Trump Threatens to Cut Funding Calif for Letting So Many Fires Start

If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
A Hawaiian judge has ruled that Trump has no right to withold funds from commie bastards in renegade states that created the dangerous conditions that turned CA into a tinderbox so that homeless people from Illinois could act as arsonists and burn up Simi Valley.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
A Hawaiian judge has ruled that Trump has no right to withold funds from commie bastards in renegade states that created the dangerous conditions that turned CA into a tinderbox so that homeless people from Illinois could act as arsonists and burn up Simi Valley.
Yet another Leftard judge about to get bitch slapped by a higher court.
What does the OP, and other rightwing lemmings in this thread propose California do to stop the fires from occuring?
Stop shutting off the water used for irrigation, clear dead fall, dead trees, and brush before the Santa Anna winds hit in October.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
"Letting" so many fires start?

He really isn't very smart, is he.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
"Letting" so many fires start?

He really isn't very smart, is he.
Last year's fires were arson. So are this years fires.
Why are people flying to California to set fires????

Missouri man charged with starting 13 forest fires in California
Well now....that's what I have learned to expect from CRCs (con-servative republican christians) in this day and age.

About time you learned something.

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Thank you for showing us what you are like. I believe it is really what you are.

Thank you. Coming from someone like you I will take that as a compliment. You should move to Cally.

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I live here.

Good. Go fight the fires and make yourself useful. That’s right your a liberal. That’s too scary of a job for you.

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I'm not skilled in fire fighting....but we do help when the fire fighters are nearby.....bringing food, supplies, thanking them, etc. Here in California, we appreciate our fire fighters.
No you did not. I just reviewed this entire thread. Why do CRCs lie so glibly? As if you were born to it.

I posted it weeks ago, its not my fault you are ill informed. Try to show up knowing something before you engage in a politics debate okay. :itsok:
Oh, one more thing.....I suspect your source material is faulty: Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of California

You are triggered by truth, this happens frequently to the left.
I don't even mind posting my link a third time: Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of California

California has more immigrants than any other state.
California is home to almost 11 million immigrants—about a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. In 2017, the most current year of data, 27% of California’s population was foreign born, more than double the percentage in the rest of the country. Foreign-born residents represented at least one-third of the population in five California counties: Santa Clara (39%), San Francisco (36%), San Mateo (35%), Los Angeles (34%), and Alameda (33%). Half of California children have at least one immigrant parent.

Not the 40% you claimed..allegedly....weeks ago....:rolleyes-41:
Yeah...I thought it was pretty funny that you claimed to have linked something saying 40%, couldn't link to your source and then I linked where it said 27%......I sure got a chuckle out of it.
Remember Trump is an expert on everything

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important,” the president said last year, adding Finland focuses “on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem, and when it is … I know everyone is looking at that... We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important.”
Holy words from their orange god. Amen.
Considering he can't run for President in 2024 unless he lose in 2020, does that mean that he should win his Parole in 2024?

He isn’t going to jail. You libtards are to stupid to figure that out. The real criminals are Biden, Clinton and Obama. That’s why there going after President Trump so hard so the real truth about them doesn’t come out but it is and there done. Good luck with the rainbow and try to find the pot of gold.

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Rump is done. Just stick the fork him him. He won't go to jail over federal laws but I know of 3 states with Grand Juries pending waiting on him becoming available. The Fun House has just opened it's doors and you get a front seat view now.

Keep dreaming. Just like the Russia probe and all the other bullshit the Democrats are trying. He is going nowhere.

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Actually, the real reason for his changing of his status to Florida is so that in Jan 2021, he has a shorter route for asking Raul for political assylum. There is a direct flight from Havana to Moscow.
You're an idiot, he will be your president till 2024.
Ah...another cultist who believes the Russian fix is in.
ya take them FREE Donuts eh [chuckle] ?? But don't don't bother with your butt kissing , they are well paid Government paid Volunteers and employees Bode .
I love how he whined about forest fires and not one major fire in California this October involved forests. He (and his trumpanzees) are idiots....proving it on a daily basis.

Thank you. Coming from a Nazi scumbag like you is a compliment. Libtard. Wake up and smell the coffee. Get use to saying President Trump til 2024.

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Well, you completely ignored the fact that all fires this last month were wild fires, not forest fires......showing more idiocy. I did NAZI that coming......:71:

I don’t care about California. It’s a shit hole and the whole state could burn down for all I care. Hopefully with all the libtards staying there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well now....that's what I have learned to expect from CRCs (con-servative republican christians) in this day and age.
CINOs. Christians in name only.

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I prefer CRCs......but CINOs works too.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
"Letting" so many fires start?

He really isn't very smart, is he.
Last year's fires were arson. So are this years fires.
Why are people flying to California to set fires????

Missouri man charged with starting 13 forest fires in California
How is that in any way an answer to my post?

I'll answer for you, since you seem incapable. It's not, it's a subject change because the topic got uncomfortable for you.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
A Hawaiian judge has ruled that Trump has no right to withold funds from commie bastards in renegade states that created the dangerous conditions that turned CA into a tinderbox so that homeless people from Illinois could act as arsonists and burn up Simi Valley.
Ah...time for the Birther input on this topic.
What does the OP, and other rightwing lemmings in this thread propose California do to stop the fires from occuring?
Stop shutting off the water used for irrigation, clear dead fall, dead trees, and brush before the Santa Anna winds hit in October.
"Stop shutting off the water used for irrigation"? Oh, irrigated fields were the ones on fire? :71:
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
"Letting" so many fires start?

He really isn't very smart, is he.
Last year's fires were arson. So are this years fires.
Why are people flying to California to set fires????

Missouri man charged with starting 13 forest fires in California a red stater came to California to set fires.....why am I not surprised that it would be a red stater doing this.

From the article:
The fires in question burned 128 acres. Graham was charged with 15 counts of committing arson, two of which were heightened charges because the fires were started during a declared emergency.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was forced to declare a statewide emergency on Sunday after approximately 200,000 people were evacuated as fires approached their homes.

After landing in California, Graham rented a vehicle to drive out to at-risk areas, authorities say, and was caught after a concerned citizen saw the vehicle near a fire and reported the license plate.

So there were fires already and this red state scum came to California to set more fires to overload our firefighters. A red stater, folks.
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
A Hawaiian judge has ruled that Trump has no right to withold funds from commie bastards in renegade states that created the dangerous conditions that turned CA into a tinderbox so that homeless people from Illinois could act as arsonists and burn up Simi Valley.
Ah...time for the Birther input on this topic.
Always good when people outside Ca advise Ca on how to manage land.
ya take them FREE Donuts eh [chuckle] ?? But don't don't bother with your butt kissing , they are well paid Government paid Volunteers and employees Bode .
What do you do to support your first responders, Skippy?
If they want the envirowhackos to run the show, fine. The rest of us shouldn’t pick up the tab.

President Donald Trump took aim at California governor Gavin Newsom Sunday morning over wildfires raging across the southern and western parts of the state, chastising Newsom for letting environmentalists run the show, preventing the state from adquately clearing brush and dead vegetation.

Trump also threatened to cut off Federal funding to California for fire abatement and land management if Newsom doesn’t shape up.
President Trump Takes Aim At California Governor Gavin Newsom Over Wildfires, Threatens To Cut Funding
A Hawaiian judge has ruled that Trump has no right to withold funds from commie bastards in renegade states that created the dangerous conditions that turned CA into a tinderbox so that homeless people from Illinois could act as arsonists and burn up Simi Valley.
Ah...time for the Birther input on this topic.
Always good when people outside Ca advise Ca on how to manage land.
Well, apparently, they come here to set more fires too.
Should start a trend. Also cut funds to Florida and other Gulf states for so many hurricanes, Houston for flooding, the rest of Texas and Tornado Alley. Nobody's out there helping me with my air conditioner bills here in the Arizona desert.

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