Trump threatens 'retribution' against DeSantis backers in late-night Truth Social rampage

The same goes for Biden....who not only attacks his opponents....but anyone who doesn't vote for him.
He regularly calls half of America a bunch of terrorists.
His followers regularly accuse us of being fascists.
Damn..this guy just can't quit, can he? As he does all the Dem's dirty work for them, I imagine the DNC is just holding 'Truth Social' parties and enjoying the none of it is theirs~

Former President Donald Trump attacked right-wing organizations who were considering backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a late-night Truth Social rampage.
In a post on his social network platform, the former president targeted the Club for Growth over its supposed determination to back DeSantis against Trump in a theoretical primary matchup next year.
"Failed former Congressman David McIntosh and his Globalist friends at Club for No Growth, who fought me all the way in 2016, and LOST, and then fought me again in 2020 Senate Races in Ohio, Alabama, North Carolina, New Hampshire, plus more, and LOST AGAIN, are now threatening to spend money against me early because their new boy, Ron DeSanctus, the man who wants to cut Social Security and MediCare, has dropped so drastically in the Polls to me," Trump wrote. "No Growth Members know there will be RETRIBUTION!!!"
Hours later, the former president set his sights on Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch for testifying under oath that he did not believe Trump's false claims about the 2020 election being "stollen" (sic) from him.
"If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stollen, then he & his group of MAGA Hating Globalist RINOS should get out of the News Business as soon as possible, because they are aiding & abetting the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA with FAKE NEWS," Trump raged. "Certain BRAVE & PATRIOTIC FoxNews Hosts, who he scorns and ridicules, got it right. He got it wrong. THEY SHOULD BE ADMIRED & PRAISED, NOT REBUKED & FORSAKEN!!!

In fact, there is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, and members of Trump's own Department of Justice testified under oath that they investigated several of his claims about election fraud and found them all to be false.
I beg to differ. I see support for DeSantis all over your post.
Why would you give a shit if one real conservative trashes another?

And why is every negative comment by Trump the raving of a madman? (We see constant examples of a raving madman every single time Biden gives a speech)
Anyone who reads them can see that's total BS.
Show me where Biden promises RETRIBUTION against people.

That's the rantings of a dictator or a madman.
Total BS.
Trump was usually the first person up in the morning.
Contrast that with Biden who has to call it a day before 3pm.

9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency​

10/29/2018 05:01 AM EDT

President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day.
9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency

& i'll throw this in for free:

In 2017, Trump spent three months’ time — 91 days — on the golf course. In 2018, Trump spent 75 days playing golf. In 2019, Trump spent 87 days on a golf course and in 2020, Trump spent 54 days playing golf — even during the deadliest year for the U.S. since World War II which featured 291,557 [ covid ]fatalities.​

Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During Presidency - The Seattle Medium


9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency​

10/29/2018 05:01 AM EDT

President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day.
9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency

& i'll throw this in for free:

In 2017, Trump spent three months’ time — 91 days — on the golf course. In 2018, Trump spent 75 days playing golf. In 2019, Trump spent 87 days on a golf course and in 2020, Trump spent 54 days playing golf — even during the deadliest year for the U.S. since World War II which featured 291,557 [ covid ]fatalities.​

Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During Presidency - The Seattle Medium

Biden couldn't play golf if his life depended on it.
To be honest I can't understand people who bitch about Trump spending a couple of hours a day golfing when Biden has this habit of leaving for a 3-4 day vacation in Delaware every week.
Often times he has nothing on his schedule during the middle of the week.
But even when Trump's on the golf course he's still working.
He often does some of his best work will getting fresh air while hashing things out with his staff.
It also makes it next to impossible for some Ukrainian prick Lt Col to spy on his conversations.
They can already do that now.
Fentanyl is illegal to possess outside of hospital uses for surgery.

What's the point you're trying to make here?

One point is that you're wrong. It's a schedule II prescription drug, which means doctors prescribe it for patients all the time.

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. It is a Schedule II prescription drug,

Fentanyl is a powerful pain medication. It is an opioid, like morphine, codeine, oxycodone (oxys) and methadone. Fentanyl is most often prescribed as a slow-release patch to people with long-term, severe pain. When used in this way, it can be very effective and safe.
Biden couldn't play golf if his life depended on it.
To be honest I can't understand people who bitch about Trump spending a couple of hours a day golfing when Biden has this habit of leaving for a 3-4 day vacation in Delaware every week.
Often times he has nothing on his schedule during the middle of the week.
But even when Trump's on the golf course he's still working.
He often does some of his best work will getting fresh air while hashing things out with his staff.
It also makes it next to impossible for some Ukrainian prick Lt Col to spy on his conversations.
Trump really is the Messiah to you guys, isn't he?
You seem to be okay with legalizing hard drugs into society.
I am. But with oversight, regulation, taxation, and a MASSIVE overhaul of how we approach and deliver treatments to addiction. And that will take a whole lot of CASH.

Our current way of dealing with the problem doesn't work. Hasn't since the day it was implemented.
Time for a fresh approach.

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