Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!

Yes. He was seen having a donut in a bodaga once 4 years ago standing next to another guy eating a canole who was then seen riding on a bus a few months later sitting next to a woman who sounded like she might have sort of had a Russian accent, and the guy who saw this in the bodaga and the guy from the bus both kept a 'contemporaneous note' about what they saw.
Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!

So wait, the fascist democrats demand that a special prosecutor look into Trump firing FBI director Comey. The SP is Robert Mueller, the FBI director that OBAMA FIRED? :eek:

Just WOW.

Well, don't get too excited over Mueller; he's good buddies with Comey. Sessions didn't make that great a choice.

Even so, the fascists are shitting bricks that Trump fired Comey, even though Obammy fired Mueller...
Soooooooooooooo........ four Presidents were shot to death while in office, several more shot at, one had his head literally blown off on video, several more other officials including the latter's brother also shot to death, two Presidents impeached, one for lying about a blow job, and another the object of a wad of Birfer tinfoil as well as a death threat from a man who evaded the draft by living in his own shit ----

---- and this one is "the greatest witch hunt of a politician".

We live in interesting times.

Schumer is Joseph McCarthy all over again. Schumerism. Needs to be expelled. Has never done anything constructive. Just accuses, impedes,and obstructs. Waste.
Maxine Waters says evidence of Russian collusion with Trump is that Putin invented phrases "lock her up" and "crooked Hillary".
Trump: It's out of your hands now. Put your head down. Focus. Cut taxes, reform the tax code, build the wall. Get to work man. Lots to do.
So the FBI cleared Flynn of wrongdoing a month before the Trump dinner and Comey testified 5/3 he was never pressured. Facts folks, facts.

That's a partial fact.
The FBI cleared Flynn of wrongdoing in his call to the Russian ambassador. Nothing else. The investigation has gone beyond mere collusion.
"Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

FBI and NSA Directors testified under oath before Congress that there was NEVER any evidence of a Crime, NEVER any evidence of 'Collusion', and the information collected on Trump and his team had NO INTEL VALUE.
- Based on THIS - no crime - Obama ordered MULTIPLE investigations of Trump and his team.

The FBI has declared 3 times - NO EVIDENCE of 'Collusion' Claim

Obama's Director of National Intelligence testified - NO Evidence of 'Collusion' / Crime

The Intel Committee Chairman declared - 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein declared - 'NO Evidence'

10 Months of Multiple Investigations has resulted in - 'NO Evidence'

...yet the investigation continues and a Special Prosecutor has been assigned due to Liberal / Liberal media pressure, NOT due to any evidence presented.

Investigations spawning from evidence of a possible crime is 'legit'. Continuous investigations begun and continued based on NO evidence of a possible crime and zero evidence found to support accusations is a 'Witch Hunt'.

- Throw in the fact that the people launching the accusations supported by no evidence are the same people who were calling for Trump's Impeachment before he was ever sworn into office, are the same people calling for military coups after the election, and the same people who were calling for Trump's assassination after the election and you no longer have any doubt the continued investigations are a 'Witch Hunt'.

8 investigations into Benghazi alone. When Trump hits that Mark, he can start to talk about witch hunts. Until then,he's just a whiny bitch.
the way the way are treating trump is treasonous. IT'S TREASONOUS. IT'S TREASONOUS. IT'S TREASONOUS.
"Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

FBI and NSA Directors testified under oath before Congress that there was NEVER any evidence of a Crime, NEVER any evidence of 'Collusion', and the information collected on Trump and his team had NO INTEL VALUE.
- Based on THIS - no crime - Obama ordered MULTIPLE investigations of Trump and his team.

The FBI has declared 3 times - NO EVIDENCE of 'Collusion' Claim

Obama's Director of National Intelligence testified - NO Evidence of 'Collusion' / Crime

The Intel Committee Chairman declared - 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein declared - 'NO Evidence'

10 Months of Multiple Investigations has resulted in - 'NO Evidence'

...yet the investigation continues and a Special Prosecutor has been assigned due to Liberal / Liberal media pressure, NOT due to any evidence presented.

Investigations spawning from evidence of a possible crime is 'legit'. Continuous investigations begun and continued based on NO evidence of a possible crime and zero evidence found to support accusations is a 'Witch Hunt'.

- Throw in the fact that the people launching the accusations supported by no evidence are the same people who were calling for Trump's Impeachment before he was ever sworn into office, are the same people calling for military coups after the election, and the same people who were calling for Trump's assassination after the election and you no longer have any doubt the continued investigations are a 'Witch Hunt'.

8 investigations into Benghazi alone. When Trump hits that Mark, he can start to talk about witch hunts. Until then,he's just a whiny bitch.
There was NEVER a "special counsel" to investigate Hitlery over Benghazi, but there damn sure should have been. Same with her blatantly obvious illegal email server.

I hope this special counsel rips dems a new asshole. A special counsel doesn't need to request to see shit, they just show up and start ripping shit open. This could back fire on the dems like a MOAB.
It isn't a 'witch hunt'. Misuse of expressions merely annihilates their meaning.
The President is just one person and that one person keeps involving himself in questionable positions.

/----- Everything Presidents do is questionable. It's how the media and opposition party chose to handle it.
Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!

So wait, the fascist democrats demand that a special prosecutor look into Trump firing FBI director Comey. The SP is Robert Mueller, the FBI director that OBAMA FIRED? :eek:

Just WOW.

Well, don't get too excited over Mueller; he's good buddies with Comey. Sessions didn't make that great a choice.

Even so, the fascists are shitting bricks that Trump fired Comey, even though Obammy fired Mueller...
Obama replaced Mueller. He was a hold over and spent 12 yrs as director.
It isn't a 'witch hunt'. Misuse of expressions merely annihilates their meaning.
The President is just one person and that one person keeps involving himself in questionable positions.
And this one happens to be "doggy".

Listen, "hunt" rhymes with "****", which the President is perfectly comfortable at grabbing.

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