Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

The attack on the Trump Presidency is clear and indisputable. The machine is very pissed about last November and the system that delivered the referendum death blow to the socialist movement in the U.S.are busy bees

The deep state is all in to stop Trump while still allowing him to breathe

They have other options if this doesn't work


You're really full of yourself considering how few voters turned out and how few of them actually voted for Trump.

Trump, at best, squeaked into the White by the thinnest of margins. HE's the one who should be grateful to the Party that aided in his election and prepared to work with them. Instead, he makes demands and threats. My mother told me you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Trump seems to think that he can bully and intimidate other countries or other powerful people. He can't. Respect has to be earned and Trump isn't a hard working guy. (4 days a week since he took office - at most)

Nobody is trying to stop Trump. He's his own worst enemy. Blundering around, with no idea how to work with Congress, or even the focus or attention to staff his own administration.

Where is his legislation? Where is his agenda? Why isn't he working on that instead of attacking the press?

If Trump had any positive accomplishments, it would reduce the criticism but he isn't focusing on his agenda or the work of running the country. All he cares about are his critics.

You were warned endlessly that he wasn't capable of governing. Now that he's proving that we were correct in that assessment, you blame everyone but Trump for his obvious incompetence.

Correction. Obama for 8 years did not govern. He preferred to rule from the Imperial White House

Media is all in on Trump-Russia. All of their credibility, whatever one thinks of it, is on the table

If they're wrong, will never recover
I think it's pretty obvious to the American people that there is coup going on from "intelligence," the CIA and from unintelligence, the CNN
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
/---- Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.

Psst - Donald Trump IS the establishment. Look at the people in his cabinet - millionaires all. They used working people to take over the government but they're all busy lining their own pockets.

The proposed tax cuts - millions for Donnie and his pals. Peanuts for fools like you.
more like a bitch hunt ... poor whining little rich boy.


man up, and STFU .

Oh the irony of a fascist like you spewing that...
The difference between you and I, I can explain why you're a fascist.

Oh really?

Let's see now, who is it that supports a centrally planned and managed economy (single payer)? Who supports hate speech laws to restrict free speech? Who supports using the implied violence to force people to sell or buy goods from people not of their own choosing? Who supports infringing the freedom of religion by forcing religious organizations to provide abortions? Who seeks to disarm the public?

Go for it, you ignorant dolt. Let's do talk about fascism, what it actually is and exactly who is promoting it in America.

Here is a little quiz, Brown Shirt:

Prior to forming the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was head of what party;

  1. The elect Donald Trump party
  2. The reeely iz two rite wing party, uh huh I lernded dis in skool
  3. The Italian Bolshevik party
The magazine Avante, which Mussolini was editor in chief of advocated what;

  1. reely rite wing stuff, and things.uh huh I lernded dis in skool.
  2. Free market capitalism based on strong property rights underpinned by individual liberty
  3. A Marxist dictatorship brought about through violent revolution

I await your response, oh erudite Brown Shirt.
So the FBI cleared Flynn of wrongdoing a month before the Trump dinner and Comey testified 5/3 he was never pressured. Facts folks, facts.

These are lies. Flynn was never cleared of wrong doing. And asking someone to let it go, isn't pressure to end the investigation. Firing him to stop it is.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh look at you lie, how fascist of you.

{The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.}
FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

That is from your OWN fascist propaganda source.
Oh really?
That's Mr. Really, to you.

Let's see now, who is it that supports a centrally planned and managed economy (single payer)?
That's not fascism. That's socialism and totalitarian capitalism. Neither of which I support.

Who supports hate speech laws to restrict free speech?
I'm not sure what you're referring to as a "hate speech law". Can you give me an example of one?

Who supports using the implied violence to force people to sell or buy goods from people not of their own choosing?
Again, your statement is a little to general for me to comment on. Give me a specific example and I will comment on that.

Who supports infringing the freedom of religion by forcing religious organizations to provide abortions?
I have no opinion on the abortion issue. It is not a part of my world. It is a non-issue to me. I feel the same thing with gun rights. I'm not a gun guy. I could care less about the 2nd amendment.

Who seeks to disarm the public?
No one is trying to take away your little pea shooter. Tell the NRA to go fuck themselves! Tell them to stop spreading bullshit lies. The government doesn't care if you have arms or not. If they want you, they'll come and get you. And there is nothing you can do about it. If you disagree with that, then I have two words for you.................."Ruby Ridge".

Go for it, you ignorant dolt. Let's do talk about fascism, what it actually is and exactly who is promoting it in America.
Okay, what it is, is this...

It is authoritarian. And it is right-wing.

Here is a little quiz, Brown Shirt:
My shirt is not brown, it's tope.

Prior to forming the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was head of what party;

  1. The elect Donald Trump party
  2. The reeely iz two rite wing party, uh huh I lernded dis in skool
  3. The Italian Bolshevik party
um........the alt right?

The magazine Avante,
I thought that was a cup size at Starbucks?

which Mussolini was editor in chief of advocated what;

  1. reely rite wing stuff, and things.uh huh I lernded dis in skool.
  2. Free market capitalism based on strong property rights underpinned by individual liberty
  3. A Marxist dictatorship brought about through violent revolution

I await your response, oh erudite Brown Shirt.
Again, my shirt is tope.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
I'm not defending the establishment, I'm attacking Trump. When Sanders and Warren attack the Wall St. establishment why do the "anti-establishment Trumpistas" suddenly become bootlicking syncophants?
/--- You are defending the establishment who is trying to get rid of Trump who wants to drain the swamp. And Wall Street is not our enemy. Libs like you have demonized it but where else an an average Joe build wealth without opening a business or getting into political office?

Trump isn't draining the swamp. He stocked it with billionaires, lobbyists and 6 Goldman Sachs executives - after declaring that Hillary would give power to Goldman Sachs.

The goal isn't to let the average Joe build wealth. It's to give more wealth to guys like Trump.

Everything he's done so far has been for the benefit of the wealthy, at the expense of the working class.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?
Poor widdle Donnie! If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. His style may have made for a great campaign, but as a template for an administration, it sucks.
Why do you defend the establishment so much? They don't give a wit about you. They just want to hold on to their power. There was a time Libs were against the establishment, now they defend it.
I'm not defending the establishment, I'm attacking Trump. When Sanders and Warren attack the Wall St. establishment why do the "anti-establishment Trumpistas" suddenly become bootlicking syncophants?
/--- You are defending the establishment who is trying to get rid of Trump who wants to drain the swamp. And Wall Street is not our enemy. Libs like you have demonized it but where else an an average Joe build wealth without opening a business or getting into political office?

Trump isn't draining the swamp. He stocked it with billionaires, lobbyists and 6 Goldman Sachs executives - after declaring that Hillary would give power to Goldman Sachs.

The goal isn't to let the average Joe build wealth. It's to give more wealth to guys like Trump.

Everything he's done so far has been for the benefit of the wealthy, at the expense of the working class.
/---- I understand why you are confused. It's OK. Politics is for grown ups. You see, Trump said Hildabeast would give power to Goldman Sachs and she would have. He didn't say that would be a bad thing, but more hypocrisy from the Hildabeast who railed against Wall Street while taking their money. She wouldn't release her speech transcripts, remember? Secondly, if Trump wanted more wealth he already had a money making business in place. Why go through the hassle of running for president? Why would he forgo his presidential salary? He wouldn't. He truly wants to fix Washington and seize power from your grubby little handlers at the DNC.
[That's not fascism. That's socialism and totalitarian capitalism. Neither of which I support.

You should have stuck it out through second grade.

Fascism is a form of socialism. Both Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Reich had centrally managed and planned economies. Knowledge is the antidote to leftism.

I'm not sure what you're referring to as a "hate speech law". Can you give me an example of one?

Oh, so you want me to prove water is wet?

Well, intellectual dishonesty is as close as you fascists get to intellect...

Former Vermont governor and Democratic National Comittee chairman Howard Dean called out conservative pundit Ann Coulter on Twitter.

Dean said, "Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment."}

Howard Dean: Ann Coulter's 'hate speech is not protected by the first amendment'

Your filthy party is actively trying to outlaw words and ideas contrary to the dogma the party promotes.

Hey, you're fascists, this is just the kind of shit that you do... :dunno:

Again, your statement is a little to general for me to comment on. Give me a specific example and I will comment on that.

Yeah, I can see where you're confused; this didn't get any publicity. :eusa_whistle:

Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Christian bakers from Oregon, appeal $135,000 fine in gay wedding case

I have no opinion on the abortion issue. It is not a part of my world. It is a non-issue to me. I feel the same thing with gun rights. I'm not a gun guy. I could care less about the 2nd amendment.

Who cares? Your fascist party attacked the first amendment over it.

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. - SCOTUSblog

No one is trying to take away your little pea shooter. Tell the NRA to go fuck themselves! Tell them to stop spreading bullshit lies. The government doesn't care if you have arms or not. If they want you, they'll come and get you. And there is nothing you can do about it. If you disagree with that, then I have two words for you.................."Ruby Ridge".

Oh, blatant lying, how very clever. :thup:

Okay, what it is, is this...

It is authoritarian. And it is right-wing.

It's called the big lie and depends on the abject ignorance of morons like you.

So, rub both your IQ points together and explain exactly WHAT is right wing about it? The fervent support for individual liberty? The promotion of free market economics?

um........the alt right?

Stupid is as fascist does

I thought that was a cup size at Starbucks?

That's why you're alt-left.

Stupidity of the base foundation of leftism.

[quite]Again, my shirt is tope.[/QUOTE]

And your IQ is single digits.

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