Trump throws 3AM tantrum over CNN saying he’s not ‘presidential’. 3AM!!

I do not hate religions, I hate organized religions.

That is no less absurd.

Sorry you feel that way.

Organized religion is about control, nothing more. It most often has little to do with the sacred writing the religion claims to follow.

You know nothing about organized religion, or people for that matter.

I know a great deal about organized religion, I spent the majority of my life a part of it. I was one of those that if the doors were open, I was there. Was always involved as much as anyone can be, often a part of the lay leadership.

It was not that long ago that I left it behind.

I got my Bachelors from Liberty U so that I could minor in Biblical history.

Please, you broad brushed billions of people with a pathetic argument. Actually your argument would have to improve to be pathetic. Your sole unique experience is not representative of organized religions, sorry to burst your bubble.

Organized religions have always been about control, history proves me right.
That is no less absurd.

Sorry you feel that way.

Organized religion is about control, nothing more. It most often has little to do with the sacred writing the religion claims to follow.

You know nothing about organized religion, or people for that matter.

I know a great deal about organized religion, I spent the majority of my life a part of it. I was one of those that if the doors were open, I was there. Was always involved as much as anyone can be, often a part of the lay leadership.

It was not that long ago that I left it behind.

I got my Bachelors from Liberty U so that I could minor in Biblical history.

Please, you broad brushed billions of people with a pathetic argument. Actually your argument would have to improve to be pathetic. Your sole unique experience is not representative of organized religions, sorry to burst your bubble.

Organized religions have always been about control, history proves me right.

You're wrong, its easier if we just summarize.
Yeah, and the all powerful government told the people to build giant walls or giant mechs in the world of Pacific Rim too....

Your kids are far more intelligent when it comes to the actual world in 2018 than you are. They know that the kind of freedom you prescribe is only limited to a few remote areas in specific states of this country and they know that is even going away because nobody is doing a damn thing to stop the erosion of the most important liberties.

My son has been reading this thread over my shoulder and he thinks you are just a troll making this stuff up because "no real person believes that shit he is posting."
If he is truly doing that then you have truly failed to raise him the way you claimed you did.

Nope, he is just what I said he was. He sees through your bullshit just like the rest of us. He has no desire to live in a zoo.
He will learn the hard way how right I am once you and your generation are gone and the only people with a voice to stop the barbarians at the gates are people like me.

There are a lot more millennials like me than those like your son, and even he knows that.
Sorry you feel that way.

Organized religion is about control, nothing more. It most often has little to do with the sacred writing the religion claims to follow.

You know nothing about organized religion, or people for that matter.

I know a great deal about organized religion, I spent the majority of my life a part of it. I was one of those that if the doors were open, I was there. Was always involved as much as anyone can be, often a part of the lay leadership.

It was not that long ago that I left it behind.

I got my Bachelors from Liberty U so that I could minor in Biblical history.

Please, you broad brushed billions of people with a pathetic argument. Actually your argument would have to improve to be pathetic. Your sole unique experience is not representative of organized religions, sorry to burst your bubble.

Organized religions have always been about control, history proves me right.

You're wrong, its easier if we just summarize.

No, really I am not. You cannot point to a single organized religion that is not all about rule and regulations.
"Jews will not replace us" Some of those chanting that message as they march with torches "are good people," said, someone.
Yeah, and the all powerful government told the people to build giant walls or giant mechs in the world of Pacific Rim too....

Your kids are far more intelligent when it comes to the actual world in 2018 than you are. They know that the kind of freedom you prescribe is only limited to a few remote areas in specific states of this country and they know that is even going away because nobody is doing a damn thing to stop the erosion of the most important liberties.

My son has been reading this thread over my shoulder and he thinks you are just a troll making this stuff up because "no real person believes that shit he is posting."
If he is truly doing that then you have truly failed to raise him the way you claimed you did.

Nope, he is just what I said he was. He sees through your bullshit just like the rest of us. He has no desire to live in a zoo.
He will learn the hard way how right I am once you and your generation are gone and the only people with a voice to stop the barbarians at the gates are people like me.

There are a lot more millennials like me than those like your son, and even he knows that.

He did want me to thank you for the laughs. He even asked if he could show this thread to his friends so they could get a good laugh as well.

Nobody but you wants to live in the zoo that you think society should be.
As the very people Trump regularly attacks are receiving bombs, Trump once again makes it all about how unfair he thinks he's treated.

There’s a serial bomber — or bombers — on the loose in the U.S., but Trump’s priority remains lashing out at the targets of the terror attacks.

Apparently unable to sleep, Trump at 3:14 am on Friday launched a bizarre tweet about CNN, its ratings, and his deep anger about being called “not Presidential” on the cable news network — a completely accurate description that Trump confirmed by tweeting about it at 3:14 am.

“Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, ‘it’s just not Presidential!'” the angry man tapped.

It isn’t entirely clear what exactly Trump was referencing on CNN.

Dishonest Don is such a special snowflake....

Wow, President Trump keeps speaking the honest truth, and libs freak out about it.
Yeah, and the all powerful government told the people to build giant walls or giant mechs in the world of Pacific Rim too....

Your kids are far more intelligent when it comes to the actual world in 2018 than you are. They know that the kind of freedom you prescribe is only limited to a few remote areas in specific states of this country and they know that is even going away because nobody is doing a damn thing to stop the erosion of the most important liberties.

My son has been reading this thread over my shoulder and he thinks you are just a troll making this stuff up because "no real person believes that shit he is posting."
If he is truly doing that then you have truly failed to raise him the way you claimed you did.

Nope, he is just what I said he was. He sees through your bullshit just like the rest of us. He has no desire to live in a zoo.
He will learn the hard way how right I am once you and your generation are gone and the only people with a voice to stop the barbarians at the gates are people like me.

There are a lot more millennials like me than those like your son, and even he knows that.

He did want me to thank you for the laughs. He even asked if he could show this thread to his friends so they could get a good laugh as well.

Nobody but you wants to live in the zoo that you think society should be.
Him and his friends live in a zoo right now, they are just too stupid to realize it. Or more like a snow globe already cracking apart.

Maybe your son should actually come on here and debate me like a real man would instead of hiding behind his ideologically outdated father. The fact that he won’t do that proves that he either can’t or doesn’t care enough to attempt to keep people like me from becoming absolutely dominant in the generation.

In reality it is people like you who actually have me laughing my ass off. You claim to want freedom but you are willing to let it die just as long as a scary white dude doesn’t end up supposedly killing it by preserving what is actually realistically left of it.


You couldn’t be more stupid if you tried. You are just like my stepfather, completely clueless about the world today, mindlessly reactionary to all things pro-white while bending over backwards to accommodate whatever racist shit non-white communities want to do(contrary to actual libertarian beliefs), just an overall useful idiot to the modern day faux left wing in every single way that matters to their actual agenda.
"Jews will not replace us" Some of those chanting that message as they march with torches "are good people," said, someone.
What is so wrong about not wanting to be replaced?

What is so wrong about actually thinking Jews are something besides perfect angels?

What is so wrong specifically about Jews like Barbara Spectre being called out for saying that “Europe MUST be multicultural”?
My son has been reading this thread over my shoulder and he thinks you are just a troll making this stuff up because "no real person believes that shit he is posting."
If he is truly doing that then you have truly failed to raise him the way you claimed you did.

Nope, he is just what I said he was. He sees through your bullshit just like the rest of us. He has no desire to live in a zoo.
He will learn the hard way how right I am once you and your generation are gone and the only people with a voice to stop the barbarians at the gates are people like me.

There are a lot more millennials like me than those like your son, and even he knows that.

He did want me to thank you for the laughs. He even asked if he could show this thread to his friends so they could get a good laugh as well.

Nobody but you wants to live in the zoo that you think society should be.
Him and his friends live in a zoo right now, they are just too stupid to realize it. Or more like a snow globe already cracking apart.

Maybe your son should actually come on here and debate me like a real man would instead of hiding behind his ideologically outdated father. The fact that he won’t do that proves that he either can’t or doesn’t care enough to attempt to keep people like me from becoming absolutely dominant in the generation.

In reality it is people like you who actually have me laughing my ass off. You claim to want freedom but you are willing to let it die just as long as a scary white dude doesn’t end up supposedly killing it by preserving what is actually realistically left of it.


You couldn’t be more stupid if you tried. You are just like my stepfather, completely clueless about the world today, mindlessly reactionary to all things pro-white while bending over backwards to accommodate whatever racist shit non-white communities want to do(contrary to actual libertarian beliefs), just an overall useful idiot to the modern day faux left wing in every single way that matters to their actual agenda.

He has a life, he does not waste his time on a forum such as this.

You want to put humanity in to a zoo and have every bit as much control of them as a zoo keeper has on their animals, and the n have the nerve to talk about freedom.

You are a joke, you are an outlier who has no clue about humanity and have a dream that will never come to pass, thank god!

Time for the Florida/Georgia game, so bye bye! I assume in your zoo sports would not exist, as they are not needed.
If he is truly doing that then you have truly failed to raise him the way you claimed you did.

Nope, he is just what I said he was. He sees through your bullshit just like the rest of us. He has no desire to live in a zoo.
He will learn the hard way how right I am once you and your generation are gone and the only people with a voice to stop the barbarians at the gates are people like me.

There are a lot more millennials like me than those like your son, and even he knows that.

He did want me to thank you for the laughs. He even asked if he could show this thread to his friends so they could get a good laugh as well.

Nobody but you wants to live in the zoo that you think society should be.
Him and his friends live in a zoo right now, they are just too stupid to realize it. Or more like a snow globe already cracking apart.

Maybe your son should actually come on here and debate me like a real man would instead of hiding behind his ideologically outdated father. The fact that he won’t do that proves that he either can’t or doesn’t care enough to attempt to keep people like me from becoming absolutely dominant in the generation.

In reality it is people like you who actually have me laughing my ass off. You claim to want freedom but you are willing to let it die just as long as a scary white dude doesn’t end up supposedly killing it by preserving what is actually realistically left of it.


You couldn’t be more stupid if you tried. You are just like my stepfather, completely clueless about the world today, mindlessly reactionary to all things pro-white while bending over backwards to accommodate whatever racist shit non-white communities want to do(contrary to actual libertarian beliefs), just an overall useful idiot to the modern day faux left wing in every single way that matters to their actual agenda.

He has a life, he does not waste his time on a forum such as this.

You want to put humanity in to a zoo and have every bit as much control of them as a zoo keeper has on their animals, and the n have the nerve to talk about freedom.

You are a joke, you are an outlier who has no clue about humanity and have a dream that will never come to pass, thank god!

Time for the Florida/Georgia game, so bye bye! I assume in your zoo sports would not exist, as they are not needed.
Was ancient Greece a "zoo" or did they literally create the olympics? Did they have art that we still admire today or are they cultureless like Canada? Because that is the system of government I am proposing, and with modern technology that kind of society would be infinitely superior to even the glory days of this country.

Again, I am laughing at everything you type because you don't know shit and yet you continuously throw out pathetic straw men because that is all you can do like a typical idiot boomer who doesn't have a clue how different society is from 50, 40, even 20 years ago while you were living it up on your father's and grandfather's credit. Every single year Libertarianism dies that much more and you are already insignificant. Your idea of what the world should be is already dead.
Was ancient Greece a "zoo" or did they literally create the olympics? Did they have art that we still admire today or are they cultureless like Canada? Because that is the system of government I am proposing, and with modern technology that kind of society would be infinitely superior to even the glory days of this country.

Just when I thought you understanding of human nature was the apex of your ignorance , you go and prove me wrong. Turns out your knowledge of history is even worse than that of human nature.

Ancient Greece was nothing like your described utopia. There was actual freedom in in Ancient Greece, not the forced compliance that you dream about.
Was ancient Greece a "zoo" or did they literally create the olympics? Did they have art that we still admire today or are they cultureless like Canada? Because that is the system of government I am proposing, and with modern technology that kind of society would be infinitely superior to even the glory days of this country.

Just when I thought you understanding of human nature was the apex of your ignorance , you go and prove me wrong. Turns out your knowledge of history is even worse than that of human nature.

Ancient Greece was nothing like your described utopia. There was actual freedom in in Ancient Greece, not the forced compliance that you dream about.
In Ancient Greece a "Republic" was literally considered utopian by fucking Plato. You are a fucking idiot.
The Republic by Plato

My society would have even more freedom than ancient Greece and it would also have freedoms no longer present in the US and western democracies.
Was ancient Greece a "zoo" or did they literally create the olympics? Did they have art that we still admire today or are they cultureless like Canada? Because that is the system of government I am proposing, and with modern technology that kind of society would be infinitely superior to even the glory days of this country.

Just when I thought you understanding of human nature was the apex of your ignorance , you go and prove me wrong. Turns out your knowledge of history is even worse than that of human nature.

Ancient Greece was nothing like your described utopia. There was actual freedom in in Ancient Greece, not the forced compliance that you dream about.
In Ancient Greece a "Republic" was literally considered utopian by fucking Plato. You are a fucking idiot.
The Republic by Plato

My society would have even more freedom than ancient Greece and it would also have freedoms no longer present in the US and western democracies.

Just because you both call your version a utopia does not make them equal.

According to your own words, the people in your society would only be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings.

The people of Ancient Greece did a great many things that were not needed as human beings. In fact they excelled at things not needed.

Your society has no freedom, you keep contradicting yourself. The only freedom in your society is the freedom to do what you are told to do by the all powerful central government.
Was ancient Greece a "zoo" or did they literally create the olympics? Did they have art that we still admire today or are they cultureless like Canada? Because that is the system of government I am proposing, and with modern technology that kind of society would be infinitely superior to even the glory days of this country.

Just when I thought you understanding of human nature was the apex of your ignorance , you go and prove me wrong. Turns out your knowledge of history is even worse than that of human nature.

Ancient Greece was nothing like your described utopia. There was actual freedom in in Ancient Greece, not the forced compliance that you dream about.
In Ancient Greece a "Republic" was literally considered utopian by fucking Plato. You are a fucking idiot.
The Republic by Plato

My society would have even more freedom than ancient Greece and it would also have freedoms no longer present in the US and western democracies.

Just because you both call your version a utopia does not make them equal.

According to your own words, the people in your society would only be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings.

The people of Ancient Greece did a great many things that were not needed as human beings. In fact they excelled at things not needed.

Your society has no freedom, you keep contradicting yourself. The only freedom in your society is the freedom to do what you are told to do by the all powerful central government.
That was not my point, moron.

My point is that Plato's extremely restrictive "Republic" was considered a utopia of freedom compared to their actual society that didn't even allow women to marry who they want or even vote or get a regular education.

The freedom in my society would far exceed Sparta, much less the whole of ancient Greece. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. The freedom of my society would even exceed modern European countries by a substantial margin, and that alone would make my society of actual safety and stability better than a dying, balkanizing US ruled by anti-intellectual lunatics.
That was not my point, moron.

My point is that Plato's extremely restrictive "Republic" was considered a utopia of freedom compared to their actual society that didn't even allow women to marry who they want or even vote or get a regular education.

The freedom in my society would far exceed Sparta, much less the whole of ancient Greece. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. The freedom of my society would even exceed modern European countries by a substantial margin, and that alone would make my society of actual safety and stability better than a dying, balkanizing US ruled by anti-intellectual lunatics.

There is no freedom in your society, in your society the only things allowed are what the government lets people do. The only freedom is picking between the things the central government tells you that you are allowed to do. That is about the same freedom that someone in jail has.
That was not my point, moron.

My point is that Plato's extremely restrictive "Republic" was considered a utopia of freedom compared to their actual society that didn't even allow women to marry who they want or even vote or get a regular education.

The freedom in my society would far exceed Sparta, much less the whole of ancient Greece. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. The freedom of my society would even exceed modern European countries by a substantial margin, and that alone would make my society of actual safety and stability better than a dying, balkanizing US ruled by anti-intellectual lunatics.

There is no freedom in your society, in your society the only things allowed are what the government lets people do. The only freedom is picking between the things the central government tells you that you are allowed to do. That is about the same freedom that someone in jail has.
There is no freedom in THIS country according to your own logic.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Not being able to disparage your country for being what it is, not being able to ingest drugs that will kill you, not being able to watch porn that will destroy your libido and your view of other human beings etc is NOTHING compared to going to jail for questioning even minute aspects of the Holocaust in Germany, for treating Islam as anything but the gospel anywhere in Europe or in Canada, or even just being fired from your job and being blacklisted for employment for saying "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville. You cannot get more tyrannical or less free than a government that polices thought and the US also currently does this.
Lol, don't be stupider than you have to be.

You are the one who tried to make something of him being up late.

That was you being stupid.

Yeah.... Nope.

It's all you here mang.

Consider that this bullshit, was what you had to attack him with.

That means that there was nothing real to attack him over.

You are so insane, that you can't admit that Trump did nothing complaint worthy, for one day.

It would mean nothing, you could still hate him and oppose him on every policy.

But you cant' do that. You had to invent something.

You are fucked up.
Not helping your case there wind-bag.

Dude. We are on page 16 of a thread YOU started with nothing except that Trump was up late, and correctly pointed out that the media are whiny bitches.

This is about you, and how fucked up you are.
Lol, more idiocy.

I'm not the OP.
That was not my point, moron.

My point is that Plato's extremely restrictive "Republic" was considered a utopia of freedom compared to their actual society that didn't even allow women to marry who they want or even vote or get a regular education.

The freedom in my society would far exceed Sparta, much less the whole of ancient Greece. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. The freedom of my society would even exceed modern European countries by a substantial margin, and that alone would make my society of actual safety and stability better than a dying, balkanizing US ruled by anti-intellectual lunatics.

There is no freedom in your society, in your society the only things allowed are what the government lets people do. The only freedom is picking between the things the central government tells you that you are allowed to do. That is about the same freedom that someone in jail has.
There is no freedom in THIS country according to your own logic.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Not being able to disparage your country for being what it is, not being able to ingest drugs that will kill you, not being able to watch porn that will destroy your libido and your view of other human beings etc is NOTHING compared to going to jail for questioning even minute aspects of the Holocaust in Germany, for treating Islam as anything but the gospel anywhere in Europe or in Canada, or even just being fired from your job and being blacklisted for employment for saying "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville. You cannot get more tyrannical or less free than a government that polices thought and the US also currently does this.

While this has been fun and enlightening, I am done with this. You are just ranting like a madman now, you are making no sense at all.

I will just walk away being glad you are the outlier and that your version of the human zoo will never come to pass.

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