, I don't have time for the new series until I binge watch it years after it airs.
Romney hit the nail right on the head in highlighting Trump's moronic idea to "let ISIS take out Assad". Trump is a monkey throwing poo at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is all the morons eat the poo no matter how putrid it is.

You Trump voters are ALL morons. He's taking you for a ride. And quite frankly, I am worried that this guy will make himself dictator if he is elected.

Romney is absolutely right ... everything must be done to keep Trump out of power. He is a threat to the Republic and if the party must cheat to deny him the nomination, then cheat it must.

1933 must not be repeated. We must keep this dangerous man and his dangerous "movement" as far away from the levers of power as possible. Even if that means President Cruz.

Sorry, that boat already sailed.

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