Trump: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”

The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's testimony is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
Trump has mastered the art and timing of the perfectly executed redemption arc. The comeback kid does it again...
Poor widdo grumpy wumpy is getting blamed for everything he does and says. RWNJ Pootarian traitors really have their panties in a twist because they know he is very likely guilty of some very serious crimes against the US.

If RWNJ were not Pooting loving traitors, they would be looking forward to getting the truth out.

SHAME on the lot of you for AGAIN siding against your own country's best interests.

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"I've been treated worse than Trump" - Senile McCain

He was treated worse BY trump.

Having lived in AZ for more than 25 years, I'm no fan of McCain's but that does not lessen my respect for the very high price he paid in serving his country while worthless little Donnie was playing sports after lying about his little owie.

What trump said about McCain was inexcusable.

How dare you RWNJs. Just like trump, you give lip service to "supporting" our military but, just like trump, you'd screw them over and have.

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Poor widdo grumpy wumpy is getting blamed for everything he does and says. RWNJ Pootarian traitors really have their panties in a twist because they know he is very likely guilty of some very serious crimes against the US.

If RWNJ were not Pooting loving traitors, they would be looking forward to getting the truth out.

SHAME on the lot of you for AGAIN siding against your own country's best interests.

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Nope. Liberals hate america and the people to the very core.
Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”

The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's testimony is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
The Gateway Pundit is fake news, This is real news
An unethical, narcissistic, self aggrandizing, bigoted, sexist, obnoxious, pathological lying, politically incompetent multibillionaire just can't catch an even break in this country!
Bill Maher is right, Trump is just a whiney little bitch. WTF he whines constantly about how everyone is so mean to him. He puts on this fake toughtard persona but it's fake. He's a gigantic crying pussy.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!

When the man is right, the man is right.

We are basically in a civil war, with the fascist democrats waging attacks through the corrupt press. The lying fucks over at WaPo are no different than Josef Goebbels was in the Third Reich. These traitorous scumbags seek nothing less than to bring down the government of the United States with their lies and slander.
It isn't a 'witch hunt'. Misuse of expressions merely annihilates their meaning.
The President is just one person and that one person keeps involving himself in questionable positions.

"Witch Hunt" is exactly the right term. The fascist scum are digging in wild hopes of finding anything to attack the Executive Branch with. The democrats have nothing at all, yet act as if they found the crime of the century.

There MUST be a consequence for these Stalinist fucks. No nation can survive this sort of nonstop onslaught of lies.

CNN, ABC, The NY Times, The Washington Post, all shameless fucking liars who will print any trash as long as it harms the object of their festering hatred.
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!

Well that's not true either:
Tucker Carlson: Media "Degrading" Themselves Over Trump; "Stumbling Around In Sightless Rage, Screaming"
No, the attacks and investigations of the Clintons were much much worse.



The whole "birther" attack was a witch hunt lead by the orange clown.

A witch hunt implies no proof of wrong doing. There is plenty of evidence of Trump's ties to Russia. If Trump wasn't afraid of what would be found, why is he so desperate to shut it down?

If you were to ever post something and not lie, would you like burst into flames or something?
he just tweeted it. he's right. the beginning of the end of President Trump?

There must be political consequences for those GOPers on the Hill who are helping Dems w/ their Trump resistance. PRIMARIES!

He's right, it is. But too bad for those who deludes themselves that if they do manage to slander and run the fake charges through and dump him, it will not win back any votes or power to them; they will regret their kangaroo court pogroms. His voters will simply move on and elect the next candidate the RNC/DNC club loathes and despises. When they started touting up Pence as his replacement they doomed Pence from ever getting elected if they manage to railroad Trump with all this fake news and traitorous coup.
Can't wait to see Mueller clear all Trump associates, and then have the Democrats accuse HIM of being a Russian agent too!

So wait, the fascist democrats demand that a special prosecutor look into Trump firing FBI director Comey. The SP is Robert Mueller, the FBI director that OBAMA FIRED? :eek:

Just WOW.

Well, don't get too excited over Mueller; he's good buddies with Comey. Sessions didn't make that great a choice.

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