Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
It isn't a 'witch hunt'. Misuse of expressions merely annihilates their meaning.
The President is just one person and that one person keeps involving himself in questionable positions.
The attack on the Trump Presidency is clear and indisputable. The machine is very pissed about last November and the system that delivered the referendum death blow to the socialist movement in the U.S.are busy bees

The deep state is all in to stop Trump while still allowing him to breathe

They have other options if this doesn't work

The deep state is all in to stop Trump while still allowing him to breathe
Cool! I'm getting one of these.

he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
/---- Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
Tucker Carlson: Media "Degrading" Themselves Over Trump; "Stumbling Around In Sightless Rage, Screaming"
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
I'm not defending the establishment, I'm attacking Trump. When Sanders and Warren attack the Wall St. establishment why do the "anti-establishment Trumpistas" suddenly become bootlicking syncophants?
The Special Council is the best thing to ever happen to President Trump.

The Dems have phucked themselves in the ass with that now.

They would have rather had Comey in there who would have kept "the investigation about a nothing burger" going indefinitely, and Dems would have railed on about it until 2018 and beyond.

Now they screwed themselves.

It wasn't enough for them to hear the FBI, NSA, CIA, NIS and Treasury Department all state there was no evidence of Collusion.......NOW.....NOW they are going to have their NOSE rubbed in it.

In their Jihadist Zeal to wage WAR against Democracy, they are going to get taken down themselves.

Pelosi, Warren, Clinton, Waters, Schummer and Obama have all taken illegal donations and illegal gifts from The Russians.

Loyal DNC operatives committed numerous felonies by leaking classified information, conducting illegal surveillance and illegally unmasking the targets of illegal surveillance.

Schummer, Clinton, Obama and Pelosi must be constipated and impacted now their ass cheeks are clenched so tight.

Phuck them all. They deserve what is going to happen to them.
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he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
I'm not defending the establishment, I'm attacking Trump. When Sanders and Warren attack the Wall St. establishment why do the "anti-establishment Trumpistas" suddenly become bootlicking syncophants?
/--- You are defending the establishment who is trying to get rid of Trump who wants to drain the swamp. And Wall Street is not our enemy. Libs like you have demonized it but where else an an average Joe build wealth without opening a business or getting into political office?
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
I'm not defending the establishment, I'm attacking Trump. When Sanders and Warren attack the Wall St. establishment why do the "anti-establishment Trumpistas" suddenly become bootlicking syncophants?
Excuse me looks like a pubic hair stuck in your teeth.

You should be a little more discreet about your rendezvous with Obama Bin Lying.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!

Or maybe it's Trump being the biggest boohooer in US politics EVER.
"Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

FBI and NSA Directors testified under oath before Congress that there was NEVER any evidence of a Crime, NEVER any evidence of 'Collusion', and the information collected on Trump and his team had NO INTEL VALUE.
- Based on THIS - no crime - Obama ordered MULTIPLE investigations of Trump and his team.

The FBI has declared 3 times - NO EVIDENCE of 'Collusion' Claim

Obama's Director of National Intelligence testified - NO Evidence of 'Collusion' / Crime

The Intel Committee Chairman declared - 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein declared - 'NO Evidence'

10 Months of Multiple Investigations has resulted in - 'NO Evidence'

...yet the investigation continues and a Special Prosecutor has been assigned due to Liberal / Liberal media pressure, NOT due to any evidence presented.

Investigations spawning from evidence of a possible crime is 'legit'. Continuous investigations begun and continued based on NO evidence of a possible crime and zero evidence found to support accusations is a 'Witch Hunt'.

- Throw in the fact that the people launching the accusations supported by no evidence are the same people who were calling for Trump's Impeachment before he was ever sworn into office, are the same people calling for military coups after the election, and the same people who were calling for Trump's assassination after the election and you no longer have any doubt the continued investigations are a 'Witch Hunt'.

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