Trump thinks politicians with foreign business dealings are ccrrouot….except when it is him

Do as I say and not as I do is certainly Trump’s style.

“For Trump, outrage is a selective commodity when it comes to presidential families taking millions of dollars from foreign countries. During his four years in the White House and in the more than 2 1/2 years since, Trump and his relatives have been on the receiving end of money from around the globe in sums far greater than anything Hunter Biden, the president’s son, reportedly collected.

Unlike other modern presidents, Trump never gave up control of his sprawling business with its interests in multiple countries, nor did he forswear foreign business even as president. He shattered norms in his money making and unabashed boosting of his family’s company. The luxury hotel he opened down the street from the White House, for example, became the favored destination for lobbyists, dealmakers and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, which paid handsomely for accommodations, galas and more.”

Unfortunately for you, your lefty link doesn't prove your claims.

Thread fail.
LOL, TRUMP wanted and did put harsh tariffs on China along with blaming them for the China virus. Democrats and uniparty republicans whined about TRUMP's going after China.

So what evidence do you have that benefitted China in direct relation to Ivanak's? Did TRUMP demand someone to be fired before giving China billions of dollars? Did TRUMP fund a war with China depleting our military weapons stockpiles?

Your missing the point.

5 CFR § 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.​

An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.

The issue is blatant use of a public office for personal private gain. Its a violation of the law

Obviously Ivanka business generated jobs and income for the Chinese people involved.

Still why are you concerned with someone being fired. Biden was following orders from Obama. The prosecutor was considered corrupt.
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In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

Comer's investigation into the Biden family has open up a reopen the can of worms for the Trump family. The Trump family issue had died out.
Do as I say and not as I do is certainly Trump’s style.

“For Trump, outrage is a selective commodity when it comes to presidential families taking millions of dollars from foreign countries. During his four years in the White House and in the more than 2 1/2 years since, Trump and his relatives have been on the receiving end of money from around the globe in sums far greater than anything Hunter Biden, the president’s son, reportedly collected.

Unlike other modern presidents, Trump never gave up control of his sprawling business with its interests in multiple countries, nor did he forswear foreign business even as president. He shattered norms in his money making and unabashed boosting of his family’s company. The luxury hotel he opened down the street from the White House, for example, became the favored destination for lobbyists, dealmakers and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, which paid handsomely for accommodations, galas and more.”

Guess you forgot this is the other way around. The left complained about Trump and his family for six years but now that Biden and his family are doing it and have been doing it you have to deflect back to Trump.
Progs equate normal business with graft because they don't believe there's a difference.
Why don’t you idiots just admit you knee jerk defend anything negative about Trump? You’re too childish to actually say something substantially critical of him.
Why don’t you idiots just admit you knee jerk defend anything negative about Trump? You’re too childish to actually say something substantially critical of him.
Your problem is that we back up everything we say about the Biden crime family with facts.
Trump owned actuall businesses yes thats true. International before he ever became president.

The Biden family USED political office to go international and bring in millions of dollars.
It is like we have to repeat the same things over and over. And this is a reason Progs control much of the national agendas.

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