Trump threatens German auto importants and the Germans say build better cars


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
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It's going to be a very entertaining 4 years, I say we all just relax and enjoy the first season of Reality America.
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

How does Germany tax American-built cars differently than German-built cars?
Trump seems to think a threatened trade war over German imports will help our economy and our jobs.

Germany fires back at Trump over border tax: 'Build better cars' The German vice-chancellor calls Trump out, saying American auto industry is too expensive and it makes poor cars while Trump threatens the Germans with a 35% import tax. Trump threatens German carmakers with 35% US import tariff

Thank heavens the Congress will say, 'shut up, Donald.'

I wonder. Does Ryan have the balls, and by McConnell's Metric, anything can happen, even President-elect trump's "war is peace" efforts. Dumbsters are high on their win, even though 3 million or so American's voted against President-elect trump, and so is he. Even before talking the Oath of Office the President-elec has upset the apple cart, something the dumbsters wanted. I wonder how soon it will be before the first dumbsters will have a light bulb moment and articulate voter remorse?

Before the usual suspect's piss, moan and whine about my use of the word "dumbsters", please note it has been added to the dictionary (by me); something no purveyor of the word "libtard" has every thought of doing.
People must be listening...German automakers are suffering a market meltdown

More than €4.5bn (£3.95bn) was wiped off the market value of Germany's flagship car companies on Monday, after US President-elect Donald Trump warned he would impose a border tax of 35 per cent on vehicles imported from abroad to the US market.

Trump threatened German carmakers with a border tax. They just lost more than €4.5bn

It pays not to be a trump ally (though his cronies do quite well). Imagine how those on his growing enemies list will fare.
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

The day of these countries screwing us is quickly coming to an end.....Trump should rip up all current trade deals and start over on a country to country basis. The trade imbalance is insane
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

How does Germany tax American-built cars differently than German-built cars?

What do you mean how? By adding a tariff to it. The EU has tariffs in place (EBTI) in addition to the normal VAT tax thrown on all goods.
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

How does Germany tax American-built cars differently than German-built cars?
Duh, maybe 'cause they're imported? And they see that as a threat to domestically built cars? In other words, same as Trump.
Germany and China are both trade exploiters.

A nice fat tariff on both should cure that.

The ultra rich will still buy a lot of German cars, but the middle class will soon stop their buying when they can no longer afford the three pronged star on their hoods.
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

The day of these countries screwing us is quickly coming to an end.....Trump should rip up all current trade deals and start over on a country to country basis. The trade imbalance is insane

The trade imbalance cannot be fixed by brinkmanship and trade (tariff) wars; what you suggest is insane. The only solution expressed by the Republican's is to reduce the income of American workers by putting collective bargaining into the dustpan, and reestablishing the company store. Of course that too has ramifications in terms of a livable wage, which when denied, would not allow the purchase of products produced by those who earn low wages, have no affordable health insurance, and cannot afford to provide for their children to grow out of poverty.

Such is the thinking of reactionaries, those who think the gilded age was the perfection of Capitalism. Our middle class did not develop and grow until labor fought in the streets for rights now under attack by the new iteration of conservatives, who live by this creed: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you!".

Q. When did labor become dishonorable

A. On the day Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers
Same old playbook. Trump goes after someone. His follower's say they deserved it. His followers then realize suddenly they've always hated this new thing AND it's the worse thing ever.
Fakey covets German jobs over Americans.

Do you have any idea how much they tax US vehicle imports in Germany?

A $25k car cost $40K. Apparently progressive turds think it's OK for other countries to tax the shit out of our manufactured goods, but for us to do the same to them, well that's just "insane".

How does Germany tax American-built cars differently than German-built cars?

What do you mean how? By adding a tariff to it. The EU has tariffs in place (EBTI) in addition to the normal VAT tax thrown on all goods.

VAT is applied to all goods made in Europe. How does it discriminate against American cars?

Europe charges a 10% tariff on imported cars, but the US imposes a 2.5% tariff on cars and a 25% tariff on trucks.

The standard tariff for importing cars to the U.S. is 2.5 percent of their value. For pickup trucks and commercial vans, the tariff is a whopping 25 percent. Individual European countries don’t charge import duties, but the European Union charges a flat rate of 10 percent on imported automobiles.​

Free-Trade Cars: Why a U.S.–Europe Free-Trade Agreement Is a Good Idea - Feature

So for some vehicles, the US charges a far higher tariff than Europe.
All the yelling yet the ignoring that Congress will not start a tariff trade war.

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