trump Threatens Virus Funding After Michigan Absentee Ballot Move


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

Show up in person, prove your I.D and your single vote per person and you can control abuses significantly. Every Western democracy demands voting in person and proper I.D to do so.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.
I agree except for states where the gop shut polling places to require longer voting lines, and time, for areas likely to vote predominantly dem. I'm not sold on wholesale mail in voting, but states should make in person voting as easy and quick as possible, but the gop will never do that.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

Show up in person, prove your I.D and your single vote per person and you can control abuses significantly. Every Western democracy demands voting in person and proper I.D to do so.

There is no evidence of any abuse. The fact is that the military has been doing this for decades.
I don't how anyone can claim that mail-in voting is illegal. States run their own elections. Moreover, there has never been any evidence that widespread voter-fraud ever took place.

The GOP seems very frightened of the voting process. Suspicious. It is the foundation of our nation. We are supposed to make sure every eligible person casts a vote that counts.
I don't how anyone can claim that mail-in voting is illegal. States run their own elections. Moreover, there has never been any evidence that widespread voter-fraud ever took place.

The GOP seems very frightened of the voting process. Suspicious. It is the foundation of our nation. We are supposed to make sure every eligible person casts a vote that counts.

The reason why they are very frightened of this is because they have spent decades implementing schemes to prevent people from voting.

The reason for that is because they know if everyone voted, republicans lose.

So they pass draconian ID and voting laws that are designed to prevent democrats from voting. They close voting places to cause long lines to prevent people from voting in democratic areas. They move voting places outside town or to places people can't get to, to prevent democrats from voting. Their list of schemes to prevent democrats from voting is very long. They know their only hope of winning in many places here in America is to cheat and prevent people from voting.

Mail in ballots prevent a lot of the cheating and schemes the republicans use to prevent democrats from voting.

trump said it himself a few weeks ago, if we allowed wide spread nation wide voting, republicans would never win another election again.
The dems are trying to set the stage for huge voter fraud in November....I hope the Trump campaign and the RNC are up to speed....

Obviously you are afraid of a higher turnout. There is no evidence of any fraud.
I welcome a higher turnout as long as the higher number consists of registered living American citizens of voting age.....In CA we have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck voting along with thousands of dead people.....
TDS thread 1,609

I love how his every tweet brings this kind of reaction.

Even I know he can't legally get in the way......
Sometimes, cuz.............Trump, the Idiot-in-Chief says the quiet things out loud.

Trump just comes out and says it: The GOP is hurt when it’s easier to vote

President Trump on Monday morning became the latest in a procession of Republicans to say making it easier for more people to vote would hurt his party politically.
In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what Democrats had sought.
“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
The Obstructionist-in-Chief admits the truth. A rare occurrence. Trumpleheads, they just turn away and pretend it never happened.
Sometimes, cuz.............Trump, the Idiot-in-Chief says the quiet things out loud.

Trump just comes out and says it: The GOP is hurt when it’s easier to vote

President Trump on Monday morning became the latest in a procession of Republicans to say making it easier for more people to vote would hurt his party politically.
In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what Democrats had sought.
“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
The Obstructionist-in-Chief admits the truth. A rare occurrence. Trumpleheads, they just turn away and pretend it never happened.

Yes, that would be stupid to say....if you didn't know he was afraid of fraud.

But you know that....and still post this shit.
It does not matter what Trump or the feds think of this - it is not in their power to threaten anything over state election processes - they are the SOLE power of the state.

The practice of feds taxing the citizens to the max and then granting funds back to the states is asinine in the extreme and should have been ruled unconstitutional long ago rather than upheld. It makes the entire idea of federalism a joke.

Not really surprised that the side that is supposedly for states rights suddenly abandons those core convictions though...
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.
I don't see how it is appropriate either, but for fuck's sake!!! Payback is a bitch, and this is a serious issue with legitimate fraud concerns.

(remember: "by any means necessary" and "the ends justify the means")

It does not matter what Trump or the feds think of this - it is not in their power to threaten anything over state election processes - they are the SOLE power of the state.

The practice of feds taxing the citizens to the max and then granting funds back to the states is asinine in the extreme and should have been ruled unconstitutional long ago rather than upheld. It makes the entire idea of federalism a joke.

Not really surprised that the side that is supposedly for states rights suddenly abandons those core convictions though...
I agree with you, but how long does one party get to abuse such power without a counterbalance?

Is it time to just lock and load and forget this bullshit "union"?

It does not matter what Trump or the feds think of this - it is not in their power to threaten anything over state election processes - they are the SOLE power of the state.

The practice of feds taxing the citizens to the max and then granting funds back to the states is asinine in the extreme and should have been ruled unconstitutional long ago rather than upheld. It makes the entire idea of federalism a joke.

Not really surprised that the side that is supposedly for states rights suddenly abandons those core convictions though...
I agree with you, but how long does one party get to abuse such power without a counterbalance?

Is it time to just lock and load and forget this bullshit "union"?

One party will abuse it forever as long as the other one abdicates its responsibility by doing the same shit.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.

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