Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!
he is a whiny little pussy
/---- The only whiny little pussies are the Libtards who can't accept that Hildabeast ran a lousy campaign and try to blame Russia for her humiliating loss. Now you've got what you wanted, a Special Prosecutor and Trump - Russia is off the table for discussion. And it opens the door to investigate Hildabeast and Obozo.
"Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

FBI and NSA Directors testified under oath before Congress that there was NEVER any evidence of a Crime, NEVER any evidence of 'Collusion', and the information collected on Trump and his team had NO INTEL VALUE.
- Based on THIS - no crime - Obama ordered MULTIPLE investigations of Trump and his team.

The FBI has declared 3 times - NO EVIDENCE of 'Collusion' Claim

Obama's Director of National Intelligence testified - NO Evidence of 'Collusion' / Crime

The Intel Committee Chairman declared - 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein declared - 'NO Evidence'

10 Months of Multiple Investigations has resulted in - 'NO Evidence'

...yet the investigation continues and a Special Prosecutor has been assigned due to Liberal / Liberal media pressure, NOT due to any evidence presented.

Investigations spawning from evidence of a possible crime is 'legit'. Continuous investigations begun and continued based on NO evidence of a possible crime and zero evidence found to support accusations is a 'Witch Hunt'.

- Throw in the fact that the people launching the accusations supported by no evidence are the same people who were calling for Trump's Impeachment before he was ever sworn into office, are the same people calling for military coups after the election, and the same people who were calling for Trump's assassination after the election and you no longer have any doubt the continued investigations are a 'Witch Hunt'.

The Dems are finally going to get what they deserve.


They based their entire hopes in 2018 on a pack of lies and deceit, and a false narrative they knew was false, and were told repeatedly was false.

Does anyone hear Schummer, Pelosi, Warren and Waters running their mouths today?

No....they are hunkered down.

If the Special Council is sharp, he will subpoena The DNC server, look in to why Comey did not prosecute Clinton, and prosecute all the Obama\Clinton sycophants who leaked classified intel, and who engaged in illegal surveillance and illegal unmasking.

Don't be surprised to see some BIG NAMES on the Left being taken down by a Special Council they really never wanted to see.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!
he is a whiny little pussy
/---- The only whiny little pussies are the Libtards who can't accept that Hildabeast ran a lousy campaign and try to blame Russia for her humiliating loss. Now you've got what you wanted, a Special Prosecutor and Trump - Russia is off the table for discussion. And it opens the door to investigate Hildabeast and Obozo.
No one told Hillary to NOT campaign in Wisconsin, to take them for granted, and just assume they would vote for her. 'It's My Turn' is a great self-delusional mantra, but it doesn't win you elections.
Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!
He is not only going to clear Trump as the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Treasury Department Did, but people like Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret, Evelyn Farkas and even People Like Schummer, Pelosi, Warren, Clinton etc. are going to get caught up in this, because they have numerous ties to Russian Operatives.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!
he is a whiny little pussy
/---- The only whiny little pussies are the Libtards who can't accept that Hildabeast ran a lousy campaign and try to blame Russia for her humiliating loss. Now you've got what you wanted, a Special Prosecutor and Trump - Russia is off the table for discussion. And it opens the door to investigate Hildabeast and Obozo.
No one told Hillary to NOT campaign in Wisconsin, to take them for granted, and just assume they would vote for her. 'It's My Turn' is a great self-delusional mantra, but it doesn't win you elections.
/---- Hildabeast, the Dems and the media believed their own propaganda. Do you know who warned Hildabeast about Wisconsin and the other states she took for granted? The greatest political operative alive today - Bill Clinton. He was told to sit down and shut up.
bill C.jpg
Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!

Yea, they will have a source in the garden crew who overheard the doorman comment that Mueller was reading the WSJ

This should be addressed

The Special Council is the best thing to ever happen to President Trump.

Yea? Did you tell him that?

With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councel appointed!,” Trump wrote, misspelling the word counsel.

Less than 15 minutes later, he tweeted: “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!

Deputy attorney general appoints special counsel to oversee probe of Russian interference in election
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!

No, the attacks and investigations of the Clintons were much much worse.

The whole "birther" attack was a witch hunt lead by the orange clown.

A witch hunt implies no proof of wrong doing. There is plenty of evidence of Trump's ties to Russia. If Trump wasn't afraid of what would be found, why is he so desperate to shut it down?
"Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

FBI and NSA Directors testified under oath before Congress that there was NEVER any evidence of a Crime, NEVER any evidence of 'Collusion', and the information collected on Trump and his team had NO INTEL VALUE.
- Based on THIS - no crime - Obama ordered MULTIPLE investigations of Trump and his team.

The FBI has declared 3 times - NO EVIDENCE of 'Collusion' Claim

Obama's Director of National Intelligence testified - NO Evidence of 'Collusion' / Crime

The Intel Committee Chairman declared - 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein declared - 'NO Evidence'

10 Months of Multiple Investigations has resulted in - 'NO Evidence'

...yet the investigation continues and a Special Prosecutor has been assigned due to Liberal / Liberal media pressure, NOT due to any evidence presented.

Investigations spawning from evidence of a possible crime is 'legit'. Continuous investigations begun and continued based on NO evidence of a possible crime and zero evidence found to support accusations is a 'Witch Hunt'.

- Throw in the fact that the people launching the accusations supported by no evidence are the same people who were calling for Trump's Impeachment before he was ever sworn into office, are the same people calling for military coups after the election, and the same people who were calling for Trump's assassination after the election and you no longer have any doubt the continued investigations are a 'Witch Hunt'.

The Dems are finally going to get what they deserve.


They based their entire hopes in 2018 on a pack of lies and deceit, and a false narrative they knew was false, and were told repeatedly was false.

Does anyone hear Schummer, Pelosi, Warren and Waters running their mouths today?

No....they are hunkered down.

If the Special Council is sharp, he will subpoena The DNC server, look in to why Comey did not prosecute Clinton, and prosecute all the Obama\Clinton sycophants who leaked classified intel, and who engaged in illegal surveillance and illegal unmasking.

Don't be surprised to see some BIG NAMES on the Left being taken down by a Special Council they really never wanted to see.
I'm glad you also are on board with this Special Council.
Well, all effort is fruitless! The term 'witch hunt' now goes into the meaningless pile along with 'left', 'right', fascist', 'fascism', 'liberal', 'progressive'...
Market down big time today. Why? Cuz they don't think we're getting tax cuts & tax reform. Why? Cuz of Russia/Comey/leaks/memos.

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