Trump thinks politicians with foreign business dealings are ccrrouot….except when it is him

See here's the thing, I don't actually care. The possibility that $20 million is a bribe, especially since it's not all in a lump, is so small as to be laughable. Hundreds of millions is a mere starting point for an American federal level politician. $20 million is chicken feed.

Let's talk about Jared and $2 billion.
What about the $2 billion, Simp? It's not his. It still belongs to the Saudis, Dumbass.
Trump forgets that his daughter got a sweet sweat shop deal with China when she was suppose to be a presidential advisor.

Let the investigation begin. Ivanka trademark deals with China were fast tract for approval. Seems pretty obvious to me.

So Comer instead of exclusively looking into the Biden family dealing should also be looking into the Trump family dealings. It clear they made money while Trump was president and even had official titles as "Presidential Advisors" to Trump.

Ivanka had a deal with the Chinese's.

Is this weaponization of Congress especially when they go after Biden family and ignore what the Trump family was doing. Oh I forget Trump is running for president and they do not want to interfere with that.

Still it does show how desperate the republicans in congress are. Equal opportunity players, if Democrats go after Trump then we will go after the Biden family. After all we are the pro family party.

Well what about the Trump family

Kushner was heavily involved in setting the administration’s approach to the Middle East and made multiple contacts in the region. After turning in his White House badge, Kushner started a private equity firm with $2 billion in funds from Saudi Arabia and hundreds of millions more from other Arab countries that stood to benefit from U.S. policies and have an interest in a possible second Trump administration.
I would like to know why Trump lied about the Chinese bank account he had.
I would like to know why Trump lied about the Chinese bank account he had.
Why do you care about Trump's accounts but not Bidens'? He has offshore accounts, you know. All you proved is what a colossal hypocrite you are.
Why do you care about Trump's accounts but not Bidens'? He has offshore accounts, you know. All you proved is what a colossal hypocrite you are.
Because Biden didn't lie about a Chinese bank account while one of his kids was getting patents fast tracked by Xi.

That said, which of Joe Biden's accounts should I be concerned about? Did he lie about one?
Because Biden didn't lie about a Chinese bank account while one of his kids was getting patents fast tracked by Xi.

That said, which of Joe Biden's accounts should I be concerned about? Did he lie about one?
Biden lied about everything. He lied about not being involved in Hunter's business. He lied about never making any money off of China. He lied about not know what Hunter did for Burisma. Lie, lie, lie.
I'm not taking the bait, asshole. I have no interest in your idiotic challenge.
It’s idiotic to criticize the politician you support? That seems bizarre. I guess that is the attitude you’re going to have while in a cult :dunno:
It’s idiotic to criticize the politician you support? That seems bizarre. I guess that is the attitude you’re going to have while in a cult :dunno:
Someone who has never criticized Biden is in no place to talk.
It’s idiotic to criticize the politician you support? That seems bizarre. I guess that is the attitude you’re going to have while in a cult :dunno:
Yes, it's idiotic. You'll give them all the criticism they need. That's the attitude of someone who isn't a brainwashed moron.
Yes, it's idiotic. You'll give them all the criticism they need. That's the attitude of someone who isn't a brainwashed moron.
Lol uh well as far as I can tell you have no real criticism to offer to any extent. You’re just pretending to. Or does Trump not need any criticism whatsoever? My god this whole notion is ridiculous
$20 million is chicken feed? Politicians get bribed hundreds of millions of dollar? We aren't talking campaign contributions here, dumbass. You're a fucking moron. Are all progs as stupid as you?
Yes, $20 million dollars is chicken feed when you're talking about bribing one of the top two office holders in the USA.

tRump got hundreds of millions at a time, Kushner got 2 billion. Ivanka got hundreds of millions worth of intellectual properties. Can you not see the issue here?
Yes, $20 million dollars is chicken feed when you're talking about bribing one of the top two office holders in the USA.

tRump got hundreds of millions at a time, Kushner got 2 billion. Ivanka got hundreds of millions worth of intellectual properties. Can you not see the issue here?
What are you comparing it with, all the other presidents who took bribes? Oh .... that's right, we don't have any.

Trump didn't get any bribies, douchebag. Neither did Ivanka. Neigher did Kushner.

You're a fucking moron.
Lol uh well as far as I can tell you have no real criticism to offer to any extent. You’re just pretending to. Or does Trump not need any criticism whatsoever? My god this whole notion is ridiculous
If you think he needs criticism, then do it. Don't tell me to do it.
Do as I say and not as I do is certainly Trump’s style.

“For Trump, outrage is a selective commodity when it comes to presidential families taking millions of dollars from foreign countries. During his four years in the White House and in the more than 2 1/2 years since, Trump and his relatives have been on the receiving end of money from around the globe in sums far greater than anything Hunter Biden, the president’s son, reportedly collected.

Unlike other modern presidents, Trump never gave up control of his sprawling business with its interests in multiple countries, nor did he forswear foreign business even as president. He shattered norms in his money making and unabashed boosting of his family’s company. The luxury hotel he opened down the street from the White House, for example, became the favored destination for lobbyists, dealmakers and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, which paid handsomely for accommodations, galas and more.”

So Trump never said that.

Got it.
Then post a link to it, liar.
Lol why would I do that if you won’t for the same of Trump? We both know that if I did you’d puss out and not criticize Trump. Do you realize how ridiculous you come across? I made the offer to trade criticism. You could easily call my bluff. If you wanted to criticize Trump you would have by now. You won’t because you’re in a cult.
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