Trump Threatens to Cut Funding Calif for Letting So Many Fires Start

If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding

Trump is an asshole. Of course that's not sufficient to impeach the dirt bag, it is enough for others to keep this in mind:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist;

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist;

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me!
They're interviewing one of the CalFire chiefs on local news right now.....eyes rolled and he laughed.
I don’t care about California. It’s a shit hole and the whole state could burn down for all I care. Hopefully with all the libtards staying there.

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Well now....that's what I have learned to expect from CRCs (con-servative republican christians) in this day and age.

About time you learned something.

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Thank you for showing us what you are like. I believe it is really what you are.

Thank you. Coming from someone like you I will take that as a compliment. You should move to Cally.

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I live here.

Good. Go fight the fires and make yourself useful. That’s right your a liberal. That’s too scary of a job for you.

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If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding

Considering that the Feds own about 45% of all of California- when is Trump going to step up and get the Feds to do their job in clearing brush and dead vegetation?
Well now....that's what I have learned to expect from CRCs (con-servative republican christians) in this day and age.

About time you learned something.

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Thank you for showing us what you are like. I believe it is really what you are.

Thank you. Coming from someone like you I will take that as a compliment. You should move to Cally.

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I live here.

Good. Go fight the fires and make yourself useful. That’s right your a liberal. That’s too scary of a job for you.

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Too scary? Lots of us liberals have been firefighters in California.

Which is why many of us spot the bullshit coming from the rightwing idiots who have never cut a fireline through chaperal with hand tools while helicopters are dumping water on the fire to slow it down enough to get the line cut.
That's because you are ignorant, I already posted it. :itsok:
That's because you are ignorant, I already posted it. :itsok:
No you did not. I just reviewed this entire thread. Why do CRCs lie so glibly? As if you were born to it.

I posted it weeks ago, its not my fault you are ill informed. Try to show up knowing something before you engage in a politics debate okay. :itsok:
Oh, one more thing.....I suspect your source material is faulty: Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of California

You are triggered by truth, this happens frequently to the left.
I don't even mind posting my link a third time: Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of California

California has more immigrants than any other state.
California is home to almost 11 million immigrants—about a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. In 2017, the most current year of data, 27% of California’s population was foreign born, more than double the percentage in the rest of the country. Foreign-born residents represented at least one-third of the population in five California counties: Santa Clara (39%), San Francisco (36%), San Mateo (35%), Los Angeles (34%), and Alameda (33%). Half of California children have at least one immigrant parent.

Not the 40% you claimed..allegedly....weeks ago....:rolleyes-41:
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding

Considering that the Feds own about 45% of all of California- when is Trump going to step up and get the Feds to do their job in clearing brush and dead vegetation?

When? Trump's impulsive, and never considers the consequences of his words, tweets or telephone conversations.
Your kind is about unamerican as you can get. Trump will win in 2024.

Considering he can't run for President in 2024 unless he lose in 2020, does that mean that he should win his Parole in 2024?

He isn’t going to jail. You libtards are to stupid to figure that out. The real criminals are Biden, Clinton and Obama. That’s why there going after President Trump so hard so the real truth about them doesn’t come out but it is and there done. Good luck with the rainbow and try to find the pot of gold.

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Rump is done. Just stick the fork him him. He won't go to jail over federal laws but I know of 3 states with Grand Juries pending waiting on him becoming available. The Fun House has just opened it's doors and you get a front seat view now.

Keep dreaming. Just like the Russia probe and all the other bullshit the Democrats are trying. He is going nowhere.

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Actually, the real reason for his changing of his status to Florida is so that in Jan 2021, he has a shorter route for asking Raul for political assylum. There is a direct flight from Havana to Moscow.
You're an idiot, he will be your president till 2024.
Wonder if Trump will withhold funds from Texass, Louisiana, and Floriduh for letting all the hurricanes happen?
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
The idiot probably thinks the forest floor is like a golf green or something.
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
The idiot probably thinks the forest floor is like a golf green or something.
Who do you think is the bigger cheat at golf, OJ or Trump?
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
The idiot probably thinks the forest floor is like a golf green or something.
Who do you think is the bigger cheat at golf, OJ or Trump?
Better not cheat OJ, he'll cut your head off.
Considering he can't run for President in 2024 unless he lose in 2020, does that mean that he should win his Parole in 2024?

He isn’t going to jail. You libtards are to stupid to figure that out. The real criminals are Biden, Clinton and Obama. That’s why there going after President Trump so hard so the real truth about them doesn’t come out but it is and there done. Good luck with the rainbow and try to find the pot of gold.

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Rump is done. Just stick the fork him him. He won't go to jail over federal laws but I know of 3 states with Grand Juries pending waiting on him becoming available. The Fun House has just opened it's doors and you get a front seat view now.

Keep dreaming. Just like the Russia probe and all the other bullshit the Democrats are trying. He is going nowhere.

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Actually, the real reason for his changing of his status to Florida is so that in Jan 2021, he has a shorter route for asking Raul for political assylum. There is a direct flight from Havana to Moscow.
You're an idiot, he will be your president till 2024.
The majority of the voters want him impeached but not necessarily removed from office. I am one of those. What's happening is the 2020 election is slipping into rump fantasy very fast. The last count was 48% want a different President. That can be translated a lot of ways except that 48% ends up making the majority of the over 60% that will actually vote.

You Rumpsters are all the way down to 36% blind or people scared completely out of their sanity. That's 36 to 48. Any way you monkey with those figures, Rump had damned well better do something fast to raise that 36% and decrease the 48%. This year alone, Rump has taken an almost 48% and dropped it back to 39% and it's continuing to fall.

Now that the impeachment hearings are public, look for Rump to go absolutely bat shit crazy and do some things to try and hinder them even further. The "Hey, look over there" routine won't work anymore. When the house elects to Censer rather than impeach and lays it all out, it's back to the 36% figure where it will stay. Unless Rump does something of a miracle and I don't foresee any of that happening. The best thing he can do is do nothing and hope a miracle comes his way. Anything else and it's back to the 36% that is made up of his Carnival Crowd.

So you can say with perfect certainty that Rump will be re-elected but when all the data is looked at, 42% if he does nothing and no miracle won't hack it. If he does something (meaning something stupid) then it drops back to the base which is at around 36%. I won't say he won't be re-elected but the odds aren't in his favor right now and it's too close to the Election at this point. That is, without some kind of Miracle.
He isn’t going to jail. You libtards are to stupid to figure that out. The real criminals are Biden, Clinton and Obama. That’s why there going after President Trump so hard so the real truth about them doesn’t come out but it is and there done. Good luck with the rainbow and try to find the pot of gold.

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Rump is done. Just stick the fork him him. He won't go to jail over federal laws but I know of 3 states with Grand Juries pending waiting on him becoming available. The Fun House has just opened it's doors and you get a front seat view now.

Keep dreaming. Just like the Russia probe and all the other bullshit the Democrats are trying. He is going nowhere.

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Actually, the real reason for his changing of his status to Florida is so that in Jan 2021, he has a shorter route for asking Raul for political assylum. There is a direct flight from Havana to Moscow.
You're an idiot, he will be your president till 2024.
The majority of the voters want him impeached but not necessarily removed from office. I am one of those. What's happening is the 2020 election is slipping into rump fantasy very fast. The last count was 48% want a different President. That can be translated a lot of ways except that 48% ends up making the majority of the over 60% that will actually vote.

You Rumpsters are all the way down to 36% blind or people scared completely out of their sanity. That's 36 to 48. Any way you monkey with those figures, Rump had damned well better do something fast to raise that 36% and decrease the 48%. This year alone, Rump has taken an almost 48% and dropped it back to 39% and it's continuing to fall.

Now that the impeachment hearings are public, look for Rump to go absolutely bat shit crazy and do some things to try and hinder them even further. The "Hey, look over there" routine won't work anymore. When the house elects to Censer rather than impeach and lays it all out, it's back to the 36% figure where it will stay. Unless Rump does something of a miracle and I don't foresee any of that happening. The best thing he can do is do nothing and hope a miracle comes his way. Anything else and it's back to the 36% that is made up of his Carnival Crowd.

So you can say with perfect certainty that Rump will be re-elected but when all the data is looked at, 42% if he does nothing and no miracle won't hack it. If he does something (meaning something stupid) then it drops back to the base which is at around 36%. I won't say he won't be re-elected but the odds aren't in his favor right now and it's too close to the Election at this point. That is, without some kind of Miracle.
Yeap and the polls said Hillary was going to win in 2016. Like I said Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.
Trump's level of vindictiveness against American citizens is one of the most disturbing things about his Presidency.

40% of Californians were not born in the U.S.
Oh, I'd like to see where you got that number. Link please.
Good luck getting a link to his rectum.

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Actually, I found something I'm holding to see if he's honest or just another lying CRC.
He's a proven liar.

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What does the OP, and other rightwing lemmings in this thread propose California do to stop the fires from occuring?

They were already notified by the Interior Department as to how they should manage their land, in order to prevent those fires.

They ignored them, so screw California.
What were the recommendations?

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The majority of land in California belongs top private individuals. The BLM had a program back in the early 2000's to aid in clearing brush, but many land-owners opted to ignore that program. Park Service officials were also being severely limited by state and local air pollution regulations.

President Trump tried to get a bill passed in 2018, that would give the federal BLM the power to remove millions of dead trees from California's forests, but the bill went nowhere over environmental concerns.
Interesting. What does BLM stand for?

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Another empty threat/promise from the blob. You guys believe anything you’re told.
I love how he whined about forest fires and not one major fire in California this October involved forests. He (and his trumpanzees) are idiots....proving it on a daily basis.

Thank you. Coming from a Nazi scumbag like you is a compliment. Libtard. Wake up and smell the coffee. Get use to saying President Trump til 2024.

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Well, you completely ignored the fact that all fires this last month were wild fires, not forest fires......showing more idiocy. I did NAZI that coming......:71:

I don’t care about California. It’s a shit hole and the whole state could burn down for all I care. Hopefully with all the libtards staying there.

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Well now....that's what I have learned to expect from CRCs (con-servative republican christians) in this day and age.
CINOs. Christians in name only.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
What does the OP, and other rightwing lemmings in this thread propose California do to stop the fires from occuring?

They were already notified by the Interior Department as to how they should manage their land, in order to prevent those fires.

They ignored them, so screw California.
What were the recommendations?

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The majority of land in California belongs top private individuals. The BLM had a program back in the early 2000's to aid in clearing brush, but many land-owners opted to ignore that program. Park Service officials were also being severely limited by state and local air pollution regulations.

President Trump tried to get a bill passed in 2018, that would give the federal BLM the power to remove millions of dead trees from California's forests, but the bill went nowhere over environmental concerns.
Interesting. What does BLM stand for?

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Bureau of Land Management | U.S. Department of the Interior
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
What a world class dumbass he is.


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