Trump thinks politicians with foreign business dealings are ccrrouot….except when it is him

This tends to be the normal response from cultist when confronted with facts....they call facts deflection.

It's reality, I guess facts are deflection....from your cultist fantasy
Wups! Dude tried to call someone else a cultist!

Do as I say and not as I do is certainly Trump’s style.

“For Trump, outrage is a selective commodity when it comes to presidential families taking millions of dollars from foreign countries. During his four years in the White House and in the more than 2 1/2 years since, Trump and his relatives have been on the receiving end of money from around the globe in sums far greater than anything Hunter Biden, the president’s son, reportedly collected.

Unlike other modern presidents, Trump never gave up control of his sprawling business with its interests in multiple countries, nor did he forswear foreign business even as president. He shattered norms in his money making and unabashed boosting of his family’s company. The luxury hotel he opened down the street from the White House, for example, became the favored destination for lobbyists, dealmakers and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, which paid handsomely for accommodations, galas and more.”

Trump has a REAL business!! He builds things and gets PAID for his work. He was not selling American INFLUENCE while in office (like Biden) and did not use American tax dollars to get a foreign prosecutor (who was investigating his son's company) fired!!
The difference is that Trump is a business man. He built things and offered good paying jobs and met a payroll and made deals and bought and sold real estate. Biden never had a job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer money. He and his crooked junky son have nothing to sell except influence and secrets.
When do you say anything negative about Biden?
Tell you what I’ll do. You criticize Trump for something substantial and in return I’ll do the same for Biden. After all, the thread is about Trump.
Republicans can't tell the difference between normal business and graft because they aren't smart enough.
What normal business was conducted thru the Biden Crime Family 20 shell LLCs with no actual businesses, Simp?
Tell you what I’ll do. You criticize Trump for something substantial and in return I’ll do the same for Biden. After all, the thread is about Trump.
What goods and or services did the Biden Crime Family provide for the tens of millions they got from foreign entities?
Then vote for your criminal messiah, I would suggest you write his name in as it won't be on the ballot.
First off, Trump is not a criminal, second, if we write in Trump's name, Democrats will actually have to count ballots under supervision...LOL The last thing they want to do.
One family has legitimates businesses, one doesn’t.

You are on the losing end of that, Simp.

5 CFR § 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.​

An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.

Two of the main bodies of federal ethics law that potentially govern the conduct of presidential advisors—statutory conflict of interest provisions and the regulatory Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch—generally apply to“employees” of the government. Federal law generally defines employee using three factors: appointment in the civil service by a designated official (including the President); performance of a federal function; and supervision of that performance by a designated official

Ivanka was a Trump advisor.

Two of the main bodies of federal ethics law that potentially govern the conduct of presidential advisors—statutory conflict of interest provisions and the regulatory Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch—generally apply to “employees” of the government. Federal law generally defines employee using three factors: appointment in the civil service by a designated official (including the President); performance of a federal function; and supervision of that performance by a designated official




Again you lose because you never back anything you say up with any known facts or ability to know what a fact is.

So there it is she was a government employee who got a deal with the Chinese sweatshop while she doing government business. Thus she falls under all government ethical standards.

Chinese Communist Party (and further elaborated on by President Xi Jinping himself). This document tells us in no uncertain terms that Chinese private companies will be increasingly called upon to conduct their operations in tight coordination with governmental policy objectives and ideologies.

So in a sense she was working for a communist nation.

I hope that this make you feel better as her deals was not legit and in violation of standards governing such actions. Of course Troup could have avoided all this by not appointer her as an advisor.

Pretty simple for you to understand but I doubt that it is.

Biden son was not a government official and he could accept work from anyone. Joe Biden involvement has not been proven. It is just something simpleton believe.

Schools out, smoke them if you got them.
Tell you what I’ll do. You criticize Trump for something substantial and in return I’ll do the same for Biden. After all, the thread is about Trump.
In other words, you've never said anything negative about Biden. You're exactly the thing that you presume to criticize.

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