trump Threatens Virus Funding After Michigan Absentee Ballot Move

National Voter ID (the Federal "Real ID" should do nicely).

Centralized online voting website.

Two-factor authentication (one of them being a random code printed on the card).

Centralized database and filters, to set-aside (and audit) failed authentication attempts and duplicates.

Lightning-fast ballot-counting.

In some form or another, at some point in the not-too-distant future, online voting will be the norm.
It does not matter what Trump or the feds think of this - it is not in their power to threaten anything over state election processes - they are the SOLE power of the state.

The practice of feds taxing the citizens to the max and then granting funds back to the states is asinine in the extreme and should have been ruled unconstitutional long ago rather than upheld. It makes the entire idea of federalism a joke.

Not really surprised that the side that is supposedly for states rights suddenly abandons those core convictions though...
I agree with you, but how long does one party get to abuse such power without a counterbalance?

Is it time to just lock and load and forget this bullshit "union"?

One party will abuse it forever as long as the other one abdicates its responsibility by doing the same shit.
True. But, it's more OUR responsibility than some political party. At some point, we need to lock and load.

You assholes didn’t give two shits about voter fraud until the GOP told you to care during the 2012 election. Gee what convenient timing!
I'm guessing you're in your mid 20s, am I right? Young, dumb, and full of cum?

This has been an issue for decades.

You only think it started in 2012 because evidence started to mount that illegals and dead people were voting for Democrats at an alarming rate.

Obama all but confirmed it when he told illegals to go out and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Lol you’re so full of shit. Quit pretending you at all cared about this prior to the 2012 election.
Dead people don’t cast votes. Just because there are dead people on registration rolls, it doesn’t mean they are magically casting votes.
Right, but if nobody is checking IDs, grandma can make sure grandpa keeps voting for years after his death via their son or a neighbor.

Do you really believe that shit doesn't happen when we have proof that it, in fact, DID happen in LA?
Christ I really question the validity of this because they can’t even determine HOW this even happened. Either way, those numbers are minuscule and would not even come close to changing an election. Hell those votes came from opposing parties to cancel each other out lol. This is just non sense
Do you know why you can't determine how it happened? Because there's no fucking voter ID law. Anybody can walk in and say they're dead uncle Joe and go cast a vote on his behalf. Nobody checks.

Are you deliberately being a retarded fuck or is this nature?

You said yourself that it is difficult to prove. Why allow a method that is suseptable to fraud, UNLESS you want to cheat?

And that's the real issue. You commie shits want to win and bring forth your revolution of misery by any means necessary. That includes cheating your fucking asses off. Well, go fuck yourself. We are not going to sit back and just let it happen.

It is time to lock and load.

It is time to start voting with lead.

Either you motherfuckers will stop you're cheating or we will bring a revolution of our own!!!

Kill a commie for mommy.

Stop our cheating? Lol you’re an idiot. You posted these numbers and they are minuscule. They mean nothing. Primarily because these supposed votes came from BOTH parties. Of course, as far as prosecution of voter fraud, we only hear about republicans double voting so...
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

Further proof that Trump is indeed a scumbag and not fit to hold office.
It does not matter what Trump or the feds think of this - it is not in their power to threaten anything over state election processes - they are the SOLE power of the state.

The practice of feds taxing the citizens to the max and then granting funds back to the states is asinine in the extreme and should have been ruled unconstitutional long ago rather than upheld. It makes the entire idea of federalism a joke.

Not really surprised that the side that is supposedly for states rights suddenly abandons those core convictions though...
I agree with you, but how long does one party get to abuse such power without a counterbalance?

Is it time to just lock and load and forget this bullshit "union"?

One party will abuse it forever as long as the other one abdicates its responsibility by doing the same shit.
True. But, it's more OUR responsibility than some political party. At some point, we need to lock and load.

You are right, it is our responsibility which is exactly why I refuse to support the federal takeover of the states when they try crap like this.
The dems are trying to set the stage for huge voter fraud in November....I hope the Trump campaign and the RNC are up to speed....

Obviously you are afraid of a higher turnout. There is no evidence of any fraud.
I welcome a higher turnout as long as the higher number consists of registered living American citizens of voting age.....In CA we have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck voting along with thousands of dead people.....

You have not a bit of evidenced to support this. Trump has even admitted the higher the turnout, the less likely he is to win.
if i were Trump, i would sign no new legislation, impose no new regulations, and let the country return to its natural self
The dems are trying to set the stage for huge voter fraud in November....I hope the Trump campaign and the RNC are up to speed....

Obviously you are afraid of a higher turnout. There is no evidence of any fraud.
I welcome a higher turnout as long as the higher number consists of registered living American citizens of voting age.....In CA we have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck voting along with thousands of dead people.....
Prove it. Post a link that is not from a right wing trash site because this is just another lie.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

We need to stop democrats from cheating their way into office. In 2016, they had to stop the MI recount because more votes were cast in Detroit than they had people.

democrats cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat and cheat
Dead people don’t cast votes. Just because there are dead people on registration rolls, it doesn’t mean they are magically casting votes.
Right, but if nobody is checking IDs, grandma can make sure grandpa keeps voting for years after his death via their son or a neighbor.

Do you really believe that shit doesn't happen when we have proof that it, in fact, DID happen in LA?
Christ I really question the validity of this because they can’t even determine HOW this even happened. Either way, those numbers are minuscule and would not even come close to changing an election. Hell those votes came from opposing parties to cancel each other out lol. This is just non sense
Do you know why you can't determine how it happened? Because there's no fucking voter ID law. Anybody can walk in and say they're dead uncle Joe and go cast a vote on his behalf. Nobody checks.

Are you deliberately being a retarded fuck or is this nature?

You said yourself that it is difficult to prove. Why allow a method that is suseptable to fraud, UNLESS you want to cheat?

And that's the real issue. You commie shits want to win and bring forth your revolution of misery by any means necessary. That includes cheating your fucking asses off. Well, go fuck yourself. We are not going to sit back and just let it happen.

It is time to lock and load.

It is time to start voting with lead.

Either you motherfuckers will stop you're cheating or we will bring a revolution of our own!!!

Kill a commie for mommy.

Stop our cheating? Lol you’re an idiot. You posted these numbers and they are minuscule. They mean nothing. Primarily because these supposed votes came from BOTH parties. Of course, as far as prosecution of voter fraud, we only hear about republicans double voting so...
All you guys are arguing over nothing. Voting for potus, clearly means nothing and is a waste of time.
There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018.

That "article" is a bogus piece of click bait. Those ballots were not "lost". They were mailed and not returned. That does not equate to lost.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.
You shouldn't have to risk your life for the right to vote. I can get groceries delivered to my home...just like my ballot.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.
Goodie gumdrops for you. Just because you've never experienced it, screw the people that have?

No mail in voting isn't "BS". It's.the way millions of people, including your naked emperor, vote every election.

You do realize signatures on the Vote by Mail envelope are checked against voter registration, right? Unless you can forge her signature, you can't "fill it out for your wife".
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

Dead people don’t cast votes. Just because there are dead people on registration rolls, it doesn’t mean they are magically casting votes.
Right, but if nobody is checking IDs, grandma can make sure grandpa keeps voting for years after his death via their son or a neighbor.

Do you really believe that shit doesn't happen when we have proof that it, in fact, DID happen in LA?
Christ I really question the validity of this because they can’t even determine HOW this even happened. Either way, those numbers are minuscule and would not even come close to changing an election. Hell those votes came from opposing parties to cancel each other out lol. This is just non sense
I have worked full-time at an election office since 2006. Every single election i encounter a "dead" person voting. Every time it has been an error. Either the voter signed the wrong envelope or line on the roster (junior/senior) or we killed off the wrong John Smith.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.
Goodie gumdrops for you. Just because you've never experienced it, screw the people that have?

No mail in voting isn't "BS". It's.the way millions of people, including your naked emperor, vote every election.

You do realize signatures on the Vote by Mail envelope are checked against voter registration, right? Unless you can forge her signature, you can't "fill it out for your wife".
She signs my name all the time with my permission. We have been together since we were 20 years. "forging" a signature is not overly difficult and it is tough if not impossible to check every signature so they just grab a select few. It can also go the other way. Signature could be legit but it gets pulled by the person vetting it. Saw that happen in town elections, where there are fewer signatures and they are easier to check multiple times. Now that was on petitions but the same principal applies. I would only allow this for military and Gov't personnel.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.
Goodie gumdrops for you. Just because you've never experienced it, screw the people that have?

No mail in voting isn't "BS". It's.the way millions of people, including your naked emperor, vote every election.

You do realize signatures on the Vote by Mail envelope are checked against voter registration, right? Unless you can forge her signature, you can't "fill it out for your wife".
She signs my name all the time with my permission. We have been together since we were 20 years. "forging" a signature is not overly difficult and it is tough if not impossible to check every signature so they just grab a select few. It can also go the other way. Signature could be legit but it gets pulled by the person vetting it. Saw that happen in town elections, where there are fewer signatures and they are easier to check multiple times. Now that was on petitions but the same principal applies. I would only allow this for military and Gov't personnel.
No they don't check a select few, they check every single signature on every single vote by mail ballot. I watch it happen every election.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.
Goodie gumdrops for you. Just because you've never experienced it, screw the people that have?

No mail in voting isn't "BS". It's.the way millions of people, including your naked emperor, vote every election.

You do realize signatures on the Vote by Mail envelope are checked against voter registration, right? Unless you can forge her signature, you can't "fill it out for your wife".
She signs my name all the time with my permission. We have been together since we were 20 years. "forging" a signature is not overly difficult and it is tough if not impossible to check every signature so they just grab a select few. It can also go the other way. Signature could be legit but it gets pulled by the person vetting it. Saw that happen in town elections, where there are fewer signatures and they are easier to check multiple times. Now that was on petitions but the same principal applies. I would only allow this for military and Gov't personnel.
No they don't check a select few, they check every single signature on every single vote by mail ballot. I watch it happen every election.
Then it becomes subjective. As I said, I experienced this firsthand in local elections on petitions. As I understand it, states like Utah and Oregon do this but it took them years to implement the system. Cannot do it overnight. If people can stand in lines at Home Depot. They can stand in lines to vote. And present ID!
The dems are trying to set the stage for huge voter fraud in November....I hope the Trump campaign and the RNC are up to speed....

Obviously you are afraid of a higher turnout. There is no evidence of any fraud.
I welcome a higher turnout as long as the higher number consists of registered living American citizens of voting age.....In CA we have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck voting along with thousands of dead people.....

Link? Because both Shrub Jr. and tRump began investigations into this so called wide spread voter fraud and both commissions were shut down because almost zero was found. In fact most of the fraud that was found was by the GOP.
This is disgusting.

What the secretary of the state has done is very legal and above board.

There is no clear way for trump to withhold virus funding because of this.

It just seems to me that trump is doing all he can to tick off the people of Michigan to get them to not vote for him.

Intelligent people know why he's doing this. He knows if everyone in Michigan is allowed to vote, trump loses Michigan.

I agree with this. The state is certainly in its right to determine how they handle their elections. I don't see any way the president can legally withhold funding over this. That said, there are some legitimate concerns over strictly mail-in voting. There has been an article posted a couple of times in other threads showing around 28 million mail in ballots were lost between 2012 and 2018. That's a lot of people's votes who didn't get counted and that's just one reason why I'm iffy on a completely mail-in election. Furthermore, the couple of states that already do completely mail-in elections spent years setting up that system to ensure it was reliable. They weren't implementing it on the fly. I'm concerned if states like Michigan and others do this for the general election we could end up with another Florida 2000 crisis.

I have seen no scientific evidence that standing in line to vote is any more or less risky than going to you grocery store and I don't feel like asking people to stand in line to vote once or twice a year is over the top. Many people in the world don't get this opportunity and we take it for granted.

I signed up for mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I voted in person was the second time Clinton ran for president.

My state went to 100% mail in ballots in 2005. Yes it took a few years to fully implement but by 2005 it was fully implemented.

As for trump's claims of fraud? The following is a good article about that:

Yes there's a problem in some states with ballots reaching voters and ballots being counted. Which should be addressed. The answer isn't to not allow mail in voting. The answer is to make sure everyone gets a ballot in time and all ballots are counted.

That same counting problem happens with in person voting too. It's not just mail in voting.

Standing in line to vote, especially if people are forced to do it for hours, isn't the same thing as shopping. People are moving around shopping. No one stands in the same place for hours like a lot of people are forced to with in person voting.

In person voting will require much longer extended days of voting. More voting places. More voting machines in the voting places and social distancing. That will cost a lot more money than doing it mail in ballot.

That is IF the goal of the state is to have everyone vote and do it safely. Which I don't believe many states will do those things. They will probably do what Wisconsin did in April, close voting places. People were only able to vote at 5 voting places in Milwaukie in April because of closed voting places.

Not allowing mail in voting is designed to prevent people from voting. It's trump's only hope of winning in November. Republicans and trump knows if everyone is allowed to vote trump and the republican lose in most of the country.

That is the only reason why trump and republican politicians are doing all they can to prevent mail in voting.
I have never stood for hours to vote. The fact that they never check my ID is mind boggling. Mail in voting is BS. How do you know someone is not being coerced or I don't take a ballot and fill it out for my wife and for me? If you're too lazy to stand in line then you don't deserve to vote.
Goodie gumdrops for you. Just because you've never experienced it, screw the people that have?

No mail in voting isn't "BS". It's.the way millions of people, including your naked emperor, vote every election.

You do realize signatures on the Vote by Mail envelope are checked against voter registration, right? Unless you can forge her signature, you can't "fill it out for your wife".
She signs my name all the time with my permission. We have been together since we were 20 years. "forging" a signature is not overly difficult and it is tough if not impossible to check every signature so they just grab a select few. It can also go the other way. Signature could be legit but it gets pulled by the person vetting it. Saw that happen in town elections, where there are fewer signatures and they are easier to check multiple times. Now that was on petitions but the same principal applies. I would only allow this for military and Gov't personnel.
No they don't check a select few, they check every single signature on every single vote by mail ballot. I watch it happen every election.
Then it becomes subjective. As I said, I experienced this firsthand in local elections on petitions. As I understand it, states like Utah and Oregon do this but it took them years to implement the system. Cannot do it overnight. If people can stand in lines at Home Depot. They can stand in lines to vote. And present ID!
Petitions are not the same as ba!lots. You do statistical sampling with petions. Here in CA we do a random 3% sample. If enough are good statistically, the initiative goes on the ballot. If it doesn't, it fails. If the number falls in the gray area we check 100% of the signatures. Ballots are not the same. 100% of signatures on ballots are checked against registration.

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